Iosif S. Wright (Democratic Union)

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Iosif S. Wright, also known as the Ustarema of Solray or simply the Ustarema, is the central figure in Solism. He is distinguished by being one of the few divine figures who is not only still living, but also in political control of a nation.


Born in Solray to mutant refugees from The Glorious Empire, Iosif lived a largely uneventful childhood. He studied Solism, the ancient religion of the country, in great detail. He was particularly fascinated with the prophecies in the Book of Sol that dealt with the coming of the Messiah. One phrase in particular said, "When the man who shines of burning rays comes from a land south of the Moon of Water, ye shall revere him as The Son for he shall make ye shine as the Sun lights the Moon, for all to behold!".

Rise to Power

One day, when the sun rose to its highest celestial crown in the heavens, Iosif rose and presented himself before the government of Solray, claiming to have fulfilled the prophecies and earned his rightful place in power. After much deliberation, the government agreed to make him both the spiritual and political leader of the nation, and conferred upon him the title Divine Son of Solray.

Iosif proceeded to enact new teachings in Solism, as well as clarifying interpretations of the ancient words. Solism experienced an active resurgence in the nation, once again becoming the centerpoint of the people's lives. When the Great DU War began, Iosif ardently supported the grand alliance against the Glorious Empire and personally led the Solist army into battle.

Death and Resurrection

In the forefront of one of the bloodiest campaigns, Iosif was murdered by a young TGE soldier of fickle faith and a clouded mind. His body was discovered among the dead after the battle had ended. This led to a period of public mourning and an unprecedented influx of military enlistments.

Only days after his death, Iosif reappeared in a public square in Solray's capital city. He claimed to have visited his home and returned to walk the earth once more. The news of his resurrection spread quickly, inciting happiness and celebration throughout the nation. It was at this point that he took the title Ustarema, the ancient word meaning "God".

After his return to power, the new government of the Glorious Empire apologized profusely for the actions committed by the previous regime, including the murder of the Ustarema. They had managed to locate the soldier responsible for firing the fatal shot, and brought him before Iosif to be punished. Rather than kill or even jail the man, the Ustarema quietly thanked him for sending him back to his home and forgave him for his actions. Unable to believe such a level of compassion, the soldier fell to his knees in tears and converted immediately. The man eventually became a high-ranking officer in the Solist military.



Having gained even more respect and credibility, the Ustarema declared that it was time to make disciples of all nations. Missionaries were sent out to every nation in the region with the goal of converting the native people. In many countries, such as Eyygui and Ebon-Excelsior, the crusades were extremely successful. However, other nations, such as Palixia and Socialist Freemen, didn't prove to be very receptive to the idea of Solism. At times, such as with the case of Abascalania, more controversial methods have been used to convert a nation.

Supreme Order of Man

Wishing to maintain the balance of power, the Ustarema created the Imoy-Ikust, the ancient word meaning "devil" or "demon". She was meant to be the "darkest being in existence" and a member of the Supreme Order of Man, a secret group of Solist religious figures.

Unbeknownst to the general public, the Imoy-Ikust was originally a normal woman who was mutated with the Ustarema's blood. As time passed, the Ustarema has recruited more people into the Order, calling them Angels and having them be spiritual leaders for Solist nations.