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Deadrockall's permament military is thought to number around 200,000 and they are often seen aiding police in their duties. At least 10,000 troops are permamently stationed on the Templtsar border ready to crush any potential problems and close the border if necessary.
Deadrockall's permament military is thought to number around 200,000 and they are often seen aiding police in their duties. At least 10,000 troops are permamently stationed on the Templtsar border ready to crush any potential problems and close the border if necessary.

Revision as of 07:45, 8 October 2005

Deadrockall, its full name The Theocracy of Deadrockall is a country located in the PEEL region of NationStates. Located on the southern coast of the Western Spur, it is a highly religious country and is reknown for its pro-business policies. Whilst appearing very successful to the outside world, there is discontent within some areas of Deadrockall about its lack of genuine free press and electoral process.


The first settlers in Deadrockall, believed to have gone there from what is modern day Anubinia around 3000 years ago, settled on the peninsular because of its excellent arable farming capabilities. At the time this area was very remote and industry never managed to get a foothold on the region. Settlers began to move north into the forested areas to the north and this became a refuge for the Temple Faith. In 1992 the religious leaders officially set the borders of what is modern day Deadrockall and Templtsar. A population of 300,000 were put to work at this time building temples and promoting a system of self-reliance. Temple scriptures proclaimed self-reliance and struggle (Gall Ka Lyir in the Temple scriptures) to be the only true way to reach God and the leaders placed an embargo on foreign trade and refused foreign aid. Ran by a combination of propaganda and the isolation of this region, the people had no choice but to follow the leadership. Food production was successful but life was simple and as industrialisation of the Western Spur continued a popular revolution brewed.


Deadrockall originally contained 100 states that made up its inaugural parliament, however 18 of these states broke away in the Templtsar Rebellion of 2052 and now the parliament comprises of 82 seats.

Deadrockall holds elections every four years when each of the 82 provinces elects a local leader. The government with the most votes in these local elections then elects a Prime Minister (the Prime Minister holds presidential powers, however this is a tradition dating back to the temple era when the temple ministers ran the country). The Prime Minister does not run a province and a re-election takes place in that province if the leader is elected Prime Minister.

The 82 ministers come together once a week to vote on issues laid before them by any of the 82 members of parliament.

The parliament also holds executive orders - the Period of Crisis Act - which allows them to disband if there is a two-thirds majority that such actions are necessary. In this case executive power is given to the Prime Minister to run the police and military and no votes are held from 28 days when parliament is recalled and a decision is made as to whether an extension of the executive order is necessary. When the executive order ceases to be in action a full re-election must take place. These actions have only been used once, during the rebel lead Breakway of Templtsar of 2052.

Although officially known as a Theocracy, religion has played a much lesser role in politics recently with decisions being made on the strength of their political argument rather than religious conviction.


Deadrockall is a country with borders with New Star Warsia to the east, True Malice to the west and Templtsar to the south. The north officially borders with unclamed land. Deadrockall also has coastline to the south where the major cities are located including the capital Keysen. The north is mostly populated with isolated farms, many from the Temple government, and uninhabited forests. Population density in Deadrockall varies wildly, from barely 1 person per sqkm in the north to 20,000 people per sqkm is the capital Keysen. The coastline is very heavily populated and 90% of the people live within 5km of the sea. Deadrockall's short border with Templtsar is one of the regions most volatile areas and military manouveres take place on a regular basis. A region of some 100sqkm stretching from Keysen's seaport to the New Star Warsian border is claimed by both Deadrockall and Templtsar and has been the scene of violent clashes before.

Deadrockall claims to the Disputed Territories

Deadrockall claims four states as their own that are also claimed by Templtsar. Deadrockall claims that these four states are necessary as allowing them to join Templtsar would divide the capital city Keysen in two and cut off the seaport of Keysen Port. Also they claim that the state of Keysen Port, having been benefitters of the secularist capitalist government, do not wish to join the neighbouring theocracy.

Templtsar counter that their polling datat suggests otherwise and two of the states elected Southern Deadrockall Now Party candidates at the 2052 elections. These two do not vote in bills put before the Houses of Parliament.

Deadrockall also owns two uninhabited islands near Templtsar's coast - Pipex Alpha and Pipex Delta. Deadrockall have administered a policy of non-integration of these two islands, one of which is a nature sanctuary, and that Templtsar should not worry about their ownership.

Templtsar claim that Pipex Delta, a small uninhabited island less than 5km from Templtsar's coast, could be used for military installations or a potential siting of a polluting power plant for example.


Deadrockall people are mostly descendants of Anubinian people and are 97% Temple Faith. Other religions are allowed to be practiced but the government refuses to subsidise the building of another other religious monuments and buildings and as such other religions remain a minority.

Due to an influx of females after the breakway of Templtsar, the country is approximately 51% female to 49% male. Females have much better career oppurtunities in Deadrockall and the migration policy between the two countries if usually relaxed.


Deadrockall's economy has been a testament to laissez faire economics. Very low taxes and government assistance has attracted big business and exported many goods. As a result the country plays host to multi-nationals such as Serna Automobiles Inc. who employ 20,000 people in Keysen alone.

The country has very weak union laws and rarely prosecutes companies for breaking labour laws, prompting some to accuse the government of favouring business over the welfare of its people. The country also has some of the worst welfare in the world, barely enough to live on, and very little in the way of healthcare of pension plans. In response the government says that the people have some of the lowest tax rates in the world - often less than 5% - and that they have the ability to put money away for pensions of healthcare facilities.


Deadrockall has conscription for all men and women between 16 and 30. A mandatory 12 months service must be completed and afterwards recruits can be called up if a Period of Crisis has been enacted.

Deadrockall's permament military is thought to number around 200,000 and they are often seen aiding police in their duties. At least 10,000 troops are permamently stationed on the Templtsar border ready to crush any potential problems and close the border if necessary.

Aluda | Anubinia | Bamonia | Bishmania | Burning Flame | Buscemistan | Deadrockall | Djorvak | Dvorakia | Dyslexia | Edeone | Elttaes | Footer | Free Allied States | Geomyidae | Ivorila | Kerumnos | Maxtis | MDKCorp | Neo-Strongbadiski | New Cyberia | New Salchara | New Star Warsia | New Sunset | Nixorbania | Nozum | Nukevada | Nurdbotia | Obsidian Order | Pastocia | Peniguia | Rikertopia | Rubavaka | Salchara | San Fredlando | Sargus | Shmuel Rabinovitch | Slimmy | Spifflandia | Splussia | St Milos and Hudsen | Strategoski | Templtsar | Teral | Terre Argente | Testalicious | The Crunge | The DROOP | The Sunrise Forces | The Sunset Forces | The Unimatrix | The Yeti Nation | True Malice | Tweeklandia | Urallia | Uudestaan | Verse Chorus Verse | Votsinaname | Waaaaarrghlandia | Weinersteinston | West-Europa | Y Fenni | Yugopatomia | Zedoljev
Organizations and Treaties
Accord of Unicratic Ievurlazkant States | COMECON | DROOP Environment Overwatch | DROOP Space Treaty | Federation of Island States Treaty | Free Trade Organization| Greater Cyberian Union | MuDeAl | PEELian Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development | The Coalition | The Cosmonautical Cooperation of the Continents of PEEL | The Holy Dominion | The PEELian Alliance For Educational Advancement | Treaty of Okharana | Union of Soviet Tschazanovite Republics
Other Topics
Corporations in PEEL | PEEL Currencies | Religion in PEEL | Famous and Infamous People of PEEL | Regions of PEEL | Conflict in PEEL | Armed Forces of PEEL | History of PEEL
PEEL Colonial Territories
Apathypartyland | New Cyberian Territory | New Ivorila | Nova Avatarium | Nova Pastocia | Nova Teral | Novyi Zedoljev | Nurdostroiksa | Tweekville