Ariddian Isles

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Ariddian Isles
ariddianunityflag0xp.png none
Flag Emblem
Motto: none
the Ariddian Isles: geopolitical
Region Uhuhland
Capital Rêvane & Nouvel Espoir
Official Language(s) French, English, Wymgani
Leader none as yet
Sovereignty scheduled for 2144
Population over 10 billion
Currency Ariddian credit (Ç) 
Internet TLD .ari, .nwa
Calling code +96
ISO Code none
NS Sunset XML

Geographically, the term "Ariddian Isles" refers to twenty islands located south of the Uhuhland mainland. The climate is semi-tropical. The indigenous inhabitants are the Wymgani. Nineteen of the islands make up the PDSR Ariddia, while the twentieth is split between West Ariddia and North-West Ariddia.

Politically, the term "Ariddian Isles" refers to a federation uniting Ariddia and North-West Ariddia, due to come into being in two years' time.


The islands were first settled about 3,000 years ago by Pacific Islanders of indeterminate (though possibly Polynesian) origin. These original settlers became the Wymgani, with their own unique culture and language. Over the next six or seven centuries, they spread throughout the Ariddian Isles.

The Isles' colonial history begins in 1662, with the arrival of the first European explorers, followed by the first European settlers in the early 1670s, and by annexation in 1683.

The country became a sovereign republic in 1810, and, in 1985, elected a communist government led by Xavier Gris, who proclaimed the birth of the Social Republic.

In 2011, the Isles were split into two distinct political entities, with the capitalistsecession of Limea and the proclamation of a sovereign West Ariddia. Ten years later, North-West Ariddia in turn became an independent country.

In 2141, Ariddia and North-West Ariddia (under the leadership respectively of Nuriyah Khadhim and John Cohen) began to take concrete steps towards re-unification, which were resisted by West Ariddian (capitalist) President Jean-Charles Paon.

For more information, see the article on the History of Ariddia.

Politics of the Federation

The Federation of the Ariddian Isles will consist in two autonomous states (the current PDSRA and North-West Ariddia). It will have a single, democratically elected head of State (Prime Secretary), and a single Secretary for External Affairs.

The Prime Secretary’s task will be to appoint a Cabinet for each State, based upon the composition of the ruling coalition in each State's Parliament, and subject to that Parliament’s approval. Each Cabinet will be nominally headed by a Second Secretary. The Prime Secretary will "oversee the operations of government", but may not oppose the policies of a Cabinet composed of members not of his or her own party.

See also

External links

International reactions to the creation of the Federation