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Flag of Tarasovka
Motto: Every road leads to a war.
Map of Sisgardia
Region Sisgardia
Capital Capital City of Vigvar
Official Language(s) Native Taraskovyan(Taraskath), Russian
Leader Grand Duke Mikhail II Shakhovskoy
Population approx. 4,5 billion
Currency Taraskovyan Frank 
NS Sunset XML

The Grand Duchy of Tarasovka (Russian: Великое Княжество Тарасковское; Taraskath: Namel Zethanekh Taraskath) is a nation lost among the high mountains of North-Eastern Sisgardia. Spanning over more than 45’000 years of history, the country and its people have developed a unique proud identity. Although coming from various cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds, the Taraskovyan people share an overzealous love for their motherland, ancient traditions and freedom. And although they are known to be quite xenophobic and mistrusting of foreigners, Taraskovyans are also known for their remarkable and sincere hospitality.

Brief History


The so called Pre-Unification period of the Taraskovyan history lasts up to the year 44’215 B.S. (Before Strife) and is characterized by a great lack of written documentation and of available information. Many archeologists and researchers agree than what is now the Taraskovyan Metropoly was home to a number of different civilisations and even races for a long period of time. The four major ethnicities that disputed supremacy over what now is Taraskovyan territory were the Taraskath, the Setari, the Amalori and the Keth, each having their own, radically distinct from the others, style of life and vision of the world.

Even if written documents pertaining to this period are scarce, the ‘Prophecies of Sathala’, a very important and sacred text of the Church of the Seven Deities, belong to this period. It is also a known fact that the Sacred Citadel of Zynthris was built during that period and it was it that inspired Taraskath architects in the millennia to come.

Uidath of the Emerald Spire and the Unification

Up to 44’215 B.S. the Taraskath did not form a single nation, but existed in dispersed tribes all over the territory of Cardinia, Dakathia and Tarvalak. These tribes, divided not only by the levels of development, but also by political, philosophical and religious views, built a number of Citadels throughout their territories, forming a myriad of City States constantly at war with each other. The rare times of peace between the Taraskath were employed to wage wars against either of their Amalori, Setari or Keth neighbours. The greatest of all Taraskath Citadels was the Black Hand, which also served as a symbolic capital, its might and riches sparking a great number of wars between rival Lords lusting for power and leadership.

Everything changed drastically in 44’215 B.S. when Uidath Karetsah, Lord of the Emerald Spire, led a coalition of Lords and took over the Citadel of the Black Hand and, after disposing of the Lord of the Black Hand and slaughtering his dreaded Black Guard, Uidath, with the support of the majority of Lords and of the Church of the Seven, proclaimed himself as the first ruler of a unified Taraskath nation, which he dubbed ‘Namel Zethanekh’, the ‘High Unity’. It is still uncertain how a young Lord from a rather unimportant Citadel managed to achieve such a success. The Church of the Seven Deities and their sacred texts insist on the fact that Lord Uidath was bestowed with the blessings of the Seven Deities and was entrusted with the Sword of Rulers, a powerful artifact that is still wielded by the Grand Dukes of today.

The High Unity

By 43’567 B.S. Lord Uidath finally managed to reunite each and every Taraskath Citadel under his control and dubbed himself as the Shokath-Kshas, the Supreme Lord and Ruler of the Kin. The rise of the High Unity was met with suspicion from the nations of Setar, Amalor and Kethar. Fearing the formation of a strong Taraskath state, the Keth army was the first to invade the High Unity. The Taraskath met their foes in the valley of the Thousand Teeth, where the Keth soldiers were ambushed and butchered by the Taraskath, the Keth Lords narrowly escaping being slaughtered or taken prisoner. They fled back to their lands and pleaded for help to the Amalori and the Setari, which joined forces against the High Unity. This sparked the famous Eternal War, which the Taraskath won after several thousand years of fighting. Texts dating from the period insist on the fact that the Taraskath slaughtered and massacred their foes to the very last individual, yet many researchers agree that the three rival ethnicities were weakened and absorbed into the Taraskath kin instead of getting wiped out.

Although being victorious, the Taraskath were greatly weakened by the Eternal War and for a time there was peace. The war left many tribes too small to exist by themselves and forced them to join up with others to survive. Moreover, the great struggle against a common enemy instilled a sense of national identity to all Taraskath, an identity tied to war and slaughter. The High Unity knew some periodic civil wars between rival Lords, but the country continued to develop itself and prosper, with Taraskath merchants soon beginning to sail to lands far beyond the oceans to bring back cheap slaves.

The Strife

The Strife is the name of a major civil war that ravaged Tarasovka from 5 to 1 B.S. With the explosion of the slave market in Tarasovka, the population of slaves in the years before the Strife equaled and even surpassed the Taraskath population. The first slaves were brought in centuries before the Strife, a short time for the Taraskath, yet many generations for those from beyond the oceans, most of whom were Slavs. By 50 B.S. the slave rebellions became a routine event in the High Unity, with the Lords proving ruthless in dealing with them.

And while the Lords were slaughtering thousands of individuals, the rest of the Taraskath society began to ask itself questions and quickly gave birth to an Abolitionist movement, with some of the Lord joining it. Those who were loyal to the old ways dubbed themselves the Defenders of Tradition. The two groups remained in a tense state without fighting each other in the open.

The culmination of the stand off came when the female Shokath-Kshas Amala Karetsah, after the death of her previous companion in a hunting accident, chose a Russian man by the name of Mstislav Shakhovskoy for companion and gave birth to a male heir with Russian blood. Amala, however, already had a daughter from the previous relationship, Tekhala, who now had a rival. The Defenders of Tradition immediately called for Tekhala to be declared as legitimate heir to the Sword, while the Abolitionists defended the right of Mstislav to rule by his wife’s side. After a failed attempt by the Defenders to assassinate Mstislav and his son, a civil war erupted between them and the Abolitionists.

During the five years of struggle, myriads were killed, but the Abolitionists won and forced the Defenders into a permanent exile. Mstislav Shakhovskoy, who had subdued Amala completely and fully to his influence by the end of the Strife, abolished slavery and took the title of Veliky Knyaz (Grand Duke). He established his capital at the Citadel of Vigvar, for the Citadel of the Black Hand was lost in a tremendous earthquake that erupted in its area while two armies were fighting each other to the last by its walls. However, wanting not to offense the Taraskath, Mstislav equaled his title of Grand Duke to that of the Supreme Lord and Ruler, making them one title in different languages. In symbol of a new start, a new calendar was put in place marking the end of the Strife as the first year of a new era.

The First Grand Ducal Period

The Grand Ducal period, stretching from 1 A.S. until 1141 A.S., was remarkable for a relative stability and prosperity of the Grand Duchy of Tarasovka and its entry on the international scene. Some suggest that this rapid evolution was sparked by the comparatively short lives of the Grand Dukes who then had a share of non-Taraskath blood in their veins.

The greatest achievements have been made by Grand Duke Mikhail I. Under his rule the Grand Duchy reached great technologic heights and went into the conquest of the stars, with the first major out world colony founded on Mars. A skilled and cunning politician, Mikhail I maneuvered between the various activities undertaken by the GDODAD, of which the Grand Duchy was once member, and always ensured that the interests of the Grand Duchy and not that of the organisation prevailed in relevant situations. Eventually, the Grand Duke stepped down and handed power over to his son, Mikhail II, a move disputed by the leader’s daughter, Archduchess Anastasya. This triggered the Plague which would cause the fall of the Grand Duchy and the exile of Archduchess Vethara.

The Federal Period

The Federal period began in 1141 A.S. after the fall of the last Grand Duke during the Plague and the seizing of power by a triumvirate of military commanders who dubbed themselves the Ruling Council and held supreme power of the country. During this period many of the ancestral rights and traditions were abolished, the Alexander Guard marginalised and isolated, sparking a renaissance of ultra-nationalist and traditionalist movements and opening hidden rifts between the various cultures and ethnicities within the Taraskovyan territory. Various nationalist factions, such as the White Legion have turned Taraskovyan cities into battle zones as the fledging Federal government attempted to restore peace and order.

The positive aspects of that period included the integration of the Vortex Corporation and of the Knootian Europolis Islands into the Taraskovyan Federation, expansion of territorial assets on Mars and elsewhere.

The Second Grand Ducal Period

The second Grand Ducal period began after the unexpected return of the Grand Duke Mikhail II, who was believed by everyone to have died during the Plague. The Grand Duke, wielding the Sword of Rulers, joined the Ruling Council and pushed forward the voting in of a new Constitution. The document, innovative in many aspects, was passed by a majority of the People and of the Fiefdoms and came into force in May 1148 A.S., putting a definitive end to the short Federal period. Shortly after, the First Grand Ducal Parliament was elected.

Administrative Composition

Grand Duchy

The Grand Duchy of Tarasovka, with Vigvar for capital, consists of 28 Fiefdoms, 25 of which are situated in Sisgardia, on Earth, and 3 are located on Mars. The Fiefdoms are tied by the Federal Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Tarasovka and form the core of the Taraskovyan nation. The population of the Grand Duchy elects the Grand Ducal Parliament, which decides on matters that will affect all territories under Taraskovyan jurisdiction, with each Fiefdom guaranteed a certain number of representatives in the Grand Ducal Duma and in the Grand Ducal Senate. The People and Fiefdoms of the Grand Duchy also participate in referenda on the Federal Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Tarasovka and on Grand Ducal legislation.

  • Sisgardian Fiefdoms: Uthar, Zapadozemie, Elutar, Zlatoslavia, Tal-Nathil, Tal-Nathir, Novozemie, Kem, Setar, Severnoe(Nothern), Cardinia, Uith, Kidaksh, Zerth, Amalor, Yujnaya Cardinia (South Cardinia), Uil, Yujny Aphyr(South Aphyr), Alukshir, Kshas-Uith, Kshas-Kharit, Yugozemie, Vigvar, Kethar, Severnaya Cardinia (Nothern Cardinia)

Note: The Khar Tarad Zynthris (Sacred Citadel of Zynthris) is a sovereign and independent state under the authority of the Order of the Seven Deities.

  • Martian Fiefdoms: Dajdbog and Stribog, Svarog

Dependencies and Protectorates

The Grand Duchy of Tarasovka extends its jurisdiction over certain territories which are not part of the 28 Fiefdoms that form the core of the Grand Duchy. Each of these territories is tied to the Grand Duchy through a particular relationship, varying from loose association to direct Grand Ducal control and there is no single charter, as of yet, that identifies the 'Taraskovyan nation' as a whole. For simplicity, most international agencies and organisations casually refer to the entirety of Taraskovyan territories as Grand Duchy of Tarasovka.

As of now, the Grand Duchy is the highest decision maker in all of these territories, yet sometimes delegates its authority to the autonomous local governments. The inhabitants of these territories, however, do not vote in Grand Ducal elections or referenda.

Below is a list of the most important Taraskovyan dependencies and protectorates.

Sovereign Base Areas

The Sovereign Base Areas of Sukhum, Pitzunda, Gagra, Gudauta and Ochamchira are five special zones in the region of Haven. Whilst they are territories initially intended for military use only, their impressive size turned them into outposts of the Grand Duchy in the region of Haven. The Sovereign Base Areas are each governed by a separate General-Governor, appointed by the Taraskovyan Ministry of Defence.

Dominion of Dreamreach

The Dominion of Dreamreach is an entire star system acquired by the Grand Duchy from the United Star Empire of Valinon, and is the first star system to be officially belonging fully to the Grand Duchy, even if rumours circulate about a certain “Site Alpha”, a system reportedly under control of the Taraskovyan Space Fleet. The Dominion of Dreamreach is placed under direct authority of the Grand Duke.

Autonomous Republic of the Island of Atlantic

The Autonomous Republic of the Island of Atlantic (ARIA) was formed following the purchase by the Grand Duchy of Tarasovka of the Allanean State of Atlantic Island. Today, it is a Taraskovyan dependency with extensive autonomy from the Grand Duchy, with the Grand Ducal Parliament having the right to intervene into the affairs of the Autonomous Republic through the Grand Ducal Overseer.

Tavarothian Provinces

The Taraskovyan Federation intervened into the Tavarothian Provinces following rather shady events involving a group of Taraskovyan nobles. Following the restoration of the Grand Ducal Government, the Tavarothian Provinces were declared a protectorate of the Grand Duchy. As of now, the political situation has been largely stabilised by the Taraskovyan National Defence Forces and the further fate of the territories is to be decided in the foreseeable future.


The Executive

Tarasovka is a hereditary monarchy where the Grand Duke – Supreme Lord and Ruler of the Kin as his title is said in Taraskath – is the supreme executive authority. His powers include voiding and annulling decisions taken by any Grand Ducal authority or referendum, except for cases when a motion was accepted or rejected by at least three quarters of the People and of the Fiefdoms during a referendum.

The Grand Duke forms a Grand Ducal Government over which he presides, his choices of Ministers subject to no approval from the Parliament. The Grand Duke may at any time dismiss the Ministers and appoint replacements. The current composition of the Grand Ducal Government can be consulted here.

The Legislative

The Grand Ducal Parliament represents the legislative branch of power. It is composed of two Chambers: the Duma and the Senate. The former, the lower house, comprises 400 Deputies from the People elected directly according to the system of proportional representation. The Senate, or the upper house, consists of 56 Senators from the Fiefdoms, elected directly by the people of a Fiefdom from amongst the nobility, with two Senators per Fiefdom, exceptions being the High Fiefdom of Vigvar with four Senators and the Fiefdoms of Dajdbog and Stribog with one Senator each.

Overviews of the political parties with seats in the Parliament can be consulted here. The repartition of seats in the Grand Ducal Parliament is the following for the Duma and for the Senate.

The Grand Ducal Parliament elects the judges of the Grand Ducal Tribunal, oversees many important tasks and takes important decisions pertaining to the ratification of treaties and passing of laws.

The Judicial

The Grand Ducal Tribunal is the highest judicial authority in the nation and is comprised of judges elected by the Grand Ducal Parliament. The Tribunal has a variety of tasks, among which settling the conflicts between individuals, individuals and State, Fiefdoms, et cetera. The Grand Ducal Tribunal, however, cannot decide whether a subject submitted to it is Constitutional or not, this being the prerogative of the Grand Ducal Parliament.



The official languages of the Grand Duchy are Taraskath and Russian, which are by default official languages for each of the twenty eight Fiefdoms. Knowledge of at least one official language is mandatory for every Taraskovyan citizen, this measure mostly applying to the Dutch and Toran inhabited areas. All administrative and legal publications are issued in both languages.

The Grand Ducal Constitution also proclaimed two additional languages – Dutch and Toran – as National Languages, giving the two communities extensive privileges. As of now, Dutch is an official language, along with Russian and Taraskath, in the Fiefdoms of Southern Cardinia and Uthar, whilst Toran is the third official language in the Fiefdoms of Dajdbog and Stribog.

Ethnic Groups

The Taraskovyan society is a multi-cultural one, presenting a rich mixture of various ethnicities which, usually, live in harmony and common love of their Motherland. The Grand Duke, himself representing both Russian and Taraskath bloodlines, represents the unity of the country.

  • Slavic: 70,73%
    • Russian: 66,68%
    • Serb: 1,61%
    • Polish: 1,42%
    • Bulgarian: 0,51%
    • Czech: 0,29%
    • Other: 0,22%
  • Dutch: 13,05%
  • Taraskath: 9,11%
  • Toran: 4,32%
  • Elvish: 1,52%
    • Noldor: 1,23%
    • Sindar: 0,17%
    • Other: 0,12%
  • Armenian: 0,30%
  • Tatar: 0,24%
  • Ossetian: 0,21%
  • Abkhaz: 0,19%
  • Other: 0,33%


The Grand Duchy is a secular state where the freedom of religion is largely recognised, for in as long as the religious current "does not endanger the national traditions, morale or mentality"(Article 15 of the Grand Ducal Constitution). The two most important Churches are the Vigvar Patriarchate and the Church of the Seven Deities, play a key role in Taraskovyan society, even if none has the status of State Church.


The Taraskovyan folklore features a mix between the Taraskath and Russian ones. The two branches influenced one another greatly throughout the ages to give a rich and interesting result. Below are examples of Taraskovyan proverbs and sayings, translated into English.

  • "A good dagger is better than a quiver of rusted arrows."
  • "A solitary wolf always has the choice to join a pack should he need it. On the contrary, a member of a pack is resigned to follow the leader."
  • "Cut your hair before you fight."
  • "Friends are never there when you need them the most, foes are always there when you need them the less."
  • "If you cannot dispose of a Prince, dispose of his army."
  • "If you live with a wolf, you'll howl like a wolf."
  • "The luring light in the dark may be a highwayman's torch."
  • "When two dogs fight, the fox makes profit."
  • "You will rarely meet your friends even on the widest of roads. Your foes, however, will appear even on the narrowest of paths."

Foreign Policy

The traditional Taraskovyan reasoning when dealing with international matters can be explained by a simple proverb: "When two dogs fight, the fox makes profit." Indeed, Taraskovyan diplomacy and involvement always had the goal of gaining the most in any situation. As such, Tarasovka always distanced itself from large alliances that might endanger the fiercely defended national sovereignty. Instead, it prefers to enter into bilateral accords or, in certain cases, to enter into multinational alliances that do not impose any overly strict rules over their members.

As of today, the Grand Duchy participates in the following alliances/treaties:

Sisgardian Fellowship of Nations, World Technologic Entity, Martian Duma, Vigvar Convention on Cooperation