Difference between revisions of "St Samuel"

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(Public Holidays)
Line 780: Line 780:
   <td>January 1</td>
   <td>January 1</td>
   <td>New Year's Day</td>
   <td>New Year's Day</td>
  <td>Islamic New Year</td>
  <td>January 6</td>
  <td>Epiphany Day</td>
  <td>January 7</td>
  <td>Orthodox Christmas Day</td>
Line 810: Line 826:
   <td>Easter Monday</td>
   <td>Easter Monday</td>
  <td>July 28</td>
  <td>Veterans Day (Honors veterans of St Samuel's armed forces)</td>
  <td>November 1</td>
  <td>All Saint's Day</td>
  <td>Eid ul-Adha</td>
  <td>Eid ul-Fitr</td>

Revision as of 03:21, 10 August 2007

The United Federal Kingdom of St Samuel
St Samuel1.gif


National flag Coat of Arms
Motto Semper Erit Samuel.
Capital Saint Maria
  - Official
  - Unofficial

Italian, Latin
  King -
  Prime Minister-
Federal Constitutional Monarchy
Justantine IV
Georgio De Molay

9,984,670 km²
3,854,085 sq mi
Region The United Federal Kingdom of St Samuel
 - Total (2007)

National animal
Currency Rudolph
International abbreviation STS
Internet TLD .sts
Calling Code +83

The United Federal Kingdom of St Samuel, or simply St Samuel, is a country centrally located in the Holdini Isles. It occupies around 50% of the Holdini island. St Samuel is bounded by the Holdinian Sea, the Gulf of Dominica and the Gulf of Holdinia. The neighbouring countries are South Thasland, Angkora and the Thas Coast to the west, Cookesland to the east, Fatir, Zanzibam, Rikers Isle, Wesmerica and Cymerica to the north and Nitramda to the south.

St Samuel is a massive and economically powerful nation. St Samuel is a federal constitutional monarchy and is made up of 95 provinces, 19 emirates and 1 protectorate. The current monarch is King Justantine IV.

Its has a hard-nosed population of 2.144 billion, who are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality. It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but it devotes most of its attentions to Law & Order, with areas such as Social Welfare and Religion & Spirituality receiving almost no funds by comparison. The average income tax rate is 77%, and even higher for the wealthy. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Automobile Manufacturing, Uranium Mining, and Woodchip Exports industries.

St Samuel's national animal is the eagle, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the rudolph. The name Saint Samuel originates from the Italian saint, who was sent by the pope to evangelise the people of the land in the year 22AD.

St Samuel is a United Nations member and a member of the Grand Imperial Alliance.


For earlier history see Saint Holden Ancient History

Pontina Period 20BC - 138AD

During the decline of the Dacian Empire around 20 BC, King Francisco Pontina of Ossia, united southern Holdinia and declared itself independant from Dacian rule. With Dacian forces fighting rebellions elsewhere in the empire the local Dacian garrisons were unable to supress Pontina's rebellion.

In what became known as the Pontina War, soon Pontina was receiving requests from northern Holdini states for help in over throwing Dacian rule. Pontina's united Holdini force was too much for the Dacians and by 12BC the Dacians had left Holdinia. Pontina declared himself King of Holdinia and had a new capital city built, Francisco.

By this period the Pellinese controlled the Della Isles and in 9BC, Pontina invaded the islands and claimed the islands back. This led to a 6 year war known as the 1st Pellinese-Holdinia War. During this time Dacia sent forces to try and claim back parts of Holdinia but were repelled by the far superior forces of Holdinia.

In 5 AD Christianity arrived in Holdinia. Luatillian established a mission in Deo Vindice, outside of Francisco. In 22AD Saint Samuel was sent to Holdinia by the Pope to evangelise the Holdinians. Samuel was succesful in bringing King Sethius to the faith and in 24AD Sethius declared the nation a Christian state. The Church of Holden (CoH) was founded and Samuel became the Archbishop of Francisco and head of CoH.

Sethius became so devout he sent his young son, Lympus to a mission in Barrinnia to be raised as a true christian. Sethius further gave the CoH more powers and requested that Bishops become his Royal advisors.

In 96AD King Francisco II declared war on the Pellinese starting the 2nd Pellinese-Holdinian War. The war lasted 12 years ending in 108AD conqouring the island. Francisco II died in 111AD and his son Octavius became King. Octavius led a 3rd Pellinese-Holdinia War on the Island of Samah but suffered huge loses during a 5 year campaign.

The Pellinese returned to Pellina in 118AD where they defeated the Holdinian forces at the Battle of Abbyssa, during which King Octavius was killed in battle.

Octavius' brother Solanicca became King and had to deal with a Pellinese invasion in Western Holdinia. Solanicca's forces managed to repel the invaders and a treaty between Holdinia and Pellina was signed.

King Solanicca became celebrated by the people in his early years but he later became an unstable, oppressive leader and fell out with the Church of Holden.

In 129AD Solanicca had Archbishop Ordius executed for treason and had his troops burn every church in Holdinia. This day became known as Dark Sunday.

The War of the Cross

Many priests and monks went into hiding and for the next few years Solanicca had anyone he remotely believed was a Christian executed.

Maximus Antonio Eades, an Ossian govenor and firm follower of Christ began an uprising and soon priests, monks and christians came to Ossia seeking protection from the crazed King. The exiled Church of Holden showed full support for Maximus and his rebellion. Eades led his army into battle in Kosseum where he defeated an army sent by Solanicca. Maximus became known as Eades the White and had victory after victory over the King's armies.

In 138AD Solanicca was assassinated by his most trusted general, Lysander. Lysander's followers named Lysander King, but the CoH called for Eades the White to be crowned King. Lysander and Eades met on the battle field in Lussia where Eades was victorious. Two more smaller battles took place before Lysander was finally killed and Eades was crowned King of Holdinia by the Archbishop of Francisco in 140AD.

The Eades Dynasty and the Greater Holdinia Period

Maximus Antonio Eades 'The White' 140AD -

Once King Eades was crowned King he announced that the province of Saint Holden would be named an independant state and run by the Archbishop. King Eades made Syracorsia the new capital of Greater Holdinia, which he had renamed Saint Maria after Mary Magdalene the devoted disciple of Jesus.

In 146AD King Eades divided the kingdom between Lord Knights that remained loyal to him during the war.

The Civil War of Greater Holdinia

In 1018 the much loved and popular King Georgi died. Five years prior to his death he adopted a baby boy, whom he named Vincenzo. Vincenzo, was crowned King at the tender age of five and the running of the country was given to the Knight's of the King's Chamber

Lord Niclas Du Pont was made Regent of Southern Holdinia, Lord Marcus Avia-Di-Monde was made Regent of Central Holdinia and Lord Loui Della Miarma was made Regent of Northern Holdinia.

Soon the internal ramblings between Regents led to a break down and by the winter of 1021, Regent Du Pont had stopped talking to Regent Della Miarma and Southern Holdinia was being run as it's own country.

The Knight's Chamber became concearned and called for all parties to explain themselves to the Chamber. But two day's before the meeting an assasination attempt was made on the life of 9 year old King Vincenzo. The attempt on his life was stopped by the Royal Knights of the King, who caught the would be assasin in the King's Chamber room.

Many pointed fingers at Regent Du Pont and a day later this was all but confirmed when Regent Du Pont announced that he no longer pledged his loyalties to a King who was not of royal blood and declared himself Emperor of Southern Holdinia. As his first act as Emperor he declared war on Greater Holdinia in order to remove the pretender King.

The Knight's Chamber were in outrage. Both Regent's Avia-Di-Monde and Della Miarma of Central and Northern Holdinia pledged there loyalties to the young King and vowed to protect King Vincenzo.

What followed was a 34 year long Civil War. The war swayed with both sides gaining the upper hand over the years. At the age of 18, power of Greater Holdinia was finally handed to King Vincenzo, who praised Regent's Avia-Di-Monde and Della Miarma by retaining them as his most trusted aides. Vincenzo himself was soon leading his army into battle and soon had a thirst for war.

But this thirst for war was to be the death of him when Lord Arberini of Barrington betrayed him at the Battle of Drummond Bridge in 1048. Arberini, who was Lord Protector of the Barrington province had followed the King's banner to battle, and during the battle, Arberini, whose forces had held back, turned on the King and his guard. Out of fifty, only two of the Royal Knights of the King survived after fighting valiantly to protect there master, who himself was hacked too death by Arberini's men.

Lord Arberini declared the Barrington province independant from Greater Holdinia and allied itself with Southern Holdinia. With no King on the throne a number of provinces began to sway towards independance. Soon the Glendale and Stamford provinces declared themselves independant. Over the next eight years many provinces of central Holdinia declared themselves independant after being promised support by the Southern Holdinia Empire. The lure of not having to pay taxes to the King proved too much for some provincial governors.

With the country in ruins after losing nearly 50% of it's provinces and no King on the throne, the Knights Chamber called for an end to the Civil War, which had raged on for 34 years. Days later the Knight's Chamber announced that a suitable King had been found and on the 29th of May 1056, Eduardo Issia (Son of King Georgi's second cousin) was crowned King of St Samuel.

It was decided by the Knight's Chamber that the Kingdom should be given a new name to dis-associate from Holdinia and St Samuel was the Knight's choice, named after Saint Samuel, who was sent to the region in 22AD to spread the word of christ.

Recent History

The Second War of Greater Holdinia



Central Saint Holden, island between the Holdonian Sea, Dominica Sea and San Eugenia Sea.


Generally cool winters and mild summers, but mild winters and hot summers along the Dominica coast.


Mostly flat plains or gently rolling hills in north and east; mountainous in the south.

Land use

arable land: 26.41% permanent crops: 9.09% other: 64.5%

Natural Resources

Uranium mining has long been St Samuel's dominant industry. There are a number of highly concentrated deposits of uranium in the provinces of Lillebourg, Harcourt, Richtenburg, De Biville and Bassenhaim. The main use for the uranium in the civilian sector is to fuel commercial nuclear power plants. Uranium is also used widely in the military sector for high-density penetrators, nuclear weapons, armor and fuel for naval ships.

Uranium, coal, petroleum, iron ore, lead, gold, tin, limestone, salt, clay, chalk, gypsum, potash, silica sand, slate, mercury, zinc, potash, marble, barite, asbestos, pumice, fluorospar, feldspar, pyrite (sulfur), natural gas and crude oil reserves, fish, arable land

Government and Politics

St Samuel is a federal constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy. The government, is composed of a Senate and a Chamber of Representatives. The former is made up of 115 directly elected politicians, one from every province, emirate and protectorate, the latter is a 460 elected seat chamber, four from every province, emirate and protectorate.

The King (currently Justantine IV) is the head of state, and through national voting a Prime Minister is elected, that have the confidence of the Chamber of Representatives to form the federal government. The King or Queen is the head of state and power is vested in the Prime Minister and other ministers and lords. National elections are held every 5 years.

The cabinet, including the Prime Minister, and other senior ministers collectively make up His Majesty's Government. These ministers are drawn from, and are responsible to, the House of Representatives. The Prime Minister appoints ministers to government posts, usually from senior members of their own party. Most ministers are members of, and answerable to, the House of Representatives. The remaining ministers are usually from the Lower House of Lords.

Country Name

conventional long form: United Federal Kingdom of Saint Samuel

conventional short form: St Samuel

abbreviation: STS

Former names: Greater Holdinia, Northern Holdinia, Kingdom of Saint Samuel

Govermnet Type

federal constitutional monarchy

Royal Family

The current King of St Samuel is King Justantine IV. His wife is Queen Isabella and he has four children, Prince Tristan, Princess Leonna, Princess Anne-Marie and Princess Coreena.

Kings & Queens of St Samuel

House of Issia

  • Eduardo Issia 1056 - 1073
  • Sebastien Issia 1073 - 1109
  • Alberto Issia 1109 - 1118
  • Justantine Issia III 1118 - 1133
  • Louis Issia 1133 - 1155
  • Fredderick Issia 1155 - 1167
  • Sebastien Issia 1167 - 1196
  • Carlos Issia 1196 - 1203
  • Ricardo Issia 1203 - 1207
  • Eduardo Issia 1207 - 1216

House of Castilla

  • Vitorio Castilla 1216 - 1229
  • Francisco Castilla 1229 - 1258
  • Leonardo 'The Great' Castilla 1258 - 1300
  • Omar 'The Wise' Castilla 1300 - 1339
  • Francisco Castilla 1339 - 1352
  • Titus Castilla 1352 - 1376

House of Montbasini

  • Christantius Montbasini 1376 - 1383
  • Eduardo Montbasini 1383 - 1399

House of Amavialli

  • Leonardo Amavialli 1399 - 1414
  • Dacius Amavialli 1414 - 1429
  • Francis 'The Great' Amavialli 1429 - 1455

House of Vanagon

  • Harold Vanagon 1455 - 1471
  • Leonardo Vanagon 1471 - 1502
  • Roberto Vanagon 1502 - 1533
  • Camillo Vanagon 1533 - 1550
  • Frederico Vanagon 1550 - 1574
  • Marco Vanagon 1574 - 1581
  • Sean-Paul Vanagon 1581 - 1597
  • Giovanni Vanagon 1597 - 1619
  • Mariano Vanagon 1619 - 1632

House of Gellantara

  • Nathaniel Gallantara 1632 - 1674
  • Phillipo Gallantara 1674 - 1676
  • Isthimas Gallantara 1676 - 1698
  • Masimo Gellantara 1698 - 1718
  • Seakul Gellantara 1718 - 1741

House of Fernandino

  • Isaac Fernandino 1741 - 1750
  • Oscar Fernandino 1750 - 1789
  • Louis Fernandino 1789 - 1818
  • Joseph Fernandino 1818 - 1831
  • Issabella Fernandino 1831 - 1835
  • Francis Fernandino 1835 - 1857

House of Saxony-Oliveira

  • Mariana Saxony-Oliveira 1857 - 1911
  • Claudius Saxony-Oliveira 1911 - 1964
  • Justantine IV Saxony-Oliveira 1964 -

Prime Minister

The current prime minister of St Samuel is Georgio De Molay of the Republican Party.


Political Parties

Republican Party - Georgios De Molay

Democratic Party - Hugo Le Marian

Liberal Party - Louis Fortinier

Socialist Party - Marcus De Ollia

Green Party - Yousef Al Mouzza

National Party - Quintus Mirrabella

Former Prime Ministers

Name Year in office Political Party
Oscar De Rittello 1721 - 1742 Republican Party
Giovanni Van Elton 1742 - 1743 Republican Party
Omar Di Vordio 1743 - 1754 Repblican Party
Francesco Cossinga 1754 - 1756 Repblican Party
Giuseppe Mettzagotti 1756 - 1757 Repblican Party
Antonio De Dioro 1757 - 1762 Repblican Party
Luigi Indioni 1762 - 1763 Liberal Party
Sidney Oscaroni 1763 - 1765 Repblican Party
Enrico Le Imranio 1765 - 1766 Repblican Party
Alessandro Jellapatti 1766 - 1768 Liberal Party
Oscar Van Eiotzzo 1768 - 1770 Liberal Party
Carlo Diaz 1770 - 1782 Liberal Party
Francis Di Biatto 1782 - 1783 Repblican Party
Roberto Sendiarno 1783 - 1790 Repblican Party
Andre Sendiarno 1790 - 1796 Repblican Party
Giovanni Van Vitti 1796 - 1801 Liberal Party
Francisco Xabinio 1801 - 1804 Liberal Party
Giovanni Leoni 1804 - 1806 Liberal Party
Enrico Della-Enrique 1806 - 1810 Repblican Party
Ricardo Frogmorino 1810 - 1814 Republican Party
Isaac Piedonte 1814 - 1818 Democratic Party
Ricardo Frogmorino 1818 - 1821 Republican Party
Isaac Piedonte 1821 - 1823 Democratic Party
Francis De Havardo 1823 - 1830 Republican Party
Sebastien Di Montello 1830 - 1835 Republican Party
Eduardo Frappatiana 1835 - 1840 National Party
Eduardo Frappatiana 1840 - 1845 National Party
Leonardo Francisco 1845 - 1850 Republican Party
Eduardo Frappatiana 1850 - 1855 National Party
Eduardo Frappatiana 1855 - 1860 National Party
Giovanni Palermo 1860 - 1865 Republican Party
Julius Olliozzo 1865 - 1870 Democratic Party
Nathaniel Fiorgio 1870 - 1875 Socialist Party
Oscar Della-I'da 1875 - 1880 Socialist Party
Oscar Della-I'da 1880 - 1885 Socialist Party
Oscar Della-I'da 1885 - 1890 Socialist Party
Sebastien Anna-Lionna 1890 - 1895 Republican Party
Sebastien Anna-Lionna 1895 - 1900 Republican Party
Sebastien Anna-Lionna 1900 - 1905 Republican Party
Ugo Ostanni 1905 - 1910 Democratic Party
Lorenzo Fortuno 1910 - 1915 Liberal Party
Leonardo Costa-Marino 1915 - 1920 Republican Party
Leonardo Costa-Marino 1920 - 1925 Republican Party
Leonardo Costa-Marino 1925 - 1930 Republican Party
Giuseppe De Ozzipione 1930 - 1935 National Party
Benedicto Zarkozy 1935 - 1940 Republican Party
Benedicto Zarkozy 1940 - 1945 Republican Party
Antonio Di Elaborado 1945 - 1950 Democratic Party
Mario Pozzella 1950 - 1955 Republican Party
Antonio Di Elaborado 1955 - 1960 Democratic Party
Giovanni Le Mons 1960 - 1965 Democratic Party
Giovanni Le Mons 1965 - 1970 Democratic Party
Marco De Pronte 1970 - 1975 Republican Party
Federico Conta-Fallingo 1975 - 1980 Republican Party
Federico Conta-Fallingo 1980 - 1985 Republican Party
Luigi Vannetto 1985 - 1990 Democratic Party
Georgio De Molay 1990 - 1995 Republican Party
Georgio De Molay 1995 - 2000 Republican Party
Georgio De Molay 2000 - 2005 Republican Party
Georgio De Molay 2005 - Republican Party


Saint Maria

Administrative divisions

St Samuel is divided into 95 provinces, 19 emirates and 1 protectorate. The first 40 provinces' is named after the Knight to whom received the land in 1044 from the King of St Samuel.

The provinces

The Emirates

Other Territories


National Holidays

St Samuel's day, 22nd of November - Patron Saint of St Samuel, National holiday

Legal System

The judicial system is based on civil law. The highest court in the land is the Royal Court.



At the March 2007 St Samuel Census, the countries population was 2,144,000,000. The current population growth rate is estimated to be 0.43%.

Life Expectancy

Male: 90.7 years Female: 94.2 years

Population Growth Rate

0.42% (2007 est.)


noun: Samuel(s) adjective: Samuelonian

Migration and Ethnicity

St Samuel has historically been subject to many invasions and migrations. Present day Samuels are descended mainly from the varied ethnic stocks that settled there before the eleventh century.

Latin: 64%, Arab: 11%, Black: 5%, Hispanic: 5%, Mixed: 11%, Asian: 4%

Immigration to St Samuel

Immigration to the United Federal Kingdom of St Samuel is the movement of non-residents to St Samuel.

There were 1,361,221 immigrants who were granted legal residence in 2006, up from 600,982 in 1987, 849,807 in 2000, and 1,122,373 in 2005. The top ten sending countries in 2006, by country of birth were, South Thasland - 184,372, Cookesland - 112,412, Fatir - 96,753, Zahria - 88,921, Wesmerica - 63,455, Cymerica - 59,769, Angkora - 56,831, Zanzibam - 42,101, Thas Coast - 37,437, Jerusalem - 27,232.

(Excluding 1 million Temparlians who were granted asylum in 2006.)


Officially, St Samuel remains a Christian country. This is reflected throughout Samuel public life – for instance there is an established church in St Samuel. The Head of State is a Christian monarch crowned by an Archbishop in Saint Maria. St Samuel society could be said to belong to the Christian tradition, and the majority of people in St Samuel, 52%, identify themselves as Christian.

Islam is the second most popular religion in St Samuel with an estimated 34% of the population associating themselves with the religion.




The official language of St Samuel is English. However, Latin, Italian, Arabic, Spanish and Hungarian are still spoken through out parts of the country, especially in the south-west, where Latin is more prominent than English and the Van Hollburg province's main language is Hungarian, whilst the western island is predomantley Arabic speaking.


St Samuel has been a seminal place for many important artistic and intellectual movements that spread throughout the Holdini islands and beyond. Perhaps St Samuel's greatest cultural achievements lie in its long artistic heritage, which is often validated through the names of Comoros, Lewini, Van der Froy, de Massio, Llewelyn, Caprici, de Lowe and Morsini, among many others. Beyond art, St Samuel's contributions to the realms of literature, science, and music cannot be overlooked.

From folk music to classical, music has always played an important role in St Samuel culture. St Samuel provides many of the very foundations of the classical music tradition. Some of St Samuel's most famous composers include Rudolcia, Kampricci, Zangort, Pollis, Humannia, de Ranqoir, Jossillia and de la Penne. The most popular music nowadays is classical/opera Latin/Italian and also Latin rock music is becoming increasingly more popular.

Public Holidays

Date Name
January 1 New Year's Day
Varies Islamic New Year
January 6 Epiphany Day
January 7 Orthodox Christmas Day
Varies Ash Wednesday
Varies Holy Thursday
Varies Good Friday
Varies Easter Saturday
Varies Easter Sunday
Varies Easter Monday
July 28 Veterans Day (Honors veterans of St Samuel's armed forces)
November 1 All Saint's Day
Varies Eid ul-Adha
Varies Eid ul-Fitr
November 22 St Samuel's Day (Patron Saint of St Samuel)
December 24 Christmas Eve
December 25 Christmas
December 26 St Stephen's Day (or Boxing Day)


Samuel's are renowned for their love of sports. Their zeal for sports events is, indeed, no less than legendary; from the gladatorial games, to the Park of King's, where prestigious football clubs compete regularly, the impact that sports has had on St Samuel culture is enduring and undeniable. In the north-east the popularity of winter sports grows. By far the nations number one sport is football, which dominates every single, village town and city. Other popular sports include rugby, cricket, auto racing, baseball, athletics and boxing, among others.

St Samuel Football Association

Union of Saint Holden Cricket Council

St Samuel Cricket Council

St Samuel Armed forces

Royal St Samuel Navy

There are six components to the operating forces of the St Samuel Navy: Northern Fleet, Eastern Fleet, Southern Fleet, Western Fleet, Central Fleet and Rapid Reaction Fleet.

  • 4 SDC-3 Atlantis Class Trimaran Super Dreadnaughts
  • 5 SDC-4 Overlord Class Trimaran Super Dreadnaughts
  • 12 Ajax Class Battleships
  • 2 Orel Ul'yanovsk Class Carriers
  • 30 Oliver Hazard Perry Class Carriers
  • 2 Dauntless Class Heavy Battleships
  • 11 Duke Class Air Defence Frigates
  • 13 Arleigh Burke Class Missile Destroyers
  • 16 Victoria Class Long-Range Patrol Submarines
  • 2 SSN-688 Los Angeles Class Submarines
  • 10 SMI-1 Dolphin Class Submarines
  • 2 SMI-2 Nautilus Class Submarines
  • 4 SMI-3 Hunter Class Submarines
  • 8 Seawolf Class Attack Submarines
  • 8 Ticonderoga Class Missile Cruisers
  • 4 Gepard Class Frigates
  • 38 Scorpion Patrol Crafts
  • 6 Kitty Hawk class Air Craft Carriers
  • 5 Enterprise class Air Craft Carriers
  • 2 x Bear Class Supercarrier

St Samuel Royal Marine Corp

The St Samuel Royal Marine Corps (SSRMC) are the marines and amphibious infantry of the St Samuel Royal Navy and are responsible for providing power projection from the sea, utilizing the mobility of the St Samuel Navy to rapidly deliver combined-arms task forces.

St Samuel Royal Navy Serpent Corp

The St Samuel Royal Navy Serpent Corp are the Special Operations Forces of the St Samuel Navy, employed in unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, direct action, Counter-Terrorism, hostage rescue, and special reconnaissance operations.


Royal St Samuel Foreign Legion

Royal St Samuel Airforce

Brands and Companies

Diplomatic Missons

Nation Mission Type Chief Official
The Republic of Kanami Embassy Elanore Jensen
The Federal Republic of New Brittonia Embassy Sarah Elaine Johanson
The United Socialist States of Corbournne Embassy Robert Fowler
The Constitutional Monarchy of United kingdom2 Embassy Sir Robert Lee
The Dark Empire of Shazbotdom Embassy Unknown
The Constitutional Monarchy of Altanar Embassy Jerian Karinas
The PDSR of Ariddia Embassy Comrade Frédéric Stadijciuc
Kingdom of Weyr Embassy Saya Ferl Akimoto
Danaan High Kingdom of the Resurgent Dream Embassy Hachtel Saal
The Czarist Republic of West Corinthia Embassy Aleksei Kostya
The Free Socialist People of The Marxist State Embassy Steven Howard
Allied States of Nuralla Consulate Xander Vode
United Osea Republic Embassy David Carvhalle
The Virginian Federation of Tonissia Embassy Jack McGrew
The Grand Duchy of Mousehold Heath Embassy Citizeness Gwenythe