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Theillardism is a relatively new mystical christian current, influenced by the french mystic priest [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teilhard_de_Chardin Pierre Teilhard de Chardin].
Theillardism is a relatively new mystical christian current, influenced by the french mystic priest [[wikipedia:Pierre Teilhard de Chardin|Pierre Teilhard de Chardin]].
Teilhard de Chardin is the man who had reconciled christianism with evolution in mid XX century. For him, the “plan of god” for humanity is a progressive virtuous dual spiral of love and evolution. Then the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_coming second coming] of Jesus is a metaphor of this spiral. Theillardists don’t refer anymore to many traditional dogmas. Some call themselves as [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Transhumanism Christian transhumanists].
Teilhard de Chardin is the man who had reconciled christianism with evolution in mid XX century. For him, the “plan of god” for humanity is a progressive virtuous dual spiral of love and evolution. Then the [[wikipedia:Second coming|second coming]] of Jesus is a metaphor of this spiral. Theillardists don’t refer anymore to many traditional dogmas. Some call themselves as [[wikipediaChristian transhumanists|Christian transhumanists].
This religious group is also influenced by the German catholic theologian [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugen_Drewermann Eugen Drewermann] which teaching can be summarized by the following: “the reality of the message of love of Jesus is a reality superior to the reality of his status as god son and even superior to the reality of god as a supreme being or a being”.
This religious group is also influenced by the German catholic theologian [[wikipedia:Eugen Drewermann|Eugen Drewermann]] which teaching can be summarized by the following: “the reality of the message of love of Jesus is a reality superior to the reality of his status as god son and even superior to the reality of god as a supreme being or a being”.
Theillardism is the main religion in [[Love and esterel]]. Many Christian celebrations in [[Love and esterel]] are inter-religious, where believers from other main religion and others faith are invited to attend and contribute. Theillardists also attend regularly others religions celebrations.
Theillardism is the main religion in [[Love and esterel]]. Many Christian celebrations in [[Love and esterel]] are inter-religious, where believers from other main religion and others faith are invited to attend and contribute. Theillardists also attend regularly others religions celebrations.

Revision as of 23:01, 23 November 2005

The neutrality of this article is disputed.

This article deals with Christianity as it relates to NationStates. For more general information, see the Wikipedia article on this subject.

A wooden cross
Christianity is a religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as described in the New Testament. Christianity in Nationstates encompasses numerous religious traditions that widely vary by culture , as well as very diverse beliefs and sects. Christianity has been grouped into three main branches: Catholicism, Protestantism and Eastern Orthodoxy. Also, there are several non-mainstream variants of Christianity which will be discussed in this article.

Major Christian alliances and regions in NationStates include The Reich and the Greater Prussian Empire. The Dominion of the Holy Vatican See is accepted by a large number of NS Nations as the location of the Vatican, and as such, as the Pope of the NS Roman Catholic Church although there are many others who also claim this title. Nations which are especially noted for their practicing of Christianity (due to the central role it has in their roleplay) are the Teutonic Empire of Lavenrunz, the Holy and Most August Empire of Pantocratoria and the Republic of Syskeyia. However many other nations have significant Christian populations and it would go too far to list them all here.

The role of Christianity in the NS World


In the Nationstates game, Christianity plays a somewhat different role in a number of nations than it does it most nations in the real world. While there is a relatively large number of nations where Christianity is somewhat comparable to its RL equivalents, the extreme fundamentalist forms tend to get the greater amount of attention (as the exception tends to be more noticed than the rule). As a consequence, most of the article shall focus on such nations.

Radicalism and Fundamentalism

The more fundamentalist or radical versions of Christianity in NS tend to have quite a few things in common, and although not all of them are equal, a majority of comparable traits can generally be found wherever the more violent forms show up.

  • Sexualism, the persecution of people on the basis of sexuality (especially homosexuals) is common in some "fundamentalist" countries.
  • Inquisitions exist in quite a few Christian nations, especially Catholic ones. (In RL the Dignitatis Humanae compels Catholics to believe religious freedom to be a human right, but such nations don't acknowledge the existence of this document.)
  • Organised Persecution of competing religious groups is common (With exceptions. Most Reich nations tend to consider Muslims as being equal). Genocide is a daily phenomenon.
  • Xenophobia, especially fear of different species such as non-humans who are portrayed either as animals or as dangers to the faith. Elves have frequently been the target of persecution.


There are actually quite a few nations where Christianity is religionwanked in order to be 'evil'. These are merely some examples.

Iesus Christi is possibly one of the best- known examples. It is also one of the more conventional ones. Claiming to be a Roman Catholic nation, it more accurately promotes a Naziesque ideology with a Catholic coating, using Christ, Mary, the Gospels and the saints to promote all kinds of genocide, atrocity and horror.

Endless Crimes is a Reich nation like Iesus Christi, with a most peculiar version of Christianity, featuring genemod angels. It also bans sex and procreation, despite 1 Timothy 4:3's warning against false prophets forbidding people to marry (and, it is implied, procreate).

Infinite Loving is one of the oddest examples. Here, Homosexuality is not illegal, but mandatory, while heterosexuality is frowned upon, and used only for procreational purposes. Women are considered nothing more but wombs.

Furthermore, there are nations where Christianity is wanked in order to be 'good'. While most of the NS community OOCly agrees on what is *bad* (genocide, persecution, etc.), there is no agreement on on what is morally good. For example, some Christian nations display a conservative moral agenda as a sign of being a good country. Examples of this include the Republic of Syskeyia's short-lived Senatus Ultimum Consultum against Tanah Burung society writer John Santyana, an action which some have perceived as a "Catholic fatwah" against overly liberal nations and individuals, ([1]), or severe action taken by said nations (as well as other countries) against anti-Christian religions, such as Satanism. The vehemently anti-Catholic brand of Protestantism professed by Reichskamphen might also be an example.

Stuck in the middle

There remain other 'important' Christian nations, which manage to avoid wanking of Christianity to a greater or lesser extent than the ones mentioned above. Then there are nations that, in trying to play out their Christianity, get stuck in between the "Christian fascists" and their non-Christian opponents. The Republic of Syskeyia is again an example of a nation whose quarrels with the Reich concerning human rights, elves and so forth are well known, but whose orthodox Catholicism threw it in trouble with some of its friends in the now-defunct South Atlantic Treaty Organization, especially Knootoss. Finally, there are some virulently anti-fascist Christian nations who show zero tolerance towards the "Christian fascists", and consider them to be heretics or blasphemers. Constantinopolis is a prime example of such a nation.

Of course, many nations are mainly populated by Christians without holding Christianity as an official religion or having any state church; Indeed, this may be so for the majority of the world's nations, or at least a very large minority.

Christian Denominations in the NS World

Roman Catholicism

(Main article: Roman Catholicism)
Many NS nations profess the Christian Roman Catholic religion and loyalty to the Holy See. Unlike the real world, however, there is little unity among declared Catholics, usually due to the matter of the Holy See. Some Roman Catholic nations prefer to recognize a pope from within the NationStates community, such as Pope Leo of the Holy Vatican See. Others acknowledge only the real-life Pope, usually Benedict XVI, but sometimes a past, future, or alternative one, in accordance with their roleplayed history line. There is also a Vacant see, where the Conclave is formed, in order to elect the new pontiff. A number of national and variant-rite churches exist. Twentish Catholicism and the Frenzberrian Catholic Church are fully seperate from the Roman Catholic Church.


(Main Article: Protestantism)

Protestantism is a general grouping of denominations within Christianity. In RL it generally refers to churches which separated from the Roman Catholic Church in the Reformation (but not to Eastern Orthodox denominations). In NS it may also refer to groups which seperated later or other groups which are ideologically or dogmatically close to the groups mentioned before. The primary principle of the Protestant faith is often referred to as "Sola Scriptura", which is the teaching of God's word without any additions or subtractions therefrom, as Protestants see it.

Eastern Orthodoxy

(Main article: Eastern Orthodoxy)

The Eastern Orthodox Church is a body of Christians who believe their origins extend directly back to Jesus and his Apostles through unbroken Apostolic Succession. Its division from Roman Catholicism has as much to do with culture, language, and politics as theology. A definitive date for the commencement of schism cannot be given, although conventionally, it is often said that the final split between the Churches of Rome and Constantinople occurred in 1054 (often called the Great Schism).

Other denominations


Eru-Christianity is perhaps the largest religious grouping in the Federation of Sentient Peoples. It modifies primarily Protestant principles from RL Christianity and combines them with the religious ideas derived in the 'Tolkienesque' religions. The major changes occur in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, including a different Creation Story (The one included in the Ainulindalë) and an expansion of the role of angels in early religious history, including the roles of the Ainur as described in the Valaquenta, who are portrayed as high level angels. Further, the religion promotes tolerance and understanding of other religions, and encourages scientific discovery and the acquiring of knowledge. While it does not approve of certain lifestyles, it argues for assistance and understanding, not persecution. Unlike some other major Christian sects, it does not rule out the possibility of evolution.

Virginian Catholicism

Virginian Catholicism is founded on the same beliefs as Catholicism. The religion became popular right before the creation the Holy Republic of Catholic Virginians. The sect fails to acknowledge any other Catholic popes except their own. The followers of this sect are believed to be very spiritual and psychotic with their beliefs. Virginian Catholics are very hostile towards all Protestants and have executed many of them. The current Pope of the Virginian Church is Pope Innocent I.

Makaarian National Church

The Makaarian National Church was once the largest religious group in Makaar, with almost the entire population worshipping in it. However, the government became atheist, and the people followed, reducing the church's power. Originally a Protestant sect, the church began to integrate several different gods into its teachings. While Yaweh remained the main god, people began to believe in six other gods. While some Makaarian people still believe and worship in the church, most are atheist, and the government has declared itself completely atheist.

Godwinnian Catholic Church

(Main article: Godwinnian Catholic Church)

This is the main church within the island nation of Godwinnia, where over 90% of the inhabitants are at least nominally amongst its members, and is also influential in most of the former Godwinnian colonies such as St Edmund. It originated when the English refugees who founded 'Godwinnia' shortly after the Normans had conquered England itself in 1066AD decided that a combination of their new homeland's geographical isolation and their anger at the Pope's support of the Normans made a break with Rome necessary. Despite the official name it is no longer truly "Catholic" in its teachings, having adopted a form of the 'Pelagian' heresy (which denies the doctrine of Original Sin) at an early date at least in part as one way of emphasising its separate identity. Its bishops and archbishops are chosen by the King, on the advice of the 'Witan' [parliament], from short-lists drawn up by the relevant diocesan synods.

Galactic Church of Pentecost

(Main Article: Galactic Church of Pentecost)

The Galactic Church of Pentecost has a large following in Glasbyd, where the Church has a following of over 75% of the nation. It is a Biblical literalist denomination with an hierarchical episcopacy.


Theillardism is a relatively new mystical christian current, influenced by the french mystic priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

Teilhard de Chardin is the man who had reconciled christianism with evolution in mid XX century. For him, the “plan of god” for humanity is a progressive virtuous dual spiral of love and evolution. Then the second coming of Jesus is a metaphor of this spiral. Theillardists don’t refer anymore to many traditional dogmas. Some call themselves as [[wikipediaChristian transhumanists|Christian transhumanists].

This religious group is also influenced by the German catholic theologian Eugen Drewermann which teaching can be summarized by the following: “the reality of the message of love of Jesus is a reality superior to the reality of his status as god son and even superior to the reality of god as a supreme being or a being”.

Theillardism is the main religion in Love and esterel. Many Christian celebrations in Love and esterel are inter-religious, where believers from other main religion and others faith are invited to attend and contribute. Theillardists also attend regularly others religions celebrations.