Edward City

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The United States of Edward City
Los Estados Unidos de Edward City
Els Estats Units d'Edvard City
Die Vereinigte Staaten von Edward City
edward_city.jpg EdwardCityCoatofArmspeq.jpg
Flag and Coat of Arms of Edward City
Motto : Unidos hasta el Fin


Region The United Region of Friends
Capital Edward City D.C. (pop. 13 million)
Anthem The Patriot
Five largest cities Edward City D.C., Incator, Solleria, Mahon, Pollentis
 - as Kingdom
 - as United States
Spoken languages
 - Official
 - Unofficial

Spanish, Catalan
English, German
 - Total
 - % water

7,890,060 km²,
 - President
 - Senate Leader
 - Governing Party
Federal Republic
Albert Mainzer (PSOE)
Jon Bordas
Partido Socialista Obrero Eduardiano
Population (2024)
 - NS population
 - Roleplay population

GDP (FY2006/07)
  - GDP/capita (USD)

National animal
Grey Penguin
National Tree Pine
Currency Edolar
 - Sport/Esport/Deporte
 - Government/Govern/Gobierno

Pronunciation (IPA) /iunaited esteits of eduard siti/
Internet TLD .usec
Calling Code +971

The United States of Edward City or Edward City, Spanish: los Estados Unidos de Edward City, Catalan:els Estats Units d'Edvard City, German: die Vereinigte Staaten von Edward City is a highly developed nation and famous for its space technology. The nation consists of an archipelago of 11 islands and continental terrain.


Main Article:History of Edward City

The Beggining

The great nation of Edward city was founded by the king Edward I in the year 1875. Edward City's name comes from the name of the capital, called Edward in honor to the founding father of our country. Edward City started, in the year 1899, exporting skins of gray penguin for his sale abroad, with which the country stuffed itself, but the gray penguin was, already in 1950, practically extinct, for what in 1989 and with a budget of 2500000000 edolars, the biggest scientists of the world obtained clone to a gray penguin. In 1914, Edward City allied with germany and entered the WWI, and when the war ended, edward city was saved from major suffering after the defeat by the careful use of bribes to the victorious countries.

In 1929, with the fall of the stock exchange of wall street, edward city was the only nation in the world that benefited due to the fact edward city was the only country with a stock echange of its own, isolated from the rest of the world. In the subsequent years, edward city prospered during the mad twenties while the rest of the world was sinking in total chaos.

German Invasion on Edward City

In 1936, the foreign minister of Edward City, Edward IV travelled to germany to meet adolf hitler and to invite him to visit edward city. Certainly, hitler agreed of very good desire. On May 3 of that year, Adolf Hitler was got by the prime minister, Edward III (father of Edward IV) in Edward City's central airport from which, they would go to the presidential palace. During the trip, a group of secret American agents attacked to the convoy, which gave march behind to the airport. In the limousine where are edward and adolf hitler, hitler extracted his Luger 9mm and murdered the president edward of a shot in the chest. This fact was interpreted how act of war on the part of the German government and began an invasion on edward city, prelude of the war that would begin 3 years later.


After the WWII, edward city was liberated by American troops and the previous government was returned with Edward IV as president. In the year 1960, the government of edward city suffered the worst blow of the history. A sniper murdered, of a shot to the head to the candidate for the prime minister's position of edward city, Carl Watson. On the following year, a terrorist armed with a nuclear bomb,that exploded in Maltown's full center, on the west, killing in the order of 150.000 you present forthwith, after this assault, nothing would return to be the same thing in edward city.

-1970's -

In the seventies, the army modernized with a new fleet of submarines and aircraft carrier with the one that was possible to invade a country of the Swiss's size in one day and a half. This remodeling of the army was like an obligation of the government after Maltown's disaster."We made it because was our obligation",says now Pierre Catrogne,Prime minister at the time."If we had not done it, the one who knows how edward city would be now".In the decade of 1980, the kingdom of edward city was dissolved during a coup d'état led to end by the general of brigade Jack Hubart, of the second fleet. The kingdom happened to be called: " The United States of Edward City ".In 1981, a provisional government was constituted up to the celebration of the first legislative elections of the United States of Edward City, in 1984. The candidates were:John Talbott and Jonathan Archer.Jonathan Archer was elected by 20 % of the votes on John Talbott.In 1989 and with the fall of the wall of berlin, the Soviet union collapsed, which was a great news for edward city and his army. When the Soviet union collapsed there stayed behind the major arsenal of weapon of the history of the world, and edward city extracted slice.


Civil War

2008, the Edward City Civil War begins at the Battle of Byovicha Wasteland between the USEC Army forces and Asaham, an Eastern Atinesia Independentist and Terrorist Group.The 24th December 2009 the war ended.

See Also:Timeline of Edward City

Post-Civil War

In 2010,the Edward City Army began to develop a Neutron Bomb and in 2012 they made explode the first edwardian neutron bomb at the desertic plains of Eastern Atinesia.


El Principio

La gran nación de Edward City fue fundada por el rey Edward I en el año 1875. El nombre de Edward City proviene del nombre de la capital,llamada así en honor al padre fundador de nuestro país.Bueno,Edward City empezó,en el año 1899,a exportar pieles de pingüino gris para su venta en el extranjero,con lo cual el país se forró,pero el pingüino gris estaba, ya en 1950,practicamente extinto, por lo que en 1989 y con un presupuesto de 2.500.000.000 de edolares, los cientificos más grandes del mundo consiguieron clonar a un pingüino gris. En 1914, edward city se alió con con alemania y entró en la GM. Cuando acabó la guerra, edward city se salvó de sufrir la derrota a base de sobornos a los países victoriosos.

En 1929, con la caída de la bolsa de wall street, edward city quedó cómo la única nación no afectada en todo el mundo, sólo porque, Edward City era el único país en el mundo con una bolsa apartada del resto. En los años que siguieron, en edward city empezaron realmente los locos años veinte mientras el resto del mundo se sumía en un caos total.

Invasión Alemana

En 1936, el ministro de exteriores de edward city, Edward IV viajó a alemania para reunirse con adolf hitler e invitarle a Edward City. Por supuesto, hitler aceptó de muy buena gana. El 3 de mayo de aquel mismo año, Adolf Hitler fue recibido por el presidente del gobierno, Edward III(padre de Edward IV)en el aeropuerto central de Edward City desde el cual se dirigirían al palacio presidencial. Durante el viaje,un grupo de agentes secretos estadounidenses atacaron al convoy, que dió marcha atrás al aeropuerto. En la limusina dónde íban edward y adolf hitler, hitler sacó su arma y asesinó al presidente edward de un disparo en el pecho. Este hecho fue interpretado cómo acto de guerra por parte del gobierno alemán y empezó una invasión sobre edward city, preludio de la guerra que empezaría 3 años después.

Pos-Segunda Guerra Mundial

Tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Edward City fue liberada por tropas americanas y se restituyó el gobierno anterior con Edward IV cómo presidente. En el año 1960, el gobierno de Edward City empezó a sufrir un grupo de catastrofes que marcaría el rumbo de su historia, un francotirador asesinó, de un disparo a la cabeza al candidato al puesto de primer ministro de Edward City, Carl Watson, y al año siguiente, un terrorista, hizo estallar un dispositivo Nuclear en pleno centro de Malton, al oeste, matando a unas 150.000 personas en el acto, tras este ataque, nada volvería a ser lo mismo en edward city.


En los setenta, el ejercito se modernizó con una nueva flota de submarinos y portaaviones con la que era posible invadir un país del tamaño de suiza en un día y medio.Esta remodelación del ejército fue como una obligación del gobierno tras el desastre de Malton."Lo hicimos porque era nuestra obligación",dice ahora Pierre Cartogne ,Primer ministro entonces."Si no lo hubiéramos hecho,quien sabe cómo estaría Edward City ahora". En la década de 1980,el reino de edward city fue depuesto durante un golpe de estado llevado a cabo por el general de brigada Jack Hubart,de la segunda flota.El reino pasó a llamarse:"Los Estados Unidos de Edward City" y en 1981,se constituyó un gobierno provisional hasta la celebración de las primeras elecciones legislativas de los estados unidos de edward city,en 1984.Los candidatos fueron:John Talbott y Jonathan Archer.Fue elegido Jonathan Archer por un 20% de los votos sobre John Talbot. En 1989 y con la caída del muro de berlin,la unión soviética se colapsó,lo cual fue una gran noticia para edward city y su ejército.Cuando la unión soviética se colapsó quedó atrás el mayor arsenal de armas de la historia del mundo,y edward city le sacó tajada.


Guerra Civil

En el 2008,empieza la Guerra Civil Eduardiana en la Batalla del Vertedero de Byovicha entre las Fuerzas Armadas y Asaham,un grupo terrorista independentista.La guerra civil acabó el 24 de Diciembre del año siguiente.

Pos-Guerra Civil

En 2010 el ejército de Edward City empezó a desarrollar en secreto una bomba de neutrones y en 2012 se hizo estallar la primera bomba de neutrones en las llanuras desérticas de Atinesia Oriental.

Daily Routine

The daily routine of an edwardian:

*6:30 am=Getting Up
*7:00 am=Having Breakfast
*7:35 am=Cleaning face,washing teeth
*7:50 am=Go to the office/school/place of job
*2:00 pm=Go Home
*2:30 pm=Have lunch
*5:00 pm=Have second breakfast
*8:30 pm=Have Dinner
*10:00 pm=Go bed

Historical Moments/Momentos Históricos

Neighboring Nations

NW: Work Damn you Work N: Work Damn you Work NE: Work Damn you Work
W: Work Damn you Work Edward City E: The Pink Milk
SW: N/A S: Insomnia Island SE: -.-Unclaimed Territory-.-


Edward City has embassies in/Edward City tiene embajadas en:

Nations who have embassies at edward city/Países con embajadas en Edward City:

  • Cookesland
  • Watanda
  • TeraHammer
  • Imperial Aaronia
  • Mationbuds
  • Pacitalia
  • Van Luxemburg
  • United Ed States


In edward city,the tourism leading agency is Carnivale Cruise Lines.

Space Technology Industry/Indústria de Tecnologia Espacial

In Edward City,the Space Technology Industry is led by the ECSA, the official national Space Agency.

Political Division

Edward City is divided into ten States, a protectorate and a Colony.

State Capital
Mallorca Edward City D.C.
Menorca Mahon
Ibiza Eivissa
Formentera San Francesc
Southern Edward City Miniadia City
Northern Edward City(Eastern Atnesia) Biovycha
Visinia Abissinia
Boelania Edolona(formerly Edolanyvich)

Protectorate Capital
Falksea Islands Golden Port

Colony Capital
Reach Reach City

Ten Major Cities

City State Population(as of 2024)
Edward City D.C. Mallorca 13,479,995
Mahon Menorca 12,946,462
Manacoria Mallorca 12,583,385
Edolona Boelania 11,459,593
Solleria Mallorca 10,446,319
Eivissa Ibiza 9,746,875
Incator Mallorca 8,957,897
Miniadia City Miniadia 8,151,239
Abissinia Visinia 7,184,346
Byovicha Northern Edward City 7,014,385


Main Article:Constitution of the United States of Edward City.


Age Structure

  • 0-18 years:27%
  • 18-52 years:43%
  • 52-more years:30%

Life Expectancy

  • Male:89,3 years
  • Female:91,2 years



Percentage of Population who speaks it


In 1890,the king edward I approved the creation of a national expeditionary force known as "La Fuerza",from this to now with our spaceship fleet,a lot of things have happened.

Military Alliances were Edward City is member:

Defence Ministry Branches:


The government is based on Edward City D.C.,MA.The Presidential Palace is located on Edward City D.C..

Name/Nombre Position/Posición
Albert Mainzer President
Juan Carlos Rigo Vice-President
Alex Martinez Defence Minister
Alvar Obrador Foreign Affairs Minister
Pau Busquets War Minister
Daniel Higón Justice Minister
Pau Alcover Environment Minister
Sergi Calafat Intelligence Minister

See Also:


Date English Name Local Name Remarks
January 1 New Year's Day Día de Año Nuevo,Cap d'Any Arguably the largest celebration of the year.
February 23 Edward City Armed Forces Day Día de las Fuerzas Armadas,Dia de les Forçes Armades Formation of the Edward City Army, is a free day.
April 12 Astronautics Day Día de la Astronáutica,Dia de l'astronàutica The Day Yuri Gagarin became the first man in Space, in 1961. Not a day off.
May 1 International Labor Day Dia del Trabajador,Dia del Treballador Celebrated on May 1.
May 9 Europe Day Dia de Europa,Dia d'Europa The day when Robert Schuman presented his proposal of a organised and United Europe in 1950.
August 17 Fechter-Freedom Day Día de la Libertad Fechter,Día de la Llibertat Fechter The conmemoration of the death of Peter Fechter while trying to escape to West Berlin.
December 26 Independence Day Día de la Independencia,Dia de la Independència Is the anniversary of the foundation of Edward City.
December 30 Edward City Constitution Day Día de la Constitución,Dia de la Constitució Aniversary of the ratification of the 1984 Constitution.


Its news industry is leaded by the World News Company Channel and followed by the Edward City Channel 7.The major readers number newspaper is the Edward Herald,followed by the Raccoon City Times and the World Link,(a cyber newspaper).

World Positions/Posiciones en el Mundo

-Largest Mining Sector/Mayor Sector Minero=40,678th in world and 1st in Region/40,678 en el mundo y 1º en la Región.

-Most Rebellious Youth/Jóvenes más rebeldes=76,599th in world and 5th in Region(UCSG Society of Gemnoviag)/76,599ª en el mundo y 5º en la Región(UCSG Society of Gemnoviag).

-Largest Publishing Industry|Mayor Indústria de Publicación=39,669th in World and 3rd in the Region(UCSG Society of Gemnoviag)/39,699ª en el mundo y 3ª en la Región(UCSG Society of Gemnoviag).

edward_city.jpg The United States of
Edward City
Main article: Edward City
People: Albert Mainzer, Juan Carlos Rigo, Alex Martinez, Alvar Obrador
History:Timeline of Edward City, History of Edward City
Armed Forces: Edward City Army, Edward City Navy, Edward City Air Force, Edward City Marine Corps, Edward City Space Command
Miscellaneous: Flag of Edward City
Cities and Towns: Reach, Edward City DC, Mahon,

Manacoria, Solleria

States: Mallorca, Menorca,

Ibiza, Formentera, Amberes, Visinia, Kuma, Romelia, Southern Edward City, Northern Edward City

Commonwealth of Edwardian Nations: African Edward City, Reach, SkylineHeavyIndustries, Keron-, -Borginia, Sagitaron, -Vekta-, South Sahrani, GroBdeutsches Reich, Beimar, The Eleven Colonies, Boldinia
Corporations: Carnivale Cruise Lines, Edward City Space Agency (ECSA), CombMobil Motor Corp., EdwAir, Regenschirm Corporation
Television:Edward City News Channel, World News Company
Newspapers:Edward Herald, Raccoon City Times
Banking:Union Banking
Currencies:Edolar, Centedolar
Sports:Edward City Sport Association, Edward City Olympic Committee
Intelligence Agencies:Federal Intelligence Agency
Agencies: Edwardian Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The United Region of Friends
UN Delegate: My Political Arm,([[]])
Vice-President: Edward City,(Jack Stanton)
Other Ministers: Minister for Transport and the Envirnment: // | Minister for Trade, Aid, & Development: The Proletariat world | Minister For International Courts, Law & Justice: Terran Inhabitants (Graham Lawrence Wilson)
Other Nations: Work Damn you Work | Archedon(dissolved) | Bessarbia | Biker Isle(ceased to exist) | Edward City | Falksea Islands(moved to the UIN) | Fuchu Daiichi | Gilamot | Insert States Here | Insomnia Island | Insomnia State Prison | Machinegunelephant | My Political Arm | Naanyaar | New Conemaugh(ceased to exist) | Newest Soviet Union | Papa Muerte | Plicks | Saxonburgh | Seyda | The Pink Milk | Vikain | Wyzus-Jackus-Horssisus | Zingatan
Laws: High Declarations of the United Region of Friends , Laws of the United Region of Friends , Constitution of The United Region of Friends
Bills: List of Bills approved by the URF Delegate
Military : URF Military Co-Ordination Task Force
Major Historic Moments: Edward City 2025 Zombie Outbreak

Nations in Confederation of Independent Planets
1010102 | Asfaltum | Edward City | Fedral Union | Human Space Colonies | Lhoell | Mationbuds | Phenixica | Tiburn | Trinity Prime | Wanderjar |

Nations in Military Alliance for Cooperation
Edward City |