Antarctic Oasis

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Antarctic Oasis
Forum: Antarctic Oasis
Population: 60 nations
Delegate: Gruenberg
Founder: Omigodtheykilledkenny
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

frame:Antarctic Oasis regional flag

Antarctic Oasis is a moderately sized region with about 50 nations and a population of about 55 billion. Initially formed from the wreckage of former Valdesian nations, Antarctic Oasis used to be the world's last unspoiled Antarctic wilderness -- that is, until powerful civilizations invaded, building massive ice cities in the desert and mountains and dotting the receding glaciers with thriving seaports. Soon, the shady leaders of the region's rogue nations had an extensive commercial paradise on their hands, relentlessly harvesting the Earth of its gold, uranium and oil reserves, and finding new and terrible ways to abuse the indigenous penguin -- including drafting the more vicious ones into military service and forcing the less useful into lives of servitude as butlers or test subjects in the region's many secret experimental weapons labs.

Antarctic Oasis is strictly a rogue region -- only the scummiest dictatorships, corporate dominions and evil-conservative republics populate this frozen wasteland, where UN membership is neither condoned nor condemned -- and members adhere to a strict "shoot on sight" rule for any UN official spotted inside the region's sovereign borders. Region members cherish their natural isolation from the international community, which allows them to partake in any number of duplicitous deeds away from the watchful eyes of the United Nations or international environmental and human-rights organizations.

Native sentients

Though mainly known for its fiercely loyal penguin warriors, Antarctic Oasis does boast other interesting sentient wildlife. Medieval Gnomish Warbands, servants to the nation Carson the Muscrat, roam the lands hunting for UN gnomes. The Palentine has inducted dolphins into its navy, mainly for the purposes of detecting underwater mines, but their service as seamen has rendered their mouths the scourge of the southern seas. Parents must shield their children's virgin ears whenever a Palentine Navy Dolphin is near; they talk so filthily, they have been immortalized in a Palentine Board of Tourism slogan: "Come visit The Palentine: Our Dolphins Swear Like Drunken Sailors!"

The region has also been known for housing abominable snowmen, and has been threatened before with bands of mutant polar bears.


The Federal Republic of Omigodtheykilledkenny founded Antarctic Oasis following a seismic catastrophe in its former Valdesian environs; other Valdesian nations sought refuge in the Antarctic when most of their former neighbors were enveloped in the monumental disaster -- and dozens of nations followed suit.

Palixia, the Natural-born Troublemaker

Korridan/Palixia War

When the communist dictatorship of Korridan claimed to have broken off part of the Antarctic continent for the purpose of founding a region called New Siberia, Palixia condemned the action and declared war. Though numerous nations from other regions joined the conflict, it ended before any of Palixia's neighbors in the region even knew about it. An ensuing peace conference failed to resolve any of the issues surrounding the conflict; neither side acknowledged the other's victory, and Korridan claims to live in its artificially created region to this day, its communist and communist-sympathizer allies having joined to form the Antartic Defense Alliance, which purports to protect Korridan's sovereignty.


Palixia later tried to wrest the region's delegate position from Omigodtheykilledkenny by winning endorsements from region members, but when it brought in nations from other regions to try to surpass the sitting delegate in the endorsement count, Omigodtheykilledkenny accused Palixia of staging an invasion. Upon hearing of this, most of the region members withdrew their endorsements, after which Palixia and its puppets and allies swiftly departed the region. Though Palixia briefly returned, it was booted from the UN shortly thereafter.


The regional government coordinates through an informal group of de-facto regional governors, or charter nations -- who in fact do absolutely nothing to govern the region, as charter nation status is granted more for prestige and bragging rights than anything else. However, several charter members bear other informal duties on top of their charter "obligations": The Palentine, for instance, serves as regional defense secretary and supreme allied commander of the Oasis' mutual-defense pact, the Allied Antarctic Asskickers (AAA). Cluichstan was also recently afforded the title of secretary for foreign affairs.

A (rather pointless) Secretariat was formed in June 2006 to govern a regional free-trade zone, with several nations having appointed regional trade representatives.

UN Affairs

Despite the region's intrinsic anti-UN nature, a number of its nations remain actively involved in UN affairs, most of them adopting a decidedly sovereigntist policy line. Many among the region's UN contingent are members of the NSO, UNOG and UN DEFCON.

The Antarctic Oasis Department of UN Affairs maintains a record of the voting history of past and present UN Delegates, issues official announcements to the General Assembly about the delegate's vote on important legislation, and coordinates regional efforts to sabotage the UN and bring it down from the inside -- er, "work cooperatively with other regions and nations to formulate more sensible, sovereignty-friendly UN policies." The current secretary of UN Affairs is Lois-Must-Die.


The following UN resolutions were drafted and/or submitted by Antarctic Oasis nations:

In addition, the following defeated UN proposals were drafted and submitted by region members:

UN Delegate

The region does not elect its delegate, nor does it conduct polls to determine how the delegate will vote on UN legislation. Omigodtheykilledkenny, which had been the UN delegate for the Antarctic Oasis since its founding, handed off the delegacy to Palentine UN Office in December. Gruenberg was made delegate in July 2006 following an exciting regionwide match between several premier regional partners seeking the position.