Antarctic Oasis Quick Reference

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Motto "Ex tres insula unus populus"
Capital Kent
Government Semi-autocratic dictatorship
Head of State Supreme Leader Cmdre Daniel Heusen
GDP (per capita) $2,115,861,687,225.00 ($4,808.78)
Population 440 million
National animal Random Animal
Currency Monetary Unit of Aki
Languages English
International affiliations United Nations; UN DEFCON; Allied Antarctic Asskickers; AOEAA


Motto "You bastards!"
Capital Paradise City
Government Federal constitutional republic
Head of State President Manuelo Fernanda
Head of Government None
Foreign Minister Secretary of State Alex Tehrani
UN Representative Ambassador Sammy Faisano
Legislature Federal Congress (bicameral)
-Senate (upper house: 100 seats)
-Assembly (lower house: 650 seats)
Administrative divisions 25 states, federal district
National holiday February 11
Electoral system direct election of senators, assemblymen, presidential electors
GDP (per capita) $187,191,737,965,652.69 ($46,083.64)
Population 4.062 billion
National animal Loch Ness Monster
Currency tree-fiddy
Languages English (de facto);
Spanish (widely spoken)
International affiliations United Nations; ACCEL; National Sovereignty Organization; Allied Antarctic Asskickers; AOEAA
Regional distinctions Founder; Charter Nation; Regional Security Council