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Federated States of Kedalfax
Flag of Kedalfax

Detailed Map

Motto I may be drunk, but you're ugly and tomorrow I'll be sober.
Capital Kennerwyck
Largest City Straatstad
  - Official
  - Unofficial

Dutch, Spanish

  - President
  - Vice President
Federalized Representative Democracy

James C. Linnenbach(De jure)
Abigale Deßinger (De jure)
  - Area first settled by Dutch
  - Brittish rule begins
  - Separatist war begins
  - Independance finalized
  - Nevadan Territories added
  - Northwest Territories added
  - Mid-Simtropolis War involvement
  - Commonwealth established
  - Government becomes secular
June 7, 1845
August 9, 1845
May 20, 1849
1890-November 1893
 - Total
 - % water

~3,170,000 km²
 - Total (2006)

GDP (FY2006/07)
  - Total (NSD)
  - GDP/capita (NSD)

National animal
  - English name
Sayornis restianis
Restine Phebe
Currency 1 Kedalf (Ked) = 100 Runichs
Pronunciation (IPA) /ˈkɛ.dɑl.ˌfæks/
International abbreviations
  - Sport
  - Government

Naval craft classification
  - Military
  - Civilian

Internet TLD .ked
Calling code +518
CHDI rating .821 (high)
NS NSEconomy Sunset XML

Founding Nation

The Federated States of Kedalfax, commonly referred to as Kedalfax is an environmentally stunning nation, located on two large islands in the Northern Islands area of the Eastern Keeslands in the International Democratic Union. Kedalfax is a member of the NSUN and the International Extradition Treaty organizations, among others.

Kedalfaxians, as they are known, are generally a socially libertarian people. Although certainly not the most libertarian nation in the world, or even the Kedalfaxian Commonwealth, citizens and foreigners enjoy great social and economic freedom.

Kedalfax participates in regional affairs, including regular voting for regional delegates, and a strong participation in the IDU Council. Kedalfax is currently leading the push for a standard regional currency, and is the home nation of Marlon Keegan, the current General Secretary of the IDU Council.

The Kedalfaxian Department of Defence focuses on maintaining the strong naval power, though cuts in funding have made this harder.


Main Article: Kedalfaxian history

Kedalfax was discovered by Dutch explorer Peiter Kedaalf. It became a Dutch colony, known variously as Kedaalfiea and Kedaalfa. By the mid 1800s, the name had evolved to Kedalfax.

In 1703 the colony was taken by the British, and in 1842, the people revolted and it became a new nation in 1845. In the late 1880s and early 1890, Kedalfax spread propaganda in an attempt to ignite the Mid-Simtropolis War. After the war, Kedalfax helped set up the government of Giotizia, as well as some other separated areas. Giotizia, which was Kedalfax's main reason for the war, became part of the newly established Kedalfaxian Commonwealth.

The 1920s saw a large increase in the economy. Stock prices skyrocketed between 1923 and 1929. In October of 1929, the US stock market failed. News of the market failing reached Kedalfax on Sunday, October 27, 1929. At first, only slight drops were seen in the KSX averages. The next day, prices seemed to level back off again until late in the day, when news of the size of the US Market crash reached Kedalfax. Within the last two hours of the market day, the KSX average dropped by over $250,000. This was the start of Kedalfax's Great Depression. Despite much quicker reactions by the government, the Kedalfaxian economy still followed trends of the American economy.

In late 1929, ___ became the leader of Brechenlass. ___ was a fascist who promised to bring back the glory of Brechenlass' First Empire. ___ soon gained control of much of the area around Brechenlass, including much of what are now Eisophca, Saidercray, and the Schnauzerlands.

Brechenlass allied with the Axis Powers during World War II, and Kedalfax allied with the Allied Powers. In 1941, following the Brechenlasian attack on Frederick Bay, Kedalfax joined the war. Kedalfax focused mostly on Brechenlass, but also sent aid and troops to the European front. In 1945, Brechenlass surrendered. Kedalfax set up an democratic government, and added the nation to the Kedalfaxian Commonwealth.

Since World War II, Kedalfax has not declared war, nor had war declared on it. With the exception of some terrorist attacks and retaliations, Kedalfax has been a pacifistic nation.

International Organization Participation

See Also: Department of Foreign Affairs

The Federated States of Kedalfax wishes to add more to this list.

Kedalfax is also the authoring nation of the International Extradition Treaty, which is a treaty of nations agreeing to extradite people who flee from a nation where they committed a crime. The treaty has over 15 signing nations.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Embassies accept applications here, or by direct contact here.


Kedalfax's climate ranges very widely, from the wetter, milder East, to the dryer, more extreme West.

The West

The Western area of Kedalfax is generally quite dry, with the average rainfall being only 1 in. per month in most of the area.

The summers are much hotter than the East, with the average July temperature being 95°F.

The winters are a contrasting cold, with the average January tempurature being only 10°F.

The East

The Eastern climate is much milder, with average July tempuratures at 80°F, and average January tempuratures at 40°F.

The area also has more percipitation, with an average of 5 in. per month. In most areas, rain comes in light rains in the late afternoon, lasting only minutes.


A strange oddity that climatoligists have still not been able to isolate the exact cause of, the Noreaster storm system is a type of storm that usually comes in every year in mid to late December, causing between two and nine inches of snow in the northeastern parts of the nation. The storms usually track over the nation in a southwestern direction, turning further south as they cross the Gulf of Kedalfax. Temuratures usually lower just before the storm, and stay low for up to two weeks afterwards.

Cities in the northwest such as New Athens, Fallietburgh, and Malkerton are rarely affected by them in any major way.

Nevada City, at the northeast tip of the nation, usually gets hit hardest, with averages for snowfall being as high as two feet.



In the last census, Kedalfax's population was stated as 201,852,027 citizens. An additional 543 million non-citizens live in Kedalfax, mostly in the cities. Mass immigration, especially in the period between 1946 and 1975, has transformed Kedalfax from the mostly European state into a diverse mixture of equal cultures. Western Europeans still dominate the nation. The population is mostly Spanish in the northeast and Dutch in the west. The area below Nevada is wherethe population mixes the most. The Straatstad Metro Area alone contains 67% of the African descendants, 33% of the Asians, and a shocking 73% of the Eastern European and Russian populations.

The following graph shows the population divided into each major race group. racejpgos2.jpg

Life expectancy

Life expectancy in Kedalfax is high and currently stands at an average of about 79 years.Kedalfax has been moving slowly toward public health care. Already, much of the poorer population, as well as foreign visitors from many nations, are allowed free emergency healthcare. Healthcare is ranked second among the current government's priorities, just after education.

Sex and gender

Kedalfax has 1.241 males to every female. However, in recent years the amount of girls born has exceeded that of boys and it is expected that should the trend continue, there will be an equal amount of females and males in Kedalfax by 2015. A reversal of the current situation (with thusly 1.022 females for every male) would then most likely occur by 2020 or 2021.

Same-sex marriages have been allowed under the national law since 1999, however some states in the Spanish Northeast do not allow them within their boarders. With the exception of marriage in these few states, homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals.

In 2004, the government legalized the changing of gender in legal matters. The operations had been legal since their invention, however until 2004 the gender on the person's birth certificate, driver's license, and other legal documents could not be changed.

Urban-rural distribution and socioeconomic strata

63.4% of Kedalfaxians live in areas classified urban, 23.4% live in suburban areas, and the remainder live in rural areas.

This graph shows the percentage of each race that fits into each of three income categories, in Kedalfs of household income per person. raceandincomejpgmm8.jpg


Kedalfax is known for its natural beauty, and the art inspired by it. Kedalfax has not been a large contributor to the modern art trend; its contributions toward art tend to favor more traditional landscapes and portraits.

Music out of Kedalfax has also not changed much after the mid 1970s. The most popular band is K, which has been on the forefront of culture since the mid 1990s.

The food in Kedalfax has a reputation for being dull and boring. This reputation comes from before Kedalfax's immigration waves in the 1950s until the 1970s.

See Also: Kedalfaxian English, K

See Also


kedalfaxho9.png The Federated States of Kedalfax kedalfaxho9.png
Main article: Kedalfax
Cultural info: Kedalfaxian English, K (band)
Government of Kedalfax:

Department of Defence, Kedalfax Guard Bureau, Department of Foreign Affairs
President Patrick McRoin

Kedalfaxian territories:

Hollnersville, Newton Canal, Allen Island

Miscellaneous: List of Kedalfaxian Politicians,

Other articles within Category:Kedalfax

Simtropolis on NSwiki
Main article: Simtropolis
Nation pages: Audland, Batheia Thalassa, Metropolitan Houston, Rhodesia Newydd, Rorysville, Schnabo, The Digital Network
Geography: Rio Seguín, Hamilton River, Maps
See Also: Simoleon, Simtropolis Canal Zones, Mid-Simtropolis War, List of Major Airports, The SCJU,
For more information or to see non-listed pages, please see Category:Simtropolis Region.