Syndicate (Laurasia)

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<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">thesyndicateflag2jt.jpg
Flag of the Syndicate.

The Syndicate is one of the largest militant oligarchical collectivist group in the world. Classified as a terrorist organization under United Nations' resolutions, any nation harboring the group can suffer severe economic, political, and military ramifications. Yet, certain nations refuse to abide by the laws set down by the United Nations. These nations - mostly totalitarian - continue to harbor (or are suspected to harbor) the Syndicate in some way, shape, or form:

These nations are suspected of having the Syndicate in some form. Yet, due to the general "leaderless organization" structure the Syndicate uses, it is unknown to what extent these nations harbor them.


The History of the Syndicate goes back to the Soviet group known as the Revolutionary Armed Forces Abroad. This organization was responsible for multiple terrorist strikes around the world. Its main goal was never truly revealed; but they seemed to attack sensitive targets that, due to political reasons, the Soviet Red Army was unable to strike. The RARA seemed to work across the world in a strict military structure being housed in the Soviet Union and her allies. This strict military structure was nearly detrimental to the RAFA on several occasions causing it to reform its structure more than once.

During international incidents such as The Holiday Revolution and The Spectre War, the RAFA played an essential first strike role. Before the initial Soviet invasion in both cases, the RAFA were active in the streets of important cities striking key military and economic facilities in order to cripple the soon-to-be-occupied country. For this reason, the Soviet Administration classified RAFA as a foreign legion. However, due to their way of striking, RAFA was collectively classified as a terrorist organization wishing to strike innocent civilians in order to benefit the Soviet Union.

During the Soviet Reformation, the RAFA underwent a massive change in infrastructure and appearance. Shredding their military appearance in favor of a "leaderless organization" and a collection of paramilitary groups and Oligarchical Collectivist Parties. This amount of autonomy and vast jurisdiction has given the Syndicate a new form of control that rivals that of First World countries. For this reason, extensive efforts by liberal governments around the world have attempted to rout out the terrorist group and bring its leaders up on war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The Syndicate began as an extension of oligarchical collectivist dominion, but has grown to be their own multinational entity comprised of political parties, paramilitary groups, militias, and corporations. This massive amount of control has caused the Syndicate to grow from just a state sponsored terrorist organization to an autonomous organization striving to meet oligarchical collectivist goals.


The organization of the Syndicate is complicated and involves only a few tiers of actual control. Otherwise, the majority of the Syndicate acts in independent cells following the orthodox doctrine of oligarchical collectivism. The following is a short analysis of the infrastructure of the Syndicate:

  • Spokesman: "The Generalissimo"
    • The actual name of the spokesman is unknown. However, due to audio-visual analysis, it has been narrowed down that "The Commander" is of African descent.
  • Military Committee
    • Responsible for training, weapons acquisition, and planning attacks.
  • Economic Committee
    • Runs business operations. The travel office provides air tickets and false passports, the payroll office pays Syndicate members, and the management office oversees money-making businesses. The Economic Committee is also responsible for managing drug trafficking around the world.
  • Orthodoxy Committee
  • Media Committee
    • Responsible for public relations, publications, edicts, etc.

It is suspected that the Syndicate works in steps. Most believe that a cell will receive orders from the Military Committee before being supplied with money, weaponry, plans, etc. Once this occurs, most - if not all ties - are severed until after the attack occurs. After the attack, a cell is ordered to sleep and wait for orders. This implies that Syndicate members are expected to - once ordered - drop everything in order to commit an attack.

See also

laurasianflag8xw.png The Totalitarian Oligarchy of Laurasia laurasianflag8xw.png
Main article: Laurasia
Governmental information: Father, Council, Party, Cooperatives, Sections, Police, Syndicate, Resistance
Important individuals: Father, Cancer Man, Hashim Al-Farik, Robert Pacitania, Selene Seagrove, Yuri Minovsky
Cultural information: Dystorium, Lausem, Melange, Sapho Orchid
Miscellaneous: Eutopia, Free Your Hate