Liverpool England High League

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The Liverpool England High League is a part of the Liverpool England Football League, and is the only professional division run by the Football Association of Liverpool England.


The Liverpool England High League has existed since the 7th structure of the Liverpool England Football League, when it was the top division in a two-division professional league system in Liverpool England. It consisted of 16 teams, and lasted for two seasons before the merger into the IAFL of some teams.

Currently, the LivEng Airways Liverpool England High League is the only professional division in Liverpool England run by the FALE in the IAFL–FALE League format, and contains 24 teams in two groups ("conferences") of 12, with each team playing thrice against each other in their conference. The top three per conference will move on to play each other another once, totalling 38 games for six teams and 33 for the other 18. The table from the first 33 games carry over into the final 5 games, i.e., a team that wins all its final 5 games might possibly fail to win the league and gain promotion to the IAFL.

Season Champions Relegated Other info
Number of games per team League won by margin of
1 North Fence Pushing F.C. Al-Johari F.C., Keelhead A.F.C. 26 (27 for CCL 'C' F.C.) 2 points from Hungry Palls F.C.
2 North Fence Pushing None
league structure changed
104 12 points from Hungry Palls
Alnwick Torpedo F.C. (Promoted) None 33 (38 for six teams) 2 points from Orean United F.C.
Red Harp Gold Lute A.F.C (Promoted) None 33 (38 for six teams) Goal difference from Icarus Wings S.C.
Alnwick Torpedo F.C. (Promoted) None 33 (38 for six teams) 12 points from Pardbo F.C.
Golden Discus S.F.C. (Promoted) None 33 (38 for six teams) 4 points from Talbott F.C. and Blackwater F.C.
Talbott F.C. (Promoted) None 33 (38 for six teams) 10 points from Blackwater F.C.

First division soccer leagues
Allied States Premiership (The Lowland Clans) | Apex League (Bettia) | Bureaucratic States 1st Division (Oglethorpia) | Casaran First Division (Casari) | Cafundeu First Division (Cafundeu]) | C4 Champions League (Unified Capitalizt States) | CMSC (Candelaria And Marquez) | H1SR (Rejistania | Hockey Canada Soccer League (Hockey Canada) | Jabonga Çwego Ligī (Unified Capitalizt States) | KLF Overleague (Krytenia) | Kzuu Maian Football League (Gigaleague) (Kzuu Mai) | Leaguealese (Legalese) | Liga Starblaydia (Starblaydia) | Liverpool England High League (Liverpool England) | Milchama Football League (Milchama) | Naleloospalakintula Football (Division 1) | National Football League (Daehanjeiguk) | Nedalia Premier League (Nedalia) | Nojikan Premiere League (Nojika) | PopularFreedom Extreme Soccer League (PopularFreedom) | Première Ligue Pepsioli (Oliverry) | Qazox Football League (Qazox) | Qutari Premier League (The Islands of Qutar) | Ratlea Championship Soccer (Ratlea) | Spruitland First Division (Spruitland) | Súprelige (Bedistan) | Liga de Fútbol de Vassfforcia (Vassfforcia) | Virsliga (Boudra-Boudra) | Weegie Premiership (The Weegies) | Winchestia Pro League (Winchestia)