Alliance for Stability, Peace and Intra-Regional Entente

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Alliance for Stability, Peace and Intra-Regional Entente
Headquarters: Errion Vega, Andossa Se Mitrin Vega; Timiocato, Pacitalia; Columbia, Bedistan; Tyrellia, Casari; Alexandria, Milchama and Manhattan, Manhattan Prime
Members: 6 members
Type: Defensive, stability
Forum: Within the AO forums

The Alliance for Stability, Peace and Intra-Regional Entente (ASPIRE) is a multinational, regional alliance of security, observation and the advocacy of regionwide peace, located in Atlantian Oceania. It was established in 2006 (Bedistani year 2100) through the Treaty of Errion Vega. As the "third alliance" in the region, ASPIRE provides a mediating influence to attempt to soften the damage of diplomatic and military conflict between the two other alliances in the region, and ensure lasting peace and prosperity among the region's inhabitants when attainable and/or realistic.

Current members

All six current members of the alliance were part of its founding coalition.

Former members


ASPIRE's short history began in August 2006 when ASMV's Presidente-Comandante, Viastormin Vega, invited the leaders of four like-minded regional neighbours to Errion Vega to discuss the creation of a third, mediating alliance in Atlantian Oceania. Previously, there had been talk among leading Pacitalian and Vegan government figures about the creation of such an alliance, but neither side had acted until Vega's invitation was announced. The move by Vega was directly in response to word that Bazalonia had been accepted into the Strategic Defense League with Myrtannia likely soon to follow.

The new Pacitalian Agustinate covering foreign and diplomatic affairs, Albinanda Serodini, led the Pacitalian delegation to Errion Vega. She brought the other four original parties (ASMV, Casari, Milchama and Hypocria) to a preliminary agreement that the alliance should also include Bedistan, Geisenfried and Manhattan Prime, three nations Pacitalian intelligence had determined were most likely to support the causes of ASPIRE over the other two alliances, or, over absolute, isolationist neutrality. The move brought the fledgling alliance's potential membership to eight, rivalling the increasingly powerful SDL.

The alliance's inception was remarkable in that it only took a few days to hammer out the Treaty of Errion Vega that bound the member states together in the new organisation. This was widely attributed to the fact that all nations invited had the same common goal for intra-regional stability and none of them deviated far from the same course of action. With the treaty in play, Serodini suggested the name ASPIRE for the new alliance and it was voted in by the group's "council".

Worrying withdrawals

However, ASPIRE's golden age and darling status looked to be ending prematurely when Hypocria left the alliance only three weeks after its creation. Hypocria had just installed Andrius Vyntra, the lead delegate for Hypocria in Errion Vega, as its new Autokrator, as Titus Drax had apparently died of natural causes in Starblaydia (though it was later revealed his death had come at the hands of Lady Viannor Starblayde herself). Soon after Vyntra's withdrawal he brought his country sharply back into line with Starblaydi policy, rejoining the SAAS.

Soon following Hypocria's exit was Geisenfried, who left not for foreign influence but for a domestic development. Geisenfriedians were not at all thrilled with King Alexander Seifert IV's decision to send a delegation to Errion Vega and enter the alliance without consulting the public first in a referendum, and the timing of such a decision couldn't have been any worse for the victims of the public's anger: the government. Switching administrations in the subsequent election, Geisenfried's new chancellor Sigmund Velthomer signed his assent to a parliamentary vote that supported the withdrawal of the country from ASPIRE, leaving the alliance with six members.

Action in Operation Galactica

Main article: Operation Galactica

Due to its weakening and, thus, the probable need to restructure in a stronger, more cohesive group (without major reforms to the charter itself), most action in Atlantian Oceania's largest-ever conflict has been on a state level, and not on a multinational one. Pacitalia originally declared its neutrality and even offered to host a large-scale symposium among regional neighbours to determine a way to avoid major bloodshed. But with the attacks on its ally Nedalia and its anger over Hypocria's so-called "undefection" back to the SAAS, Pacitalian forces look likely to make their country the second of the ASPIRE members to enter into physical conflict. Previous to this, Milchama had declared itself in support of The Lowland Clans and committed troops to the effort.

Despite the weakening of ASPIRE by the loss of a quarter of its membership, the general consensus among members is that the war needs to occur, as, for the region, it is likely healthier to allow the conflict to happen, rather than to attempt to prolong a shaky negative peace by calling those involved to the table.

Treaty of Errion Vega (Charter of ASPIRE)

Section Text
1 The entire alliance will move only in a war of direct defence.
2 Individual nations within the alliance have the freedom to get involved in conflicts where they feel their national security is threatened.
3 While we should be prepared at any moment, we should never be the first to strike. Any strike we make should be considered a last resort after diplomatic ends have met with very little or no success. Diplomacy should be given every chance to work first.
4 We must be ready to do what is required to preserve peace. Once force has been called out, we should be watching for the point when diplomacy can resume. We simply wish to preserve our peace and protect our interests.
5 The alliance will have no single headquarters, but will have offices in the capital in every member state. We believe that no one nation is more important that the alliance.
6 However, to quickly relay concerns and provide centralized leadership we will elect amongst ourselves a 'central' office – this will be rotate every so often, so nations take it in turns to have the 'Presidency'.
7 We are committed to the fostering of trade, by a strengthening of trade relations, and lowering of tariffs and import taxes.
8 We must take an active role in keeping the peace in Atlantian Oceania, to ensure that all parties in the region know our goals are the most beneficial for the region. We must send the message that deliberately military actions, with or without precedent, are unacceptable in the face of diplomacy.
9 We mainly aim to counterweight the recent growth in power of the SDL, but we must also supervise the operation of the SAAS. We feel neither is morally superior to the other. They merely use different agendas to justify their actions.
10 Above all, we are first and foremost a pro-stability alliance. We consider it vital that the balance of power within the region be kept. We are therefore committed to the stability of the AO region.

  Major alliances of Atlantian Oceania
Alliance for Stability, Peace and Intra-Regional Entente
Strategic Alliance of Autocratic States
Strategic Defense League