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Persian-speaking nations:

Persian is one of the official languages of both Sunnistan and Navi Bharat, and the single official language of The Parthians. In Navi Bharat it is used heavily by the very learned classes, and is held in the same regard as Latin in the United States and the United Kingdom. It is also the official language of the Sufi sects of Islam.

In Sunnistan, Persian is one of the official 'Languages of the People,' spoken by the small, educated Persian minority, as well as by the heavily persecuted Chishti sects in the east of the nation. For this reason, there is a dichotomy in the acceptance of Persian- some view it as a language of the educated, some as a language of the downtrodden.

Nearly all people of Parthia speak Persian or a dialect of it, though standardized Persian is by far the most used in nearly all major cities and is gradually replacing the dialects, such as Gilaki. In the religious field, and in many provinces, people speak different languages in addition to Persian. Parthia, as a Zoroastrian nation, means that most faithful can speak the Avestan language. Individual ethnic groups, like the Azeri, also have an individual language of their own. Parthian Persian differs considerably with normal Persian in the fact that nearly all words adopted from Arabic are replaced by words drawn from Pahlavi and Avestan.

Many of the people in Wadj, a nation in the Middle East, speak Persian as their mother tongue, and it, along with Arabic, is the official language. 54% of the population of Wadj is Persian by descent, and it is required that all children in Wadj learn to speak Persian.

Languages of NationStates
Major constructed or created languages: Dienstadi | Gurennese | Jevian | Necrontyr | Noterelenda | Pacitalian | Pacitalian English | Rejistanian | Rethast | Riikan | Solen
Minor constructed or created languages: Alçaera | Algebraic English | Alvésin | Ancient Shieldian | Anguistian | Aperin | Avalyic | Baranxeï | Belmorian | Belmorian-Rejistanian | Celdonian | Chicoutim | Constantian | Dovakhanese | Edolian | Eugenian | Fklaazj | Footballian | Galadisian Quenya | Garomenian | Gestahlian | Gosian | Hockey Canadian | Isselmerian | Kerlan | Khenian | Kurma | Kzintsu'ng | Lank Jan | Latika | Lausem | Letilan | Limbruenglish | Mock Welsh | Neo-Virgean | Nielandic | Nord-Brutlandese | Nordaþ | Novian | Palixian | Paristani | Poirih | Rukialkotta | Sandrian | Scat | Schnan | Simple English | Søskendansk | Syokaji | Tetemelayu | Trøndersk | Volscian | Weegie | Weserian | Wymgani | Xikuangese | Yokarian
Selection of Real-life languages in NS: Albanian | Arabic | Belarusian | Catalan | Chechen | Chinese | Czech | Dutch | English | Esperanto | Faroese | Finnish | French | German | Greek | Hebrew | Hindi | Icelandic | Irish | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Latin | Latvian | Maltese | Maori | Mongolian | Norse | Norwegian | Persian (Farsi) | Polish | Portuguese | Punjabi | Russian | Samoan | Sign language | Sanskrit | Spanish | Sumerian | Swahili | Swedish | Tamil | Thai | Tibetan | Tongan | Urdu | Welsh
For a full list of NationStates languages see Category:Languages.