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The Federated Imperium of Kajal
Soram Murana Kajur-Sa
O seiya her farhirra no myra lan cey arasur i O alari.
You must walk in darkness to see the light at the end of the journey.
Spoken Languages
Riikan, Deriiv, Ljosa, Solan
Capital Kajurmani
Flag kajal.jpg
Head of State Imperatrix Lirella Keral
Prime Minister Derin Kavar (Democratic Kajal Party/DKP)
Leaders of the Opposition Vierun Muraan (Unified Economic Initiative/UEI)
Jiraga Shenar (Environmental Party of Kajal/EPK)
 - Land
 - Water

870,747,000 km²
926,596,006 km²
5.837 billion (2006 Total)
Kajal - 1.5+ Billion (40%)
Solanna - 1+ Billion (24%)
Ljosal Dan - 500+ Million (14%)
Kajal Mars - 500+ Million (14%)
Derivan - 300+ Million (8%)
 - as city-states
 - as kingdoms
 - as nation-states
 - as a planetary Empire
 - as a constitutional republic
CE 4
CE 209
CE 615
CE 1126
CE 2005
Government type Bicameral-parliamentary
Nation type Constitutional monarchy
National animal
English name
Kajali Tiger
 - Exchange rate
1 Galac (₪) = 200 faro (₫)
₪ 1,00 = US$2.2
National Charter of Rights Arakam i Shiyar iya Da-rin
Charter of Rights and Freedoms
International Abbreviations
 - government

Internet TLD .kj

The Federated Imperium of Kajal was initially founded as the Imperium of Kajal in 878BDE, through the conquest of the nations of Kajal by what is now the province of Mejar. The Imperium itself was founded with the original goal of uniting the Kajali people under one flag, without the bickering and inevitable bureaucracy that often accompanies democracy.

While there are many historical sites across Kajal, such as cave paintings, or crude tunnel complexes, remains obtained through archeological excavations suggest that the planet of Kajal has been inhabitated by Kajali for approximately 180,000 years. Recorded history effectively begins with the "Book of Laan", a major religious text. Little is known of life on Kajal before the text was written - it is quite possibly the first text written that was preserved over the millenia in Kajal. Fossils are piecemeal and difficult to obtain, thanks to the desert environment that most of habitable Kajal is.

As a nation, Kajal has nearly always been isolated from outside interference. Its location is far enough away that Kajal would not recieve the first televised broadcast of Earth until the Terran year 2379, though more recently, programming from Earth has been sent to the Four Worlds using subspace communications technology.

Kajal achieved Faster than Light ability in 734BDE, and has improved upon the technology to the point that it is commonplace for a civilian to travel between Kajal and Sol regularly. The establishment of Kajal Mars, in 682BDE, helped to further consolidate Kajali assets within Sol, as well as allowing for a higher level of interaction with the nations residing within the star system. Kajal is also currently a full member of VERITAS.

The current date in Kajal is Dan-Sansu-Sor Celay, 239DE.



Location: Pleiades cluster, approximately 440 light years away from Sol. Kajal is commonly regarded as an extension of Tareldanorë. The Federated Imperium consists of four "Core Worlds" and numerous small colonies located within and outside of the Pleiades cluster.

Land Boundaries

Border Countries: Kajal Mars shares borders with Eniqcir, Sunset, Wazzu Elysium, and Qaaolchouraav Mars.


The climate of the Federated Imperium is largely temperate and tropical, as the majority of the population resides in such areas. However, due to the interplanetary nature of the nation, all known climates and terrains are represented within the Imperium. Derivan is primarily temperate with large polar ice caps, while Kajal is a lush tropical world with temperate polar regions, and arid desert near the equator. Ljosal Dan and Solanna occupy opposing extremes - the former is experiencing an ice age, while the latter is a desert planet with pockets of tropical vegetation. The four core worlds have similar forces of gravity - "Kajali Standard" often refers to a force of 1.1 gees.

Elevation extremes

  • Lowest Point: Sea level
  • Highest Point: Krejer, 6,232m

Natural Resources

  • Aside from all known elements found within Sol, the Kajali produce approximately four minerals that were previously unknown - Grer, Seneres, Murais, and Shrena. Of these elements, only Shrena is suitable for industrial use, and is often alloyed to create items such as armor plate, vehicle hulls, or construction elements.

Land use

  • Arable Land: 6.34%
  • Other: 93.54%
  • Permanent Crops: 0.12%
  • Natural Hazards: All known natural hazards encountered in Sol are present within the Federated Imperium.


It would be folly to think that Kajal did not have its heros or charismatic leaders, as they are often still in office, however, neither the Imperatrix Keral or Prime Minister Kavar have the same reputation in Kajal as they do outside of it. The government of Kajal is effectively composed of a group who were given the chance to participate in democratic government on Mars while no such movement was allowed in Kajal, and even then, the old Imperium deigned to attack Kajal Mars twice over the matter.

Outside Kajal, the Imperatrix is famous for her Democratic Revolution, the government that formed as a result famous for its politicians who were once fashion models, or soldiers in the Separatist War. Taking into consideration the seemingly indefinite Kajali lifespan, it is likely that in a thousand years, such heros will still appear as they do today, though they may have changed offices.

Terrans, of course, immediately find the Kajali culture overpowering. It is bright, it is vibrant, and it is very, very large. Kajali researchers have claimed that only two Terran cultures could be compared to that of Kajal, and they have stated that those prospective cultures are those of India and Japan, though they do believe that a combination of the two would be more accurate. The Japanese would likely be horrified of the promiscuity of Kajali, though the researchers have stated that only in Japan did they seem to find advertising on the same scale as in Kajal.

The formalities of High Society in Kajal have been broken only by the Emperor Dajal II, and it must be taken as a sort of warning that he was assassinated when he did so. For the wealthy, extreme opulence is the norm, and to such extents that it may genuinely startle foreign ambassadors or rulers (though it would of course depend on which ambassador or ruler visits). The Imperatrix herself possesses the Eternal Mantle of Leadership, an overly ornamental (and somewhat heavy) jeweled mantle, signifying her powers as Head of State. Understandably, she does not deign to wear it often. The Prime Minister is given a similar garment, though it is not as ornamented as that of the Imperatrix.

In the Imperial years, Kajali society had been highly regulated, perhaps excessively so. With the Democratic Era came the Age of Deregulation as some could call it; Where it was once illegal to go about one's business in the nude, it is perfectly legal now, though it may not be completely accepted by the entire population. Imported drugs, such as marijuana, are completely illegal, due to the excessive effects that have been observed upon Kajali, while domestic substances are less heavily regulated, but still well controlled. Unfortunately, both imported and domestic substances have seen a spike in demand, and the charges laid for possession of such substances has only further added to the recorded crime records.


Life Expectancy


  • Noun: Kajali
  • Adjective: Kajali

Ethnic Groups


  • Atheist/Agnostic: 45%
  • Iuan: 18%
    • Ljosaal: 25%
    • Solaan: 21%
    • Orthodox Iuan: 54%
  • Solun: 9%
  • Other (Terran): 28%


Definition: Age 15 and over can read and write
Total population: 100%
Male: 100%
Female: 100%


The government of the Federated Imperium is one, that like many others, is definable as a democracy. The National Charter of Rights, 'Arakam i Shiyar iya Da-rin' was entrenched in 0DE, and explicitly states that the people shall have all the rights and priviledges of selecting their own government. The people of the Federated Imperium elect candidates to Parliament only, however - Senators are then elected by Members of Parliament. Elections are typically held every ten years, barring such circumstances as motions of non-confidence. The age at which one becomes eligible to vote is dependent upon race - All known variants of humanity within Kajal, and species that mature at a similar rate, are eligible to vote at 20 terran years of age, while Kajali are eligible to vote at 50 terran years of age.

The Prime Minister is the head of government in Kajal, while the Imperatrix, currently Lirella Keral, is the head of state. In the event that either the head of government or the head of state resign, are rendered incapable, or dead, successors are named at the beginning of a term. There are no limits on how many terms a Prime Minister may serve, however, though as the powers of Prime Minister are separate from the powers of the Imperatrix, either may be removed by the other provided sufficient evidence for a successful impeachment can be presented.

Each political party is required to elect a leader before each election, and while it is possible that the same leader will be re-elected, historically, few have won re-election, and thusly, the number of Prime Ministers who have served more than two terms in office can be counted on one hand.

In the event of an election, the elected leader of the party that recieves the most seats in Parliament at the end of the election is declared Prime Minister and their party may then form the government. Since the government rules what is a small interstellar republic of worlds, between which the population of the Federated Imperium is not evenly distributed, some have criticized the current system as ignoring outlying colonies with smaller populations and rendering the oldest worlds most powerful. Seats are distributed as fitting for representation by population, as it would be simply impractical for them to be distributed in a manner fitting representation by area - there are extensive tracts of land throughout the Federated Imperium that are largely undeveloped yet still slightly colonized.

The current distribution of seats granted the Democratic Kajal Party the governing position with 320 Members of Parliament elected, followed by the pro-business party, Unified Economic Initiative, with 160 Members of Parliament. The only other party to return members in the last election was the Environmental Party of Kajal, colloquially known as the "Greens", with 32 Members returned. During the Senatorial election held by the Parliament, the DKP elected 40 senators, the UEI 20, and the EPK 4.

Political parties

Party Leader(s) Description Percentage of Seats Seats in Parliament and Senate
Democratic Kajal Party Derin Kavar The Democratic Kajal Party (DKP) is a liberal party strongly emphasizing civil freedoms, and political freedoms less so. They identify themselves as left of centre, and while acknowledging that priorities such as defense and the economy are important, they focus primarily on issues at home, such as education and colonial trade. 62.5% 320, 40
Unified Economic Initiative Vierun Muraan The Unified Economic Initiative (UEI) is the largest political party in Kajal, though historically less popular than the DKP. The UEI is a corporate party with moderate-left economic objectives. This party represents primarily the middle-upper class, and more visibly white collar workers and businesses. They argue that the regulation imposed on business in Kajal by the DKP is hindering expansion of Kajali corporations outside of the Kajali sphere of influence, as well as restricting access to a large selection of goods and services from outside the Federated Imperium that would otherwise be available. While the UEI historically catches the majority of the urban vote, their focus on business effectively ignores civil and political freedoms, and the UEI typically maintains the status quo in this respect. This behavior has prompted criticism that the UEI is the 'least active' of any of the parties, though some regard this as a good thing. 31.25% 160, 20
Environmental Party of Kajal Jiraga Shenar The Environmental Party of Kajal (EP) was formed during the Democratic Revolution specifically to oppose the UEI. As such, they enjoy little support and currently remain an unimportant political party. Economically, the party is diametrically opposed to the UEI, and commonly spearheads efforts to halt development in both developed and undeveloped areas. Socially, they promise civil freedoms that would be regarded as widely abused, however, if elected, they have promised to implement laws that would prevent even property owners from altering grounds under their ownership unless such alterations were to return the property to a more natural state. The EP historically is viewed as near-fanatical, and is always critical of the lack of action on the behalf of other parties concerning the environment. 6.25% 32, 4


For administrative purposes, the Federated Imperium has been divided into Administrative Districts, which may or may not contain provinces. The six major districts are the Districts of Derivan, Kajal, Kajal Mars, Ljosal Dan, Solanna, and the District of Kajurmani. Each district is afforded a degree of autonomy in their actions, and is effectively self-governing. The Federal government is rarely involved in affairs that are themselves not contained to Kajal, outside of matters relating to the combined military or economic situation of the Federated Imperium.


'Arakam i Shiyar iya Da-rin' sets out that the people of the Federated Imperium are entitled to a judicial system that is fair and balanced. In contrast with the previous Soranni system, Sora, while still appointed to the court, may be recalled by the population in open referenda. Sora are appointed in councils, which may sit together in Supreme Court without rotation, or may sit in civil court with each member serving for several months before rotation.


The Kajali economy is among VERITAS' largest, and one of the most technologically advanced. Operating under free market principles that were introduced following Federation, the economy grants large firms and individuals incredible flexibility in operation. While the Kajali economy could be described as somewhat more 'laissez-faire' than the Menelmacari economy, there are slight regulations concerning international trade and protectionism. Major industries are Uranium Mining, Information Technology, and Automobile manufacturing. The economy itself, while largely driven by these three industries, essentially produces all the funding the Combined Federal Services require, as a majority of products produced, while sold under various brands, are products of the Combined Federal Services R&D and Production divisions. While there is no income tax in the normal sense of the word, royalties (and direct profits) are collected on the sale of items from yachts to toaster ovens.


GDP: purchasing power parity - $261,131,401,859,452 USD (K₪118,696,091,754,296.36)

GDP - per capita: purchasing power parity - $44,737 USD (K₪20,335)

Unemployment Rate: 2.41%


The Kajali Military is comprised of two branches representing the territories they protect, within which all services have been combined into a larger Defense Force. The Kajali Military proper is referred to as the Combined Federal Services. It is, as of late, supported largely by corporate funds. The Combined Federal Services produce a variety of materiel and consumer products through partnerships with many of the largest Kajali corporations. The Combined Federal Services' largest supporters are Atla/Ljosa and Kajur Design Bureau. Annual revenue is more than enough to maintain the entire Federal Services.

Military Branches:

Four Worlds Defense Force - A unified force combining the Navy, Air Force, and Army into one unit. It is divided into six fleets, stationed throughout Pleiades.

Kajal Mars Defense Force - An independant force established by the Duchy, it maintains one fleet divided into five battlegroups.

Military Manpower:

  • Age: Humans 20+ years of age, Elves/Kajali 50+ years of age.
  • Active Military Personnel: ~20,500,000 (male and female).

flagsmall.gif Her Imperial Majesty's Federated Imperium of the Four Worlds and Territories of Kajal
Main articles: Kajal, Kajal Mars
Leaders: Dajal I, Dajal II, Derin Kavar, Lirella Keral
Important Persons: Derin Lume, Ilosse Zherka, Ilunaia Keral-Kavar, Iu, Sala Maraan, Sera Merala, Vierun Muraan Jiraga Shenar, Illaan Soryaan
Currency and Language: Kajali Galac, Riikan Language
Other articles within Category:Kajal