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Part of a series of articles on
Religion in the DU

Book of Sol
Ustarema · Imoy-Ikust
Solray · Eyygui
Solist-Floydist Conflict

Book of Floyd
Acco Spoot · Sean Phillips · Kevin Niemann
Esperanto · Worms
Solist-Floydist Conflict

George Pita · Morningstar
The Glorious Empire

Philanchez · Ebon-Excelsior
Exicathism · Abascalania

Floydian Anarchists (otherwise known as Worms, Hammers or Dogs) are the epitome of Anti-Floydism because they stand against the Church and could potentially destroy the Church. So far only two cells of Worms have been identified, one from the nation of Tetris L-Shaped Block (believed to be were it started) and one from the nation of Spooty.

Floydian Anarchists at an Anti-Church Rally in Gameboy City, Tetris L-Shaped Block.


In the past (specifically in Spooty) Worms have been noted to spend thier time around right wing materials, they have also been known to discriminate against Jews, Gays and Blacks as well as their prefered target Floydians, as previously mentioned this is more notable in Spooty as Mr Botam (sometimes Botham) is both the leader of the Worms sleeper cell and the Spootian Nationalists Party. Their basic belief is that there is only one source of authority to which people are ultimately answerable, the authority of Pink Floyd as embodied in the band. Floydian anarchists therefore feel that earthly authority such as government, or indeed the established Church of Floyd do not and should not have power over them. Floydian anarchists are violent and are renowned for being extremely brutal (especially to traitors and church workers). They often shave their head in protest, fly the hammer flag of Pink Floyd, and are known for chanting "Tear Down the Church" through the streets.

The Worms have garnered support through spreading propoganda and lies about Floydism, and by fomenting fear. Rallies and marches instill fear, often accompanied by overt violence in which stores are smashed and Church members beaten to bloody pulps.

Noted Leaders

As part of the Tradition started by Robert Tylerson, Worms often adopt a "Worm Name" for themselves.

Robert "Pink" Tylerson

Robert "Pink" Tylerson was born in a small town of Malbonio, Tetris L-Shaped Block, and started the "Floydian Anarchist Movement". He taught classes and was convicted of murder of eight local Barrettists leaders, two Masonist leaders, and one Waterist leader (Though the Tetirs L-Shaped Block Government has said that through his followers, he was indirectly responsible for 300 deaths and about 1300 injuries). His leading priciple was that in a dream he was told by spirits that he had to lead a "Revolution" of Floydism and start by destroying its present form. He claimed that the Church of Floyd had become a corrupt organization, and had re-written The Holy Book of Floyd. He formed a large cult of personality in the Block. He also claimed that True Floydism should come from within the spirit, not an institution. He influenced many and encouraged a movement which sought to destroy the church and anyone alligned with it, in order to stop "distractions of the spirit". He was arrested and convicted durring a march outside Gameboy City, and sentenced to 45 years in a mental institution.

Floydian Anarchists lead by Robert "Pink" Tylerson at an Anti-Government March outside a Church in Tetris L-Shaped Block.

Charles "Arsehole Judge" Botam

Charles Botam, a former student of Pink's who was inspired by the wicked ways of Pink when he returned to visit his distantly related cousin Derek Spoot, attempted to harrass the Church. Botam soon found his way into power, where he took Fritz Schmeil under his wing and trained him as his pupil. Charles, who was later betrayed by Fritz, lives happily in a specially made padded cell in Spootopolis Mansion.

Councilo "Storm" Anderson

Anderson was a natural born killer born in Moskvo. How Anderson rose to power is unknonw, but it is known that he began by leading the Floydian Anarchist Movement in the southern square. Anderson was a vetran of the Second DU War, and lost much of his sanity in serving the LLF. Under his leadership Worms in the Southwest were able comandeer a port. The port, called "Worm Central" by the presses, was to recieve weapons for the 40 top worms from TGE Imperial Intelligence Agents, disguised as a TGE Mofia. When the ship came to port, the 39 men (Anderson stayed in Moskvo) got on the ship and were ordered to set off explosives on it once they came off. Due to faulty equipment, a massive explosion caused the entire port to go up in flames, causing all 500 worms stationed there to either die or kill themselves. Following the disaster, Anderson spoke to his men and revealed that he was glad they died. Anderson said the leader of the 39 men he sent, his Second in Command, was a drag on his power and had been dragging the movement down for years.

With his leadership of the Worms uncheacked, Storm began to lead his worms in a more violent direction. Murders in Gameboy-City and riots throught the Block were caused. Storm was able to keep the police off his tail by giving a radio adress in which he claimed he wished to "Liberate Pink". This caused the Tetris L-Shaped Block to call upon help from The Glorious Empire, Palixia, and Philanchez. The radio message confuzed many Tetroid intellegence agents and caused many of the police to be positioned in imporpoer locations. Storm lead his assault on the Office of the Player without any suspicions by the police. The police caught on, and as he rushed into the Player's room, a Palixian policeman lodged a bullet through his head. The last thing Storm saw as he fell to his knees was the horrible secret kept by the TLSB government -- The player was already dead. What he saw was also visible to the Palixian and Philanchezian troops, and the Tetroid government decided to end the position of the Player in order to keep speculation about conspiracy down. The Philanchezian and Palixian men were paid off and the TLSB created a new Head of State and Government position -- The Gamma.