The Meritocracy

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The Meritocracy is a close alliance of regions, with The New Meritocracy as its capital. It is governed as one region by the democratically elected Senate, members of which are prohibited from joining the United Nations. The Senate is headed by the Consul. Other officers are Censor, Quaestor, Praetor, Tribune, and Aedile. It has a Charter that goes by the name of The Accords and a body of laws, which can be amended and changed by a democratic proposal to the Senate.

The Meritocracy has traditionally held in high esteem the values of national sovereignty and capitalism, though there are notable exceptions. There is an ongoing struggle in the Senate between Senators that wish to remain a neutral nation, some to the point of isolationism, and those that wish to take a more interventionist approach to the NationStates world.

The Meritocracy
Capital The New Meritocracy
Provinces New Meritocracy
Forum The Merit Forum
Consul Aesculapius
Censor Big D Baby
Quaestor Eli
Praetor Nuclear Industrial
Aedile St.Helaire
Tribune Warrior Thorin
Nations 101
Population 450+ billion
Currency New Merit (ŧ)
 - per capita
11 282 trillion ŧ
26 687 ŧ
[Links of Papers]


There are currently 61 nations who hold Senate seats in The Meritocracy:

The Accords

Full Version

I. Preamble

Through our common bond determined by our adherence to national sovereignty and the belief that the meritorious shall rise above, we likeminded nations assemble to heighten our prosperity through reason and integrity. Bound by oath we recognize and shall adhere to these Accords and will thus forth be known as the Meritocracy. We, the nations of the Meritocracy, therefore set forth these rules and instructions for our self-governance.

II. Membership

The title of Senator shall refer to the lawfully appointed representative of a nation that resides in the region “The New Meritocracy”, has sworn the Oath of Allegiance to the Meritocracy for their nation, and have been approved by a majority affirmative vote of the standing Meritocratic Senate. All membership is voluntary, and may be renounced at any time by the Senator of the nation.

All member nations must accept the regional currency of the New Merit as legal tender for any and all international exchanges, at its current market exchange rate. It is at the nation's discretion whether or not the New Merit be accepted only in international exchanges, or whither it may also be accepted as the Nation's internal currency.

III. Leadership

A. Consul As Amended on July 19, 2005

The Senators of the Meritocracy are to elect a Consul once every twelve weeks. All eligible Senators of the Meritocracy are to be on the ballot, provided that they are nominated and seconded by Senators in good standing. Eligible members are Senators of the Meritocracy who have completed a term as Consul, Censor, Praetor, or Quaestor prior to the election. Senators that have not completed a term as Consul, Censor, Praetor, or Quaestor may be eligible if they are sponsored by three members of the Senate in good standing. The member with the most votes at the end of three days shall be elected. Should there be a tie between the candidates with the highest number of votes, they shall be placed on a second ballot, and the member with the most votes at the end of three days shall be elected.

The Consul is responsible for the leadership of the government, and has the power to settle diplomatic issues and call for votes on the floor of the Senate.

B. Executors The Executors shall consist of the Censor, the Praetor, and the Quaestor. The role of the Executors is to advise and assist the Consul, to whom they are answerable, as well as oversee and maintain the daily functions of their respective Ministries.

1. Censor The Senators of the Meritocracy are to elect a Censor once every twelve weeks. The election is to be held two weeks after the election of the Consul. All Senators that have been nominated by a Senator in good standing and have accepted their nomination are to be on the ballot, and the member with the most votes at the end of three days is elected. Should there be a tie between the candidates with the highest number of votes, they shall be placed on a second ballot, and the member with the most votes at the end of three days shall be elected.

It is the duty of the Censor to monitor the Senators of the Meritocracy and new applicants, noting their eligibility to run for office, vote, and participate in the government. The Censor shall serve as, or designate one of the Patricians Informationis as the Prosecutor in all criminal cases, unless they are being charged with a crime against the Senate, in which case the Tribune shall act as the Prosecutor, and the Patrician of Justice as the Chief Justice in the Tribune’s stead. This office is answerable to the Consul, whose orders supersede those of the Censor.

2. Praetor The Senators of the Meritocracy are to elect a Praetor once every twelve weeks. The election is to be held four weeks after the election of the Consul. All Senators that have been nominated by a Senator in good standing and have accepted their nomination are to be on the ballot, and the member with the most votes at the end of three days is elected. Should there be a tie between the candidates with the highest number of votes, they shall be placed on a second ballot, and the member with the most votes at the end of three days shall be elected.

It is the duty of the Praetor to handle all matters of internal affairs, including but not exclusive to commerce, banking, and trade. This office is answerable to the Consul, whose orders supersede those of the Praetor.

3. Quaestor The Senators of the Meritocracy are to elect a Quaestor once every twelve weeks. The election is to be held eight weeks after the election of the Consul. All Senators that have been nominated by a Senator in good standing and have accepted their nomination are to be on the ballot, and the member with the most votes at the end of three days is elected. Should there be a tie between the candidates with the highest number of votes, they shall be placed on a second ballot, and the member with the most votes at the end of three days shall be elected.

It is the duty of the Quaestor to handle all matters of intelligence, including the investigation of new applicants, and managing the Meritocratic Intelligence Agency. The Quaestor shall oversee and coordinate extra-regional diplomatic matters, including the establishment of embassies, the receiving of foreign ambassadors, and the appointment of Legati to other regions. This office is answerable to the Consul, whose orders supersede those of the Quaestor.

C. Tribune The Senators of the Meritocracy are to elect a Tribune once every twelve weeks. The election is to be held six weeks after the election of the Consul. All Senators that have been nominated by a Senator in good standing and have accepted their nomination are to be on the ballot, and the member with the most votes at the end of three days is elected. Should there be a tie between the candidates with the highest number of votes, they shall be placed on a second ballot, and the member with the most votes at the end of three days shall be elected. The Consul is ineligible for the position of Tribune.

The Tribune shall officiate over all criminal cases as Chief Justice, except those in which they are being charged with a crime against the Senate, in which case the Censor shall act as the Chief Justice in the Tribune’s stead, and one of the Patricians Informationis as chosen by the Censor shall act as the Prosecutor. The Tribune shall be responsible for interpreting the Charter and other legislation passed by the Senate, and at any time any Senator may request the Tribune to make a ruling on the correct interpretation of the law, or on the lawfulness of the actions of the Consul or an Executor of the Senate. The Tribune shall issue such a ruling, which shall have the status of legal precedent, which shall inform jurisprudence until overturned by legislation introduced by the Praetor.

D. Aedile The Senators of the Meritocracy are to elect an Aedile once every twelve weeks. The election is to be held ten weeks after the election of the Consul. All Senators that have been nominated by a Senator in good standing and have accepted their nomination are to be on the ballot, and the member with the most votes at the end of three days is elected. Should there be a tie between the candidates with the highest number of votes, they shall be placed on a second ballot, and the member with the most votes at the end of three days shall be elected.

It is the duty of the Aedile to administrate all matters of media affairs and the encouragement of foreign emigration.

E. Patricians As Amended July 8, 2005

The title of Patrician shall be granted to Senators that have proven their worth within a Curia, or have displayed exceptional merit in the Senate at large. There shall be a total of seven Patricians: two Patricians Legationis, two Patricians Informationis, two Patricians Rei Familiaris, and one Patrician Judicialis. Any vacant Patrician positions are to be voted on immediately following vacancy. Any Senator that wishes to do so may run for the position of Patrician and be placed on the ballot. The Senator with the most votes at the end of three days is elected. Should there be a tie between the candidates with the highest number of votes, they shall be placed on a second ballot, and the member with the most votes at the end of three days shall be elected.

Patricians serve lifetime appointments unless they are appointed or elected to any Senate Office (with the exception of appointment as an Acting Officeholder); they resign; or are successfully challenged. Any Senator may challenge a Patrician for their position at any time with such exceptions as noted in these Accords. Following a challenge, the Censor shall call a vote, and the Senator with the majority of the votes shall gain or retain the title of Patrician. If the challenger loses the vote to the incumbent Patrician, they shall be unable to challenge any Patrician for a period of two weeks. After each challenge vote in which they are successful, Patricians shall be immune from challenge by any Senator for a period of one week.

In the event of a vacancy in the Office of Tribune, Aedile, or one of the Executors, the Consul is given authority to name a Patrician as the Acting Officeholder, but only until such time as a new election can be organized to fill the position for the rest of the term. During the period a Patrician is serving as an Acting Officeholder he or she shall retain the rank of Patrician but shall be unable to exercise its powers, and shall be immune from challenge. After the election of the new Officer, the Acting Officeholder will return to his or her previous status as Patrician.

F. Votes of Confidence It is the duty of the Tribune to call no-confidence votes against the Consul, Executors, or Aedile when a quarter of the Senate sign a petition deeming it necessary. In a vote of no-confidence, the Senate shall vote on whether the Consul, Executor, or Aedile in question should be forced to step down. Should three-fifths of the Senate vote affirmatively that the Consul, Executor, or Aedile should step down after the end of three days, the Consul, Executor, or Aedile in question shall resign immediately, and a special election held for their position to serve the remainder of the term.

It is the duty of the Censor to call no-confidence votes against the Tribune when a quarter of the Senate sign a petition deeming it necessary. In a vote of no-confidence, the Senate shall vote on whether the Tribune should be forced to step down. Should three-fifths of the Senate vote affirmatively that the Tribune should step down after the end of three days, the Tribune shall resign immediately, and a special Tribunal election held to serve the remainder of the term.

IV. Legislation

Legislation may be drafted by any Senator in good standing within a Curia. The Executor may veto any legislation within Curia, though the Consul may override the veto. The Executor and the two Patricians of a Curia shall discuss the legislation, and pass the legislation for ratification by the Senate entire, should there be a simple majority consensus to do so. The Executor and Patricians are forbidden from abstaining on legislation in Curia.

The legislative process may also be initiated by the drafting of legislation by any Senator on the Senate floor, rather than within Curia. Legislation that goes through this process must be sponsored by at least two Patricians or Executors or combination of the two to pass to the Senate entire for ratification.

If the legislation is passed to the Senate, the Consul shall bring the legislation immediately to a vote. The vote shall span a period of no less than three days, during which all members of the Meritocracy shall be free to debate the article of legislation in a location accessible to all members of the Meritocracy. At any point during the voting period, the Tribune may denounce the legislation as against the spirit of the law. If the Tribune does not do so, a simple majority is required to pass the bill unless the bill is an amendment to these Accords, in which case a 3/5 majority is required to pass the bill. If the Tribune does denounce the bill, a 3/4 majority is required to pass the bill. If the Tribune denounces the bill and it passes anyway, the Consul has the right to call for a vote of no confidence against the Tribune. If the no confidence vote receives a 3/5 majority, the Tribune will be replaced, and a special Tribunal election shall be immediately held.

All voting on legislation in Curia or before the entire Senate will be by open voting. The Censor will administer all elections for office, votes regarding the granting of membership to applicants, and votes of no confidence, unless the Censor is a candidate, in which case, the sitting Consul will choose one other Executor to administer the election.

No legislation shall infringe on a member nation’s sovereignty without the express permission of said nation’s legitimate governing body.

All bills passed by the Senate shall be stored within the Senate Archive.

V. Curiae

Curiae shall be broadly responsible for facilitating the discussion and ratification of legislation pertaining to internal and external affairs of the Meritocracy. Each Curiae shall be headed by the appropriate Executor, excepting the Curia Nuntii, which shall be headed by the Aedile. The Patricians Legationis shall be associated with the Curia Legationist; the Patricians Informationis shall be associated with the Curia Informationis; the Patricians Rei Familiaris shall be associated with the Curia Rei Familiaris.

A. Curia Legationis The Curia Legationis, to be headed by the Quaestor, will be responsible for drafting legislation pertaining to security measures for the Meritocracy, as well as legislation pertaining to relations outside of the Meritocracy.

B. Curia Informationis The Curia Informationis, to be headed by the Censor, will be responsible for drafting legislation pertaining to the rules of entry, census, membership information, and methods of communication within the Meritocracy. The Curia Informationis shall also be responsible for conducting all surveys of the region, including cartography, demographics, and whatever other information the Senate deems appropriate, and for reviewing and managing new membership applications.

C. Curia Rei Familiaris The Curia Rei Familiaris, to be headed by the Praetor, will be responsible for drafting legislation pertaining to the interaction of members of the Meritocracy, including what matters should be brought before the Tribune for adjudication. The Curia Rei Familiaris shall also be responsible for coordinating financial interactions between member states, including providing information on exchange rates, and maintaining oversight over any stock exchange that nations may develop.

F. Curia Nuntii The Curia Nuntii, to be headed by the Aedile, will be responsible for drafting legislation pertaining to the proper distribution, content, and construction of domestic and foreign media documents prepared by the Meritocracy, and for the proper encouragement of immigration from other regions as prescribed by regional and world law. The Curia Nuntii shall also be responsible for preparing the Meritocratic Times for domestic and foreign distribution at an interval to be determined by the Aedile, and for the proper dispatch of material designed to encourage the emigration of nations to Meritocratic provinces, by all channels held legal by regional and world law.

VI. Expulsion

The Senate shall have the ability to initiate an expulsion process by having 1/4 of the Senate sign a petition indicating their belief that the Senator from the member nation in question has acted in an unmeritorious manner. The Consul, unless they are the Senator in question, shall then call a vote that shall span a period of three days. If 3/5 of the Senate vote in the affirmative to expel the member nation in question, they shall be stripped of their membership status and expelled them from the region. If the Consul is from the member nation in question, the Tribune shall call the expulsion vote.

Any nation residing in the Meritocracy that takes the Oath and breaks it can be forcibly expelled from the region by the sitting government. The case for removal must be brought before the sitting Tribune, and then secure a 3/5 vote from all sitting Senators.

Any nation residing in the Meritocracy that orders any armed force in their service into or within 100 miles of the Meritocratic Administrative District or hinders traversal to and from the Meritocratic Administrative District in any way can be forcibly expelled from the region by the sitting government. The case for removal must be brought before the sitting Tribune, and then secure a 3/5 vote from all sitting Senators.

VII. Ratification

The following nations hereby ratify these Accords:

The Nation of Aesculapius The Nation of B4kst4br The Nation of the Bankers Union The Nation of Big D Baby The Nation of Camozayo The Nation of Cortath The Nation of Czarist Duchies The Nation of Eli The Nation of Evans The Nation of Frappuccino The Nation of Free Trade States The Nation of Lord Flashheart The Nation of New Hippograd The Nation of Nuclear Industrial The Nation of Pittsland The Nation of Puppet States The Nation of Spartahori The Nation of Super Cars The Nation of Tibanaarsca The Nation of Tresville


Main article: History of the Meritocracy, as written by Former Senator, Lord Tom from Thomasia

See also

  • The Meritocracy ACCEL ACCEL Introduction
  • The Herodotus Project, the most ambitious RP project ever created in NS, this is an ongoing, extensive effort to describe the RP history of the Meritocracy from 3500 years ago to today.

External links