Religion by nation

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Facts and figures regarding religion in a variety of nations.

See here for a list of religions.


The following statistics indicate the percentage of followers of each religion per country, ranked from highest to lowest percentage. Some of these are official government statistics; others (where indicated) are estimates. Please note that the definition of religious adherence may vary from country to country.

Religious population total

Total percentage of the population who express some form of religious or spiritual belief, and/or adhere to a religion.

Nation Percentage Comments
Snǿĵgẻrd 100% official census statistics
Bettia 100% approximate
Alborio 100% believed
Pa'atua 100% estimate
Kirav 99.99% Actual census data. Defines Humanism and other Nontheisms as "Religions"
Nasuti 99.9% approximate the official census data
Cicilions 99%
Northrop-Grumman 96.9%
Weccanfeld 95%
Kurona 93.8%
Kanami 81.2%
Plutoni 71.4%
Aqua Anu 70.8%
Asyhlo AO 55% 2007 Estimate
San Adriano 29.7%
The Phoenix Milita 28%
Zwangzug 25.6%
Swilatia 19%
Maraque 10% official census data
Ariddia 9.3% estimate
Maji 1.4%


Christianity total

Nation Percentage Comments
Alborio c. 100% Offical Census Data
Nasuti 99.6% official census data (note: Protestantism and Other Christian are not included because are < 0.1%)
Cicilions 99%
Granade Turquesa Isla 90%
Northrop-Grumman 89.32%
Asyhlo AO 50% 2007 Estimate
Aqua Anu 42.3%
Pa'atua 40.1% all Catholic
Kurona 30.2%
Snǿĵgẻrd 28.57%
San Adriano 22.8%
Kirav 15% In Kirav Proper. Percentage for the entire Empire is 30%
Plutoni 14.3% predominantly Lutheran, total breakdown unknown.
Zwangzug 8% Lutheranism most common denomination, total breakdown unknown.
Ariddia 3.2% estimate
Bashenk 3.2%
Maraque 1% official census data
Tika Vanu n/a no available statistics, due to the total population being unknown; the population of the coastal and near inland areas, and on the small islands, must confirm to Catholic theocratic legislation, but there is no available data on actual religious beliefs.
Weccanfeld 73%


Nation Percentage Comments
Nasuti 99% official census data
Granade Turquesa Isla 82%
Kurona 58%
Bao You 53%
Aqua Anu 52.9%
Pa'atua 40.1%
Asyhlo AO 40% 2007 Estimate
Snǿĵgẻrd 28.57%
San Adriano 19.4%
Northrop-Grumman 15.92%
The Phoenix Milita 6%
Ariddia 1.6% estimate
Maraque 0.23% official census data
Tika Vanu n/a no available statistics, due to the total population being unknown; the population of the coastal and near inland areas, and on the small islands, must confirm to Catholic theocratic legislation, but there is no available data on actual religious beliefs.

Eastern Orthodoxy

Nation Percentage Comments
Weccanfeld 41% Predominantly Russian Orthodox
Granade Turquesa Isla 3%
Aqua Anu 2.60%
Northrop-Grumman 2.58%
Kurona 1% Estimated
Nasuti 0.6% official census data
Maraque 0.28% official census data
Ariddia < 0.2% estimate; may be lower than 0.1%
Asyhlo AO 0% 2007 Estimate
Snǿĵgẻrd 0%
San Adriano 0%

Protestantism (total)

This category includes a large variety of religions.

Nation Percentage Comments
Cicilions 99%
Northrop-Grumman 81.5%
Weccanfeld 32% Predominantly Calvinism
Kurona 30.3%
Asyhlo AO 10% 2007 Estimate
San Adriano 3.4%
Ariddia 1.4% estimate
Maraque 0.24% official census data
Nasuti < 0.1% official census data
Snǿĵgẻrd 0%

Other Christian

Nation Percentage Comments
Kurona 25.7% Belived to be growing, Includes the LDS Population
Granade Turquesa Isla 5% Mostly counted as the LDS
Maraque 0.25% official census data
Ariddia 0.2% estimate; includes Eastern Orthodoxy
Nasuti < 0.1% official census data
Snǿĵgẻrd 0%
San Adriano 0%


Islam total

Nation Percentage Comments
Bettia 98%
Maraque 6% official census data
Bashenk 5.1%
Ariddia 3.1% estimate
Zwangzug 1.6%
San Adriano 1.4%
Kurona 1.3%
Nasuti < 0.1% official census data
Snǿĵgẻrd 0%
Granade Turquesa Isla 0%


Judaism total

Nation Percentage Comments
Northrop-Grumman 5.65%
San Adriano 5.5%
Maraque 3% official census data
The Phoenix Milita 2%
Bettia 2%
Zwangzug 1.6%
Ariddia 1.2% estimate
Kurona 1.2%
Nasuti 0.1% official census data
Snǿĵgẻrd 0%


Atheism total

Nation Percentage Comments
Maji 98.6% Statistics include all persons who express disbelief in the existence of the supernatural and who do not follow any religion.
South Lorenya 94.18%
Swilatia 77% Includes all persons who deny the existance of a god or supreme being, whether or not they follow a religion. However, the vast majority of persons in this group are also of no religion.
Ariddia 76.6% estimate; does not include persons who define themselves as atheists and as members of a religion simultaneously. Such persons are included solely in the statistics of their respective religions.
Zwangzug 74.4% probably also includes agnostics
Bashenk 72.7%
San Adriano 59.2%
Asyhlo AO 45% 2007 Estimate
Maraque 12% official census data
The Phoenix Milita 5.4%
Granade Turquesa Isla 5%
Northrop-Grumman 3.1%
Nasuti 0.1% official census data
Kirav 0.001% Official Data, Percentage for the whole Empire is 0.00001
Plutoni 0% those who have no religion are considered agnostics for statistical purposes. This category does not include Buddhists.
Snǿĵgẻrd 0%
Kurona 1%< Statistics aren't guaranteed accurate, Atheism wasn't counted in faith statistics research untill 1990


Agnosticism total

Nation Percentage Comments
Maraque 78% official census data
The Phoenix Milita 66.6%
Plutoni 28.6%
Ariddia 14.1% estimate; does not include persons who define themselves as agnostics and as members of a religion simultaneously. Such persons are included solely in the statistics of their respective religions.
San Adriano 11.2%
Swilatia 9%
South Lorenya 4.13%
Kurona 1%< Stats also not guaranteed
Nasuti 0.1% official census data
Snǿĵgẻrd 0%
Weccanfeld 5%


Animism total

Nation Percentage Comments
Kirav 2% Included under "Paganism" section in Census. Total Pagan: 10% of population. Pagans make up 20% of the whole Empire.
Ariddia 0.9% estimate; mostly Indigenous Ariddians
Nasuti < 0.1% official census data
San Adriano 0%
Snǿĵgẻrd 0%
Kurona 0%
Maraque 0% official census data


Buddhism total

Nation Percentage Comments
Bao You 40%
Plutoni 28.6% mostly Zen
Asyhlo AO 4% 2007 Estimate
Kurona 1% Numbers may vary, sometimes counted in with followers of Shinto
Ariddia < 0.1% estimate
Nasuti < 0.1% official census data
San Adriano 0%
Snǿĵgẻrd 0%
Maraque 0% official census data; Buddhists number less than a thousand in total


Sikhism total

Nation Percentage Comments
Cicilions 1%
Kirav 1.6%
Ariddia 0.3% estimate
Nasuti < 0.1% official census data
San Adriano 0%
Snǿĵgẻrd 0%
Kurona 0%
Maraque 0% official census data; Sikhs number in the few thousands, usually in whole communities in major cities such as the capitol

All other

All other total

Nation Percentage Comments
Maraque 90% Xenthism; although 12% and 78% claim to be atheist and agnostic respectively, this indigenous belief has never left the culture of Maraque despite the increase in secular thought
Snǿĵgẻrd 85.71% indigenous beliefs
Pa'atua 59.9% indigenous beliefs
Plutoni 28.6% deism
Bashenk 19.0% various indigenous religions (18.4%) and unspecified other (06%)
Zwangzug 14.4% Ketrianism (12.8%), Hinduism (1.6%), unspecified other (especially Violetism: about .02%)
The Phoenix Milita 12% may include Hinduism, Buddhism, Druidism, Confucianism, Rastafarian and other beliefs
Swilatia 7% mostly Frinastism
Northrop-Grumman 1.93% Various other religions (1.38%) and Daedreth (.55%)
South Lorenya 1.69% Includes FSM worship (1.19%), IPU worship (0.42%), and Church of the Holy Dingleberry (0.07%)
Asyhlo AO 1-2% 2007 Estimate. Most of these are Jainists in the island's northeast
Nasuti < 0.1% official census data
San Adriano 0% In the last census, all Sanadrianese defined themselves as part of one of the categories above.
Ariddia n/a no available statistics; includes a tiny number of Ropatopianists
AHSCA n/a Most identify with some sort of various indiginous belife, or not at all

Snǿĵgẻrd Islander indigenous beliefs

Nation Percentage Comments
Snǿĵgẻrd 85.71%

Religious freedom per country

Sorted alphabetically:

  • Aqua Anu Religion is protected by the constitution.
  • Ariddia legally protects freedom of religious belief, conscience, expression and worship. Although a majority of the population is atheist, a wide variety of religions are present.
  • Asyhlo AO Freedom of religion is guaranteed by law, but religious organizations are treated as businesses and taxed. In order to be allowed to collect religious donations, a religious group must register with the national government. Only the Roman Catholic and United Protestant churches have done so; the Buddist and Jainist minorities are thus forbidden from collecting money for religious purposes.
  • Granade Turquesa Isla There is no written documents to protect the freedom of religion, with a strong Roman Catholic population, it's almost implied. However some defacto opression occures.
  • Kanami Freedom of Religion is perhaps one of the most sacred held constitutional rights in the whole country. This is especially evident with The Mormon Refuge Act of 1849
  • Kurona Promises the practice of free religion. Unfortunately due to the fact Kurona is 70% wilderness, religious abridgment has played, and the Government has in the past supressed minority religions.
  • Maraque’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms specifically grants the populous the freedom to practice any religion they see fit. Even so, only 10% of the population officially subscribes to a religion of any kind. Additionally, it is illegal to publicly display religious symbols or texts, which include a cross in the form of jewelry, clothing in the form of a burqa or turban, and scripture such as the ten commandments.
  • In Nasuti the religion is a fundamental appearance of the life of the state and of the citizens. The Official State Religion is Roman Catholic (professed by 99% of citizens): Nasuti is a nation of Christians loyal to the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church and obedient to Supreme Pontiff Pope Benedict XVI. The Nasutian are faithful to the moral and to the teachings of Jesus Christ and of His Church. Other Religions is professed by 1% and to them is guaranteed the freedom of religion and the independence from Catholic Church authority with special law.
  • Pa'atua recognises only two religions: indigenous beliefs and Roman Catholicism.
  • Plutoni protects freedom of the diverse religions in the colony.
  • San Adriano’s laws recognise and protect religious freedom. A variety of religions are present. Due to the country’s small size, members of different religions share a single “multi-faith prayer building”, or make free use of religious facilities across the border in Uhuh-Topia.
  • Snǿĵgẻrd’s laws protect freedom of religion, which has never been a contentious issue in this minuscule country.
  • South Lorenya is a mostly atheist nation that allows nearly all religions but requires them to follow the same laws as businesses.
  • Swilatia is mostly atheist, although many religions exist in Swilatia. While Swilatian law allows people to follow whatever religion they want, the government is avowedly atheist and anti-religion.
  • Tika Vanu is a Catholic theocracy. The ni-Tika Vanu population must comply with theocratic legislation. For example, blasphemy is a legal offence, and various activities are prohibited on Sundays.
  • The Phoenix Milita Allows almost any religion to be practiced, as long as taxes are paid. Religion is discouraged in society, but not in any legal capacity.
  • Zwangzug’s laws protect religious freedom. It is predominantly atheist: the religious, Christians especially, have been subject to inaccurate stereotypes, but efforts made to reduce this have been generally successful.
  • The Kiravian Empire allows for total religious freedom on the Imperial level. Colonies, however, may be chartered with an official religion. Religious persecution is outlawed, but some violence persists amongst fundamentalist groups. In some colonies, like Kotavora, religious leaders are granted power in government.

See also

Roman Catholicism
Eastern Orthodoxy