Der Angst

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Der Angst
Flag of Der Angst
Motto: "Homo Superior"
National Anthem: None
Region Sisgardia
Capital None, DA is entirely urbanised
Official Language(s) Angstian
Leader Currently in a state of Anarchy, no Leader
Population 1/10 NS Stats
Currency Platin Coin (222 PCs = 1 Euro) 
NS Sunset XML


The Second Psionic Utopia of Der Angst is a relatively small nation with various territories scattered throughout the solar system and a distinct tendency of blowing up in the wrong moment.

Including various kinds of posthuman subspecies as well as several other kinds of sapient species in its population, as well as featuring a reasonably wide array of cultures, it is one of the more diverse nations known.

National Information

Traditional Long Form: The Second Psionic Utopia of Der Angst Traditional Short Form: Der Angst Abbreviations: DA Form of Government: Varies, Currently Anarchy Locations: Sisgardia, Earth; Six Islands, Earth; DAM, Moon; DAMa, The Planet Mars; DAJ, Jupiter (Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, Themisto, Thebe); DAN, Neptune; DAT, Triton; Sisgardian Craftworld, Kuiperbelt



Der Angst proper is located on the Antedammia peninsula of the Sisgardian landmass. Bordering the uninhabited areas of Heffescia in the west and North-West Antarctica in the south- west, the rest of Der Angst's teritory is covered by the sea, with the Technocratic Republics and Alizaria being almost visible from the eastern coast.


The altitude differs greatly, and can reach up to 3000m in the northern areas, while the south tends to be more even. However, due to its hyperurbanised characteristics, this differences aren't nearly as visible as they once were. Kilometer- high skycrapers and arcologies, combined with vast undergrounds complexes, make the landscape look far more even than it actually is, or rather, was.

Sunshine is rare, rain normal, and while storms are rare, a constant, rather strong (westerly) wind is common in many areas. The temperatures differ between -10°C & +30°C, with regional differences.


The environment is unique. While hyperurbanisation removed most of the original environment, bioengineering labs created a new one, based on the conditions hyperurbanisation offered. However, practical issues weren't the only issues the scientists cared about, and so, an excessively diverse wildlife, be it plants or animals, developed, featuring psionic creatures, cybernetically enhanced animals, plants in forms and colours deemed unthinkable. Hence, it isn't all that surprising if one suddenly sees a pink lizard climbing the walls of a random skyscaper, hunting fire- breathing quetzacoatlesque things flying through the air, nor would it be surprising seeing a Psionic Magpie trying to steal one's wristwatch by way of dulling its victim's senses.

Another thing is the sheer poisonousness of the Angstian environment. As hinted at above, DA took a unique route to deal with environmental damage: Rather than enforcing standards upon the industry, it produced a new environment that could survive the amounts of chemical waste and radioisotopes released. Of course, there are massive regional differences, depending on industry concentration, traffic (Standard fuel for cars are radioisotopes) and other things, resulting in some areas being dangerous even to the native population, while others are reasonably pleasent even for foreigners.


Distant History

Much has been lost during the time since the events of the past, and Archaeologists are still working to regain the lost knowledge. One of the few things certain are the events of the 18th century. After driving out an almost century- long multinational occupation force, DA finds itself in a rather dangerous position, being a tiny nation amoung many large ones. However, rising living standards & industrial growth lead to a rapid increase of the population, and due to the strenght of its immediate neighbors DA begins expanding overseas.

Over almost a hundred years, DA expands, fighting various smaller and larger conflicts, with territories inside the borders of todays United Indiastan becoming DA's major assets. In 1780, DA is effectively one of the world's major powers.

However, envy and fear lead to growing resistance against the ever- expanding, and, by now, rather arrogant Angstians. In 1789, a coalition of various other powers, including Knootoss, begins attacking DA colonies.

For the next eleven years, there isn't much happening. Colonies and outposts on both sides are raided, various minor and major naval battles are fought, it seemed as if the war was going to end in a standstill. Yet, with economic problems rising, and supply lines endangered and Knootian privateers threatening the merchants, DA decided that it was time to replace the so far cautious strategy with a more aggressive one. In 1800, Knootoss is invaded and quickly defeated. For the next ten years, DA expands further, defeating enemy after enemy.

Yet, it did overestimate its ressources. In 1810, its forces are spread to thin, and, again starting in Knootoss, the tides of war change, with Angstian forces defeated worldwide. In 1815, the war finally ends with DA being occupied, its empire and sovereignity lost.

Recent History

After a period of isolation and chaos, DA reemerges as a sovereign entity with the New Republic being formed on January 28th, 2003. The first years are somewhat chaotic, with DA not exactly being aware of the complex structures in the world. Early contacts to the GDODAD being proof of that.

This begins to change a few years later, with the Ienotheisan Crisis, when Iesus Christi and The Reich attempted to invade the gender (male)- discriminating regime in Ienotheisa. Der Angst sides with a Lavenrunz- led coalition to stop Iesus Christi, and shortly afterwards a member of the Lavenrunz- led SATO. After Co- Founding the WBO with Aerigia, a first, though small, step to establishing Der Angst is done.

What followed was a brief period of Military Adventurism and (failed) attempts of creating an Angstian Sphere of Influence, most notably its partaking in the War of Allanean Independence. While the military results were exceptionally successful, the diplomatic attempts of harvesting its fruits failed.

Shortly afterwards, a one- day revolution enforced a first regime change, with the old President being removed, and Rezo taking his place.

It was during this time that the first psionic experiments were started. However, this proved to be problematic, as during a visit of President Rezo in Reichskamphen, a revolution, the Red Bracelet war, started.

Gaining control over basic reconnaissance means & approximately 1/3 of the military, an insane hunt on everything foreign begun, Ambassadors from Knootoss & Endless Islands falling victim to the attackers.

However, SATO RDF's responded quickly, and with the arrival of Knootian, NYNJ, Territorial, Lavenrunzian & Menelmacari forces, the war was, eventually, finished with the Red Bracelet rebels losing after the Battles of Mönchengladbach & Hagen. Further actions by The Reich led to several thousand victims from bioweapons spread secretly by Iesus Christi.

However, the allies had been betrayed, as the Red Bracelet rebels were, in fact, only puppets, manipulated by the Telepaths that had come into existence shortly before, an attempt of breaking the chains the normals had created for them, to gain control ove rthe nation. Yet, even the Telepaths hadn't known the whole truth, for they, in turn, had been deceived by a group of Industrial Magnates, the Associates.

A regime change proved to be inevitable, with President Rezo being killed by Reichskamphen rebels. It were the Associates who eventually succeeded in gaining power. Hiring the Later Indiastani empress Kestrel Amea, at that time a rogue assassin, to execute Hans Gruber, the Telepath orchestrating the Red Bracelet war, they secured their influence.

With foreign influence & investments growing, DA was rebuilt reasonably fast. It was around this time, that a serious space program was started, beginning with first generation interplanetary vessels and a small colony on the Moon and later two more at Jupiter.

Yet, after a long and peaceful time, things begun to change with the Coalition War against Arda For a short while, Der Angst took part in it, though only by wasting fuel for naval assets and an (Admittedly successful) attack on the Pro- Ardan space forces.

However, assets were quickly redirected with the outbreak of the Shadow War. Muttering about copyright Infringement and a possible lawsuit by JMS, Agstian forces were deployed in Knootoss, fighting The Brotherhood of Nod, The Silver Turtle, Whispering Voices, Thelas, Dyelli Beybi & Fasta Benji forces with reasonable success.

Unknown to the public, this conflict had been sparked by manipulations of the Knootian electrions, executed by various nations on both sides, including Der Angst.

Learning from their mistake, another reasonably peaceful period begun, mainly featuring a further expansion of DA's of world assets. During this time, the old psionic projects did eventually reach their goal, with DA's native human population ending up to be entirely psionic.

As a minor event, Drow were discovered in northern DA, as the total urbanisation of DA continued. After several civilian casualities, a military campaign begun, a campaign that, despite the obvious technological superiority, had to face distinct problems, due to the fighting happening underground. But eventually, Success was achived, with the few remaining Drow forming a subsociety. Furthermore, an influx of Neko's added another species to DA.

Yet, slowly, things begun to change. With foreign influence undermining the local culture, resistance begun to form, and the associates begun losing influence, as Nationalists and the technocratic Mad Scientists Conference gained political Influence. Yet, it didn't yet spark another major event.

With technology progressing, and DA attempting to increase its security at Jupiter by way of taking part in forming the Jovian League, Operation: Roundhammer started, the invasion of Ardan holdings on Mars. While DA was only marginally involved, engaging The Silver Turtle space forces in Martian Orbit, forces of the Martian Confederacy joining the battle without announcing their intentions led to a secondary conflict, with Der Angst, United Indiastan, Tarasovka & The Vortex Corporation attacking and eventually defeating the Martian Confederacy, this resulting in its extermination and DA, The Vortex Corporation, Tarasovka, Bajon and Kajal Mars occupying its former territory.

Again, a rather peaceful period begun, however, this period found a sudden end when in one moment, 70% of the population died, and another 20% were driven insane by something that has yet to be understood. For now, DA ceased to exist as a national entity, leaving various factions fighting for dominance or independence.

Species, Ethnic Structure & Culture


Posthumans have developed due to Der Angst's constant attempts of developing its people into something better. The main group are Psionics, with only minor cybernetic enhancements, However, there are also tiny groups of emigrants prefering the longer lifespan of the non- psionic with far heavier cybernetic modifications to the rather short lifespans of the psionics.

Drow are one of the oldest species to be found in DA, they do, however, tend to keep to themselves.

Neko are catpeople, and generally accepted in the Angstian Society, even though their origins lie in mystery. Only few know that the original neko came to DA following a deal the The C'tan, inorder to develop species- specific bioweapons.

Humans are basically immigrants, usually absorbed into the Angstian society within one to three generations.


The Human/ Posthuman groups in DA are based on Western European (60%), Japanese (20%), Slavic (10%) & Chinese (10%) origins.


Based on their ethnic background, mainly a result of being conquered quite a few times during the more distant past, Angstian Culture is a rather wild mixture of languages and habits, based on the origins of its people, and growing steadily. Sexual taboos are almost unknown and the individual is everything, while loyality a secondary issue (Backstabber- culture). Non- Angstians, as well as non- augmented people are generally seen as inferior, though one tends to hope that they will one day be assimilated into the Angstian culture/ technological progress. The general sense for the arts, may it be music, sculptures, drawings or something else, is extremely diverse, though a general tendency to simple forms & dark scenes does exist.

The language is complex, the original Angstian, developed over five thousand years, has been replaced by a mixture of German, English, French, Japanese, Russian and Chinese, though this origins are rarely noticeable.

Religion is just as diverse as the languages. Though the ancient cults have still their (small) circles of faithful worshippers, christianity is the main faith, followed by buddism, shintoism and the somewhat erratic Tech Faith. Atheism plays a major role, too.

Foreign Relations

Der Angst is a member of the Sisgardian Fellowship of Nations, as well as the World technological Entity, and has further bilateral agreements with Tarasovka. It is also a member of the Jovian League and has relatively close relationships with The Most Glorious Hack, GMC Military Arms, Menelmacar, Britmattia, The Territory and Treznor.