Isselmere (Region)

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Grand Duchy of Isselmere
Grand Duchrie o Islamere
Mór-redhráith an tUislíamór
Stórhertogadæmi Isslamærr
Isselmere banner.gif
Basic Information
Administrative division Autonomous region
State Isselmere-Nieland
Capital Daurmont
Viceroy HRH Emma Caitwuil-Houmbertis-Sigurdsson-Alvarsson, Duchess of Huise, Lady High Commissioner
Head of Government Rupert Anderson, First Minister
Unification 27 October 863
- Coronation Day
- Union Day
- Constitution Day

19 May (985)
25 June (1562)
24 March (1986)
- English
- Anguistian
- Nielandic
Unicameral parliament
Assembly of Isselmere
Cúnoláed an tUislíamór
Alþingi Isslamarks
Legal Tradition Mix of common and civil law
- Official
- Unofficial

English, Anguistian, Nielandic
Isselmerian, several
TLD .islm

The Region or Grand Duchy of (Lesser) Isselmere is the most populous autonomous region in the United Kingdom of Isselmere-Nieland (UKIN) and the second largest in area after the Kingdom of Nieland. The Grand Duchy emerged in 1986 from the devolution of the Kingdom of Isselmere into three regions, the other two being the Principality of Anguist and the Grand Duchy of Detmere. Many older Isselmerians often refer to all three regions as simply Isselmere or The Kingdom. Although the term is still constitutionally accurate, most younger Isselmere-Nielanders prefer discretion over that particular legal nicety.

The Kingdom

The present-day Kingdom of Isselmere (Anguistian Ríogháith an tUislíamór, Nielandic Konungsríki Isslamærar) emerged in 1015 with the accession of Joergen I following the two-year battle for succession after the death of Dowager-Queen Maldren in 1013. In 985, Forthar I had eliminated much of the Anguistian nobility who had been seeking assistance against the Nielanders. The death of Karl of Detmere at the Battle of Pallisdon Moor in 1014 left that kingdom with a pregnant queen, Cloda of Isselmere, and three surviving princesses. With the three kingdoms of Isselmere, Anguist, and Detmere devastated by two years of bloody fighting, and with Isselmerian nobles encroaching deep into Detmerian territory, the Detmerian magnates aligned themselves with their Isselmerian counterparts to select a new joint king, likely believing the circumstances were temporary.

By the sixteenth-century, Anguist and Detmere were definitively part of the Isselmerian kingdom. Anguistian resistance, which flared from time to time against heavy-handed laws and prejudice of the resident Isselmerian nobility, continued but the language itself had been pushed to the hinterland. The Detmerian elite, cultural kin to the Isselmerian magnates, assimilated easily albeit not completely. Whilst the Reformation ensured the retention of the Anguistian language with the preparation of an Anguistian Bible by the Synod of Mithesburgh, later developments threatened its survival.

The agricultural revolution, industrialisation, and mechanisation placed greater pressures on local cultures as populations shifted to find work after being displaced to make way for space-intensive cultivation. The Anguistian-speaking population was pushed even further into the hinterland, although pockets of linguistic resistance formed in the larger towns.

These Anguistian-speaking communities grew in power with nineteenth-century Romanticism. Eventually, it became almost impossible to run a factory in old Anguist without knowing a few words of Anguistian. This linguistic resurgence benefited in large part to the defence of the Nielandic language by the Nielander nobility and gentry. The ancient foes eventually reaped the rewards for their labours when the Constitution Act, 1986 made Anguistian a national language and Nielandic was recognised as one of new Grand Duchy of Isselmere's official languages with the Nielander Language Act, 1986.[1]


The devolution of the Kingdom of Isselmere by the Constitution Act, 1986 separated the ancient realm into the Grand Duchy, the Principality of Anguist, and the Grand Duchy of Detmere.

The recreation of the regions of Anguist and Detmere enraged Isselmerian nationalists, leading to the formation of the Isselmerian Union Party (IUP). Although the IUP did poorly in the following general elections, the IUP later became an important wing of the radical right-wing Loyal Monarchist Party (LMP).

Anguistian and Detmerian nationalists lost little time in condemning the devolution, although many would serve in their respective legislatures. By 1996 Detmerian nationalism had diminished with each local electoral success. The strength of Anguistian nationalism has remained stable over the past decades.

Devolution has not adversely affected the Kingdom at all. Economic ties between Isselmere and the Kingdom of Nieland have strengthened as the two regional governments have sought to distance themselves from radical extremists, such as the predominantly Isselmerian Loyal Monarchist Party demanding an end to the UKIN's experiment with federalism, and the Nielander National Party (Nielandic Nylendinga Ríkisflokkurinn) arguing for complete separation of the two Kingdoms. Increasing ties with the Grand Duchy of Detmere, exemplified by the tight industrial links between Isselmere Motor Works, the Royal Shipyards of Isselmere-Nieland and Detmerian Aerospace Dynamics, as well as the strange, slow spread of Anguistian throughout the UKIN has led to a marked decline in inter-regional squabbles, contrary to expectations and nationalist desires.


The reduced Grand Duchy is subdivided into eight provinces comprised of (unspecified number) alderdoms and (unspecified number) burghs.


The eight provinces of Isselmere are Apphelia (Land of Apples), Glaines, Huise, Pichtland (Land of the Picts), Premel (The First), Sarpathia (Path of Sorrows), Tichonia (derived from the Anguistian word for prince, tícherna), Upper Gudrof.


See History of Isselmere-Nieland


The majority of people within the Kingdom of Isselmere consider themselves to be native Isselmere-Nielanders, irrespective of ethnic origin, but recent conflicts have led to a marked rise in immigration and particularly in war refugees. The Union Ministry for Social Development and Ministry of the Interior as well as the Isselmerian Ministry for Education and Skills and Ministry for Children and Family Services have adapted to these changing circumstances admirably with strident educational campaigns, effective job centres, and good social housing. Instances of legislation admitting refugees only as guest workers have been loudly declaimed by civil rights groups, politicians, and the two most recent monarchs, Robert VI and Henry V, alike.


As home to the capital, Isselmere tends to be the focus for culture within the United Kingdom.


The Isselmerian economy is dominated by three main industries: publishing, information technology, and automobile and motor manufacturing. Isselmere Motor Works is the United Kingdom's largest automobile manufacturer and a major contributor to the State's defence.

Constitutional Position

Although the Principality of Anguist and the Grand Duchy of Detmere are administratively separate regions within the United Kingdom, officially the two regions remain part of the Kingdom of Isselmere. This constitutional position continues to infuriate and frustrate Anguistian and Detmerian nationalists.


  1. ^  In order, this is the official name in English, Isselmerian, Anguistian, and Nielandic.
  2. ^  The Act of Consolidation, 1562 confirmed Nielandic as a regional language of the Kingdom of Nieland. The Nielander Language Act, 1986 established Nielandic as a regional language of the Isselmere as well. Nielandic finally became a national language with the Nielander Language Act, 2005.

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Category | Factbook

Categories: Administrative divisions | Constitution | Defence Forces | Festivities | Government | Languages | Laws
Subjects: Capital | Coat of arms | Currency | Economy | Education | Football | History | Lethean Islands | Religion
Monarchy: History | Royal Family
Government: Council of State | DPA | Lords Commissioners | The King | Parliament | Prime Minister | Storting of Nieland
Firms: Detmerian Aerospace | Isselmere Motor Works | Lyme and Martens | Royal Ordnance | Royal Shipyards | Turing-Babbage | UPGO
Products: Isselmere-Nieland Defence Industries