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Revision as of 17:12, 6 July 2007 by Blast (Talk | contribs)

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Introduced 1992
TLD type National
Status Active
Sponsoring organization Taevrian Internet Organization
Used for Taevrian websites
Registration restrictions Yearly domain fees
Structure  ?????
Example web sites home.co.tae, military.co.tae

.tae is the Internet TLD for The Empire of Taevri. It serves both private and public internet websites.

Top Level Domains
Currently active: .aao | .an | .ari | .asg | .bsk | .ca | .cdl | .ce | .cf | .cr |.csl| .el | .emp | .fe | .fps | .frc | .fs | .gt | .idu | .ine | .jey | .ked | .kh | .la | .len | .mpv | .my | .nb | .ne |.no | .noe | .nwa | .pc | .pu | .qd | .rp | .rta | .sb | .sbu | .sk | .sna | .sw | .swa | .swi | .tvr | .uie | .ukin | .un | .ur | .usec | .ut | .vk | .wk | .zr | .zz
Reserved/inactive: .fbr | .gtz | .pta | .snj | .vf | .zy