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Flag of Omigodtheykilledkenny
Motto: "You bastards!"
Region Antarctic Oasis
Capital Paradise City
Official Language(s) English, Spanish
Leader Manuelo Fernanda
Population 1.75 billion
Currency tree-fiddy 
NS Sunset XML

The Federal Republic of Omigodtheykilledkenny is a medium-sized Antarctic nation, boasting a fiercely patriotic, flag-waving, (obviously) cold-averse, intelligent, well-educated, literate, (American) football-loving, devoutly religious and heavily armed citizenry. Unfortunately, the nation's citizens also rank among the dumbest in the world [1], and are easily swayed by catchy slogans, jingles and clever marketing gimmicks -- which has allowed the corporations to assume total control over their society and political system.

Founded on a centrist democratic tradition, the Omigodtheykilledkenny government has since become a virtual wholly owned subsidiary of the national corporate conglomerate. Economic freedoms are unparalleled, corporate dominance is near-absolute, economic restrictions and regulations are almost non-existent, and members of the national labor force enjoy no guaranteed rights. This has resulted in a massive economic boom, making the Federal Republic the economic superpower in its region and bringing its leading companies to the very forefront of cutting-edge technologal advances and international trade and commerce.

Though according to the United Nations the Federal Republic is a notorious "Corporate Bordello," the nation still maintains a strong democratic tradition and a mind for human rights -- mostly because the government's corporate masters believe they can profit the most from a democratic government; they argue a more oppressive regime practicing repeated extrajudicial killings, beatings or detentions may cut into their customer base. The nation's people and laws embrace free speech for adherents of even the most radical and unpopular ideologies.

Government and Politics

Omigodtheykilledkenny is a federal republic, and as such adheres to the principles of federalism and republicanism. Thus, the federal government is divided into co-equal executive, legislative and judicial branches, and relinquishes many powers to the republic's 25 sovereign states. Though the people participate in universal, open, free, fair and democratic elections, corporations control the entire process, writing party platforms, bankrolling political advertising, approving speeches and campaign promises, and openly sponsoring their preferred candidates -- who are often seen on the campaign trail sporting racing jackets decorated with colorful corporate logos.

Two main parties dominate the political landscape: the pro-gun, pro-military, pro-life, anti-tax, anti-government, anti-UN Conservative Reform Party -- to which current President Manuelo Fernanda belongs -- and the opposition anti-gun, anti-war, pro-choice, pro-government, pro-UN Pansy-ass Liberal Hippy Treehugger Party. Former President John Thorne, now a senator, leads the opposition. The CRP controls the bicameral Federal Congress.

Federal Congress

The Federal Congress is the bicameral national legislature and consists of an Assembly and a Senate, members of each houses being popularly elected. The Congress is where the nation's competing corporate interests flex their political muscle; they urge their supporters in both houses to use "whatever means necessary" to pass their pet legislation: most often this includes violence, and congressional sessions usually degenerate into all-out brawls, with dueling coalitions attempting to beat the other side into submission. Amazingly, no one has died in these bloody political wars.


The lower house, which has the "power of the purse," so to speak, and intitiates all federal appropriations, has 650 members, in most cases representing districts with relatively equal numbers of people. The Assembly also holds the power of impeachment.


The upper house, which ratifies treaties and confirms executive appointees, consists of three to five elected representatives from each state. The Senate also tries all impeachments, convicting accused officials by a two-thirds vote. Although there are currently 100 senators, each state has only one vote in the upper chamber.

Executive Branch

The president and vice president of the Federal Republic are elected separately to 5-year terms by a 725-member Electoral College, the members of which are apportioned according to the congressional contingency of each of the 25 states. The federal district does not vote. Because the two are elected separately, it is possible the a president and vice president may belong to different political parties. Currently, the president belongs a major national political party while the vice president is a political indepedent. They were chosen by electors who endorsed both.

The president retains all exectutive powers, including serving as Commander in Chief of the armed forces, appointing ambassadors, envoys and agency and department heads, hosting foreign dignitaries, advocating the nation's interests abroad, lobbying for preferred legislation in the Federal Congress, and signing acts of Congress into law or vetoing the same. The vice president chairs the Senate and pretty much sits around and waits for the president to die, leave the country or take sick. Then she is in charge.

Key Cabinet Officials

Office Officeholder
President Manuelo Fernanda
Vice President Antigone Morgan
Secretary of State Alex Tehrani
Secretary of Defense Charlie Valentine
Attorney General Miguel Sanchez
Ambassador to the UN Jack Riley

UN Activity

Upon its founding, Omigodtheykilledkenny joined the United Nations and instantly became an outspoken opponent of legislation infringing on national sovereignty. It has opposed legislation such as the International Court of Justice, bans on chemical and biological arms, and the Freedom of Conscience act, and has strived to repeal the Protection of Dolphins Act. (See also Omigodtheykilledkenny's voting history as a UN delegate.)

Though very active in UN affairs, the Federal Republic remains openly hostile to the international organization. It has issued orders to its people to shoot any UN official on sight if caught violating the nation's sovereign borders. It also supervises the regionwide counter-Gnome operations, carried out by The Gnomish Warbands and elite penguin gnome-hunting commandos.

The Fernanda Administration has been a strong critic of UN "excesses," and even withdrew the Federal Republic from the UN in 1999, when the nation was moved to the region of Valdesia -- which forbade UN membership. Fernanda left office in 2000, and his liberal successor, John Thorne, applied to rejoin the international organization; Fernanda agreed to go along with another term of UN membership when he returned to office in 2005, but he insisted that the Federal Republic push for vital reforms in the "corrupt" body.

The Federal Republic's ambassador to the UN is Jack Riley, an undiplomatic smart alec who has been anything but a supporter of the UN. He once declared -- only half-jokingly -- that the United Nations headquarters be demolished and the body move to new digs "in the basement of a crackhouse in south-central Paradise City. We wouldn't even charge rent." Riley's appointment has been highly controversial, with liberals labeling him a "firebrand" and even going so far as to accuse the president of wanting to "sabotage" the UN

Omigodtheykilledkenny, the regional delegate for Antarctic Oasis, is a member of the UN Old Guard and the National Sovereignty Organization.


The Federal Republic of Omigodtheykilledkenny was founded in 1785 by desperate pilgrims seeking to escape persecution by the bloodthirsty Killer Prostitutes of the fearsome Nath-Nath Death Cult in their home country, the name and location of which has since been misplaced. Luckily, the weary travelers found the spacious and mostly unpopulated continent of Ameranta, and soon made contact with other infant nations in the region.

Recent History

In 1995, the people of the Federal Republic elected as president Manuelo Fernanda, a former amateur boxer going by the title "The Destructor from Del Fuego, Mexico." Sponsored by Blast! Cola, Fernanda had pledged to address the threats posed by rogue nations with weapons of mass destruction, and furthermore promised "to kick some serious terrorist ass!" He accused his rather bland opponent of being unpatriotic, and was elected in a landslide.

The next year, Fernanda made good on his promise to stamp out rogue nations. Omigodtheykilledkenny (then still situated on the Amerantan continent) expressed its alarm at the threats of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction posed by the rogue, oil- and blood-soaked desert region of Valdesia, and soon invaded the hostile nation of Lois-Must-Die, forcing regime change and holding elections, which resulted in the rise to power of another evil dictator, but a much more Ameranta-friendly one. For years, Omigodtheykilledkenny maintained a massive military presence in Lois-Must-Die, increasing its intelligence capabilities in that troubled region.

Three years after the Lois-Must-Die invasion, the Federal Republic expressed its intention to leave Ameranta if its left-wing founder would not halt its expulsions of nations it deemed too "dictatorial" for the "democratic" region. It did leave, cutting a deal with Valdesia's founder to realign much of its occupying forces in Lois-Must-Die in exchange for Valdesian real estate. A 2003 seismic catastrophe destroyed Valdesia and enveloped most of its nations, only a few escaping to an Antarctic refuge -- including the Federal Republic.

Related Entries

Repeal "Protection of Dolphins Act" (failed)
Repeal "Fossil Fuel Reduction Act"
Ambassadors to and from Omigodtheykilledkenny
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