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The Concordat
Headquarters: Zepplin Manufacturers, Midlonia, Euroslavia, Hallad, Tiburon, The Freethinkers
Members: 6
Type: Political, Economic,
Mutual Defense, Social
The Concordat
Concordat Flag (click to enlarge).


The Concordat is a formal all-encompassing agreement between signatory states. Covering diplomacy, economics, disaster relief, trade regulation, science and health studies, colonization, intelligence, and common defense, it is most similar to (but a farther-reaching agreement than) the larger VERITAS.


The members of the Concordat, in order of joining, are: Zepplin Manufacturers, Midlonia, Tiburon, Hallad, Euroslavia, and The Freethinkers.

Two other nations, New Haven and Bryn Shander, were at one point members of the Concordat (then the Concordat of Hermes), although they left the organization to form a splinter group (see below).


During the Hogsweatian-Tiburonese War of NCE 200, the nation of New Haven, a Hogsweatian ally, began an orbital blockade of the _Taiwanese state of Shen-Zhou. Although this did not significantly affect Tiburonese capabilities in the theater (due to the proximity of Tiburon's own Haven territories to Shen-Zhou), this prompted a response from Bryn Shander, which was allied to Tiburon via the Osaka Security Treaty, resulting in the Battle of Heavenly Space. During the middle of the battle, ZMI forces were dispatched to defuse the situation, and, shortly after the war, the three nations convened at Forodren Cormandor, then a Shanderian territory in Haven.

During this convention, the three nations agreed to the principles set forth in the Treatise of the Concordat, a document which remains relatively unchanged to this day. Midlonian representatives appeared during the conference apparently out of nowhere, and became the first non-founding signatories to the Concordat. Representative of Tiburon, invited by Bryn Shander, came next.

The group remained relatively stable for about 10 years, only adding the nation of Hallad to the group. However, tensions began forming between Bryn Shander and Midlonia within the alliance. A conference mediated by Tiburon to settle the dispute was unsuccessful, and the nations of New Haven and Bryn Shander (and later Hallad) left to form the Hermes Alliance. ZMI, Midlonia, and Tiburon stayed, although Tiburon claimed support for both alliances initially.

The first major combat role of the Concordat as a group was immediately after the ESUS invasion of Mars, ESUS intervention on Mars, to support Allanea during a Bajoni blockade of the nation which followed Allanea's selling of weapons to the Khristatatan Free State, promted a Concordat responce. ZMI and Midlonian forces, supported by Tiburonese logistics, attacked a Skeelzanian asteroid base being towed into Sol. Although the battle was successful, in that they drove out the Skeelzanian presence, their intended mission of keeping the Skeelzanians out of the Solar System was not, after the Der Angst conference that, among other things, established not only Midlonian and Tiburonese claims over Neptunian moons but also Skeelzanian ones. This occurred roughly around the same time as the Hermes split.

After the split, while the Concordat adopted a general apathetic stance towards the Hermes Alliance, Hermes seemed interested in inciting the Concordat to further action against their former allies. Relations between these two groups plunged after the Greater Prussian invasion of Haven in NCE 228, which Hermes accused the Concordat of supporting covertly, based on the evidence of ZMI at the time being in the Prussian-controlled Free Cities Alliance. These charges were later intensified after the defeat of Hermes by the Greater Prussian Empire during the Yurka War in NCE 233, although they were contradicted by Tiburon's $10 billion dollar contribution to the Haven Defense Fund created by Skinny87, which, although not explicitly created for support of Hallad during the conflict, were evidently intended for that purpose. However, the Concordat vehemently denied support for the GPE, and the charges were eventually forgotten. At the end of the war, a defeated Hallad joined the Concordat and the Empire. Despite initial Halladi hostility to both organizations, which to them symbolized imperialism and which was compounded by additional Hermes charges, the massive Concordat program to rebuild Hallad resulted in the alliance winning over the hearts and minds of Halladis. The end stages of this era culminated with the end of Tiburon's claim to support for both alliances, following the Hermes' official blacklist of Tiburon.

By the year NCE 247, a relative tranquil had enveloped the Concordat. The nations of the Freethinkers and Euroslavia had both joined, the Concordat nations of Tiburon and Midlonia had expanded to Neptune, and ZMI had expanded to mars. In particular, Megacity Four, was on Mars, near Weyr's territory of Kekkosmaa. The building of this city alarmed Hermes, and they began arming their orbital colonies in response. This drew an angry response from the rest of Mars, which was (with the exception of Auman) preparing to destroy both orbital colonies if either fired the first shot. However, Tiburon attempted to defuse the situation by holding a peace conference in the Duma with New Haven. Although an actual agreement was not reached, the conference did manage to prevent the immediate outbrake of war between the two alliances.

The end of the arms buildup proved to be a false alarm, in which a New Haven soap corporation had built up tension on Mars (and nearly started hostilities) to advertise their products. The response from most of Mars was one of outrage, and resulted in mixed actions from a lawsuit against the corporation by the Sentient Peoples to deals from Roania and This United State with pirates and mercenaries to disrupt New Havenic shipping.

Two years later, an apparent tension unfolded between Midlonia and Auman over the presence of Aumani forces in Midlonia. Although it seemed that both nations were prepared for war, diplomatic negotiations managed to end the tensions.

The very next year, what appeared to be a repeat of the Megacity Four crisis unfolded as New Haven began rearming its forces. In a demonstration of their disapproval and intent against Orion, the Triumvirate of Yut and Tiburon after attacks by Khrrck and a Kajal blockade on New Haven's colony of Orion, however, the antimatter and fusion reactors of the colony were breached, resulting in a successful joint evacuation effort by Tiburon, the Triumvirate, Weyr, Kajal, and an Austarian private company. Meanwhile, the Osage set to work defusing the reactors of the now-empty asteroid, which they later claimed for their own as their newest battleship without protest.

As New Havenic forces suffered defeat after defeat, allied focus began turning towards regime change in New Haven itself. To this end, a joint force between the Concordat, Kajal, This United State, and Quetzecal began operations (termed in the Tiburonese military as Operation Silent Hammer) against New Haven, which are currently underway.

Major Treatise of the Concordat

Treaty of Mutual Executive Responsibility.

This document primary purpose is to insure the safety of the Offices of the Executives of each signatory. Its secondary purpose is to insure that any signatories who endanger the nations or the persons of other signatories bare the personnel responsibility for their own acts in relation to other signatories.

This is treaty is mandatory for concordat membership and to gain a seat upon the council of the concordat. Its points are non negotiable, binding, and must be fully ratified before Concordat membership is approved.

(1) The signatories of the aforesaid document are bound as empowered executives of their nations and as the appointed leaders of their peoples as are all plenipotentiaries of these offices . As such the institutions of their offices are sacrosanct and will be protected by the forces of all the signatories.

(2) Any signatory nation who seeks to cause harm or causes said harm to another signatory member shall be suspended from the Council of the Concordat pending review by said body.

(3) Any signatory nation, executive office or plenipotentiary who seeks to cause or completes a crime against sentiency as set in the victim nations legal code by any provable means in another signatory nation shall be brought to justice by any and all means necessary and judged by the victim nations legal code.

(4) All signatories executives and plenipotentiaries take full responsibility for the sovereign security and welfare of their peoples. Any acts within these signatories aegis which cause detriment to the wider concordat will be reviewed by a full council.

(5) The signatories will abide by the rulings of the Council of the Concordat. Any signatory who does not abide by these rulings shall be reviewed and may suffer temporary suspension but no further action shall may be taken.

(6) All signatories will accept responsibility for the running, actions and funding for the office of the Council of the Concordat as outlined in the Institutions of the Concordat.

(7) All signatories are bound to send a bi-annual plenipotentiary to the council of the Concordat.


Zepplin Manufacturers Midlonia Hallad Euroslavia Tiburon The Freethinkers


Treaty of Mutual Concordat Defence and Security.

This document is to insure the mutual defence and security of all signatories.

No Signatory nation without the authorisation of a 90% majority of the Council of the Concordat shall by any means cause harm, injury or damage to the persons, territory and or property under any circumstances save that of self defence. Any nation who is found to be in breach of this shall be suspended.

This is treaty is mandatory for concordat membership and to gain a seat upon the council of the concordat. Its points are non negotiable, binding, and must be fully ratified before Concordat membership is approved.

(1) The signatories will abide by the rulings of the council of the concordat and the Security Council of the Concordat any signatory who does not abide by these rulings shall be reviewed and may suffer suspension.

(2) All signatories will accept responsibility for the running, actions and funding of the Security Council of the Concordat as outlined in the Institutions of the Concordat.

(3) All signatories will accept responsibility for the running, actions and funding of the Concordat Rapid Response Force (C.R.R.F.), the Concordat Security Failsafe Force (C.S.F.F.), the Concordat Security Force (C.S.F), the Concordat Central Traffic Control (C.C.T.C.) and the Concordat Strategic Defence Initiative (C.S.D.I.) as outlined in the Institutions of the Concordat.

(4) Any signatory nation who actively uses with the authorisation of their executive office weapons of mass destruction in any form against another signatory without a 90% majority of the Council of the Concordat shall be suspended and given a deadline to present themselves before the security council. If they fail to present themselves their weapons of mass destruction will be seized or destroyed by any means necessary. Any use of weapons post the suspension will result in the use of the Concordat Failsafe Force. Said weapons when illegally used will be fired upon by forces of the Concordat Strategic Defence Initiative.

(5) All signatories shall defend the territorial integrity of their fellow signatories. No signatory who undertakes an aggressive or expansionist war will have the right to automatic assistance by the rest of the concordat until that signatories territorial integrity is breached.

(6) No signatory who uses weapons of mass destruction on a non concordat state shall retain to automatic mutual defence until reviewed by the Security Council of the Concordat.

(7) A central list of prohibited organisations is to be created and pending the approval of the council of the concordat the following shall be carried out. No nation who is a signatory may harbour and or assist any member of these organisations and must attempt to liquidate these organisations by any means within their own legal code. At any time the assistance of their fellow concordat members may be called upon in this.


Zepplin Manufacturers Midlonia Hallad Euroslavia Tiburon The Freethinkers


Treaty of Trans Concordat Health Interests.

All signatories shall strive to preserve the health and lives of their citizens by whatever means they choose however they will under the treaty of Executive Responsibility face review if their acts detriment the health of any other Concordat state or impact upon their Nations wellbeing to a level where it damages the Concordat.

(1) All signatories will accept responsibility for the running, actions and funding of the Concordat Disaster Relief Organisation (C.D.R.O.) and the Concordat Health Organisation (C.H.O.) as outlined in the institutions of the Concordat.

(2) All signatories shall allow full access to the Concordat Disaster Relief Organisation and the Concordat Health Organisation.

(3) This treaties points are non negotiable, binding, and must be fully ratified


Zepplin Manufacturers Midlonia Hallad Tiburon The Freethinkers


Treaty of Trans Concordat counter criminality and security force co-operation.

(1) The signatories security forces shall submit all felons identities and known locations to a central concordat database.

(2) The signatories security forces shall assist security forces of other signatories via the Inter Concordat Police Organisation as outlined in the institutions of the Concordat.

(3) All citizens of the signatory nations shall be bound by the laws of the Concordat nation they inhabit.

(4) All signatories will accept responsibility for the running, actions and funding of the Inter Concordat Police Organisation as outlined in the institutions of the Concordat.

(5) This treatise points are non negotiable, binding, and must be fully ratified


Zepplin Manufacturers Midlonia Hallad Tiburon The Freethinkers


The Institutions of the Concordat

The Council of the Concordat

The Council of the Concordat is made up of the state executive officers who have signed the treaties of the Concordat. While plenipotentiaries of these executive offices will be accepted in extenuating circumstances it is to be the actual person of the each nations executive who takes the seat upon the council. It will meet biannually to evaluate the major institutions of the Concordat. It will aso review and negotiate any legislative changes to the treaties of the concordat. Minor changes to treatise will require a majority of nations and major changes or new treatise requiring a universal agreement not including states which have been suspended. Suspended member states will loose all rights to a seat at the council of the Concordat. Each state has two votes upon the council. If for any reason a tie is reached in voting the decision will go back to the floor of the council to be re debated. Any member state who breaks ratified treatise of Concordat will automatically be suspended from this body. Any member who has a vote of no confidence in their states executive carried by a 90% majority of the Council of the Concordat shall be suspended.

The Office of the Council of the Concordat

The Office of the Council of the Concordat is to run the day to day bureaucratic operations of the institutions of Concordat. The heads of each Concordat institution are to be drawn from this office and must be nominated by a member state for the post, win a majority vote by the council to head that institution and pass a mandatory merit test that is considerably higher than the merit test given for entry into the Office of the Council of the Concordat. All applicants to the office of the council of the concordat must pass mandatory loyalty and merit tests to insure the highest standards. Their loyalty is to lie with the Council of the Concordat and no one member state.

The Security Council of the Concordat

With a yearly rotating executive of five nations executives this body will be charged with evaluating threats to the Concordats security and well being and will be capable of under its own aegis deploying the dedicated Concordat Rapid Response Force (C.R.R.F.), the Concordat Stability Force also known as concordat peace keepers (the C.S.F.) the Inter Concordat Police organisation InterConPol, the Concordat Disaster Relief Organisation (C.D.R.O) the Concordat Strategic Defence Initiative the C.S.D.I. or calling upon the treaty members to fully mobilise their national military assets. While the Council can call for the mobilisation of member state military assets it may not over rule their command structures merely suggest courses of action. No suspended state may hold a seat upon the Security Council. The Security Council may not declare an aggressive war in the name of the Concordat or any member state without convening an emergency session of The Council of the Concordat however it may declare a defensive war in the name of the Concordat. The Security Council may in extreme situations deploy the Concordat Security Failsafe Force. The C.S.F.F. Any member state who breaks ratified treatise of Concordat will automatically be suspended from this body. Any member who has a vote of no confidence in their states executive carried by a 90% majority of the Council of the Concordat shall be suspended.

The Concordat Rapid Response Force

The C.R.R.F is to be deployed when rapid military intervention is needed within or without the Concordat. Their loyalty and training will be to the Concordat and no single member state. There force is to be designed for rapid movement and maximum force application in the name of the Concordat. The C.R.R.F. are to report and to be at the disposal of the Security Council of the Concordat. The C.R.R.F. are to be made up of recruits from every concordat state evaluated on personnel merit and ability via a strenuous series of tests. The C.R.R.F. are to at no point be capable of challenging the sovereignty of the member state forces but are to be equipped with the highest standards of equipment to fulfil their duties. In times of declared war under mutual consent of the members of the concordat the central C.R.F.F. planning corp. shall act as a high command for all consenting concordat forces.

The Concordat Security Failsafe Force

The C.S.F.F. is to be equipped with space based high energy precision weapons to be used in retaliation for an attack upon any state of the Concordat with weapons of mass destruction. These weapons are to be used to neutralise with minimal civilian casualties launch sites, orbital weapons platforms, or other hostile facilities or single space vessels and to neutralise the offending states military high command but leave that states executive intact for further prosecution and or actions by Concordat military or diplomatic forces. This institution is to fall under the aegis of the Security Council and the Council of the Concordat. These weapons are to at no time be capable of engaging and winning against the sovereign forces of the member states of the Concordat. These weapons systems are to be deployed with utmost security and are to be as powerful as fiscally and physically possible. It is up to each state whether or not to add forces to the C.S.F.F. or fund C.S.F.F. weapons.

The C.S.F. (Concordat Peace Keepers)

The C.S.F. is to be deployed to promote stability via the application of limited force. Not a battle field military unit the C.S.F. is designed to act as a paramilitary police force in unstable member states by request of their executive or by request in non concordat states. The C.S.F. cannot enter a member state without the express permission of that states executive as recognised by the Concordat. The C.S.F. is empowered once it has entered a state to use non lethal force against instigators of instability and only to resort to lethal force if it is used upon them. The C.S.F. members are to be recruited proportionally from all Concordat Member States. The C.S.F. deployed forces will report to the Security Council and the Council of the Concordat. No member states executive who has been suspended may deny entry of the C.S.F. into said nation.

The Concordat Strategic Defence Initiative

The Concordat Strategic Defence initiative the C.S.D.I. is to consist of a force of mutually supporting battle platforms, satellites and ground stations. By each member states ratification that member states own S.D.I. system may be networked into the C.S.D.I. The C.S.D.I.’s primary function is to stop any ballistic attacks upon concordat members. They are to report to the Security Council and the Council of the Concordat. Funding is to be proportional to each states defence budget.

Concordat Disaster Relief Organisation

The C.D.R.O.: Empowered to contact foreign nations under their own aegis the C.D.R.O. will be equipped with specifically built disaster relief assets consisting of at least 10 large starships and the right to overrule concordat central traffic control to respond to disasters within the smallest possible time. The C.D.R.O.’s mission is to protect sentient life in times of disaster no matter ideology race or location. The C.D.R.O. shall be a proportionately funded institution of the Concordat and self administering, reporting to the Council of the Concordat itself and the Security Council.

Concordat Development Fund

The C.D.F. is a central development fund to be used to improve the economic stability and growth of the concordat as a whole and to act as a central funding body for major Trans Concordat infrastructure projects. Its executives loyalty is to be to the greater good of the concordat and not any one member state. The C.D.F. is also to evaluate and request the placement of Economic Development Zones. (E.D.Z.’s). Any member found to be misappropriating C.D.F. funds for non C.D.F. projects shall suffer sever fines and review of the incident before the Council of the Concordat.

Economic Development Zones

Economic Development Zones are to be low tax areas with high levels of C.D.F. funded infrastructure. They are to be constructed throughout economically deprived areas of the Concordat and in areas which show economic stagnation. Goods generated in E.D.Z. zones are to be exempt from national customs charges.

Concordat Central Traffic Control

C.C.T.C. are to be charged with expediting the movement of Trans Concordat traffic and the safety of said traffic. The C.C.T.C. is to standardise aerospace traffic control standards throughout the Concordat and to evaluate the safety and air/sea/space/land worthiness of all craft therein to a set of mutually agreeable ratified standards.

The Concordat Central Banking and Financial Organisation

This organisation is to have at its disposal the C.D.F to stabilise member states economies, is to be responsible for Trans Concordat economic planning and banking standards, the eventual creation of a central concordat stock market and the abolishment of customs between member nations of the Concordat. It is also to act to prevent acts of economic invasion or terrorism. It is to have at its disposal a unit of the investigative section of InterConPol to investigate Trans concordat financial crime and money laundering.

The Inter Concordat Police Organisation

InterConPol. This organisation is to promote inter concordat police and or security force co-operation, to have an active Trans Concordat investigative units to investigate crimes which cross Concordat member states borders (though each crime shall be individually tried by the laws and courts of the member state where they were committed and the sentences served in each state in chronological order of the crime committed. They are also to investigate crimes committed by members of concordat staff. They are to report to the council of the concordat, the security council and each nations police forces. Their members are to be drawn proportionately from each member nations police forces on five year terms of duty. Relatively small in numbers they are to mostly act as a liaison body between concordat member states security or police forces.

Concordat Health Organisation

The C.H.O is to be empowered with the authority to stop Trans Concordat disease outbreaks via quarantine, to promote Concordat wide health and to start Concordat wide immunisation and health education programs. To stockpile counter agents against possible Trans Concordat biological attacks.

The Concordat Science and Education Organisation

C.S.E.O. Is empowered to promote research and development via grant aid, to promote Trans concordat research efforts and to administer Trans concordat student exchange programs. It is also to administer education in jointly administered concordat territories. Its funding is voluntary by each member nation and is to report to the council of the Concordat and the Security Council.

The Concordat Colony Authority

The C.C.A. is to actively evaluate areas found by the Star Scouts for habitable areas for sentient civilised habitation and make them fit for said habitation. They are to administer these colonies for the good of the Concordat and to absorb excess population growth from the member states while providing new markets for Trans Concordat trade. The are to report to the Council of the Concordat and the Security Council. Concordat Colonies will be administered by governors appointed by the Council of the Concordat.

The Star Scouts

This body is to be equipped with the best long range scouting vessels available to complete a complete survey of the known galaxy and to find in that galaxy any resource useful to the Concordat and civilization. Funding is to be voluntary by each member state. The Star Scouts shall report to the Council of the Concordat and the Concordat Colony Authority.


Haven Defensive Fund
New Haven's First Buildup
Tiburon-New Haven Conference
Midlonian-Aumani Dispute
New Haven's Second Buildup
Operation Silent Hammer