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TLD type National
Status Active
Sponsoring Organization Jevian Informational Alliance (JIA)
Intended use Websites of The Allied Empire of Jey
Actual use Websites of The Allied Empire of Jey
Registration Restrictions Registration for second-level domains is granted by the JIA after attaining certain standards. third-level domains are available for a yearly or monthly fee.
Structure Top-level domains are primarily used by large companies and popular websites. Second-level and below are available for all citizens.
Web site JIA.gov.jey

.jey is the Internet TLD for the Allied Empire of Jey. The domains are run by a governmentally controlled organization called the Jevian Informational Alliance. Top-level domains are reserved for important addresses, while most lower level domains are available for all citizens.

List of Major Second Level Domains

gov.jey Governmentally controlled sites.
edu.jey Educational sites.
co.jey Private companies' sites.
org.jey Non-Governmental Organization sites.
jcf.jey Jevian Commanding Forces (Military) sites.
uni.jey Universitus sites.
net.jey Primarily Personal websites.

Top Level Domains
Currently active: .aao | .an | .ari | .asg | .bsk | .ca | .cdl | .ce | .cf | .cr |.csl| .el | .emp | .fe | .fps | .frc | .fs | .gt | .idu | .ine | .jey | .ked | .kh | .la | .len | .mpv | .my | .nb | .ne |.no | .noe | .nwa | .pc | .pu | .qd | .rp | .rta | .sb | .sbu | .sk | .sna | .sw | .swa | .swi | .tvr | .uie | .ukin | .un | .ur | .usec | .ut | .vk | .wk | .zr | .zz
Reserved/inactive: .fbr | .gtz | .pta | .snj | .vf | .zy

littlejeyflag3fa.jpg The Allied Empire of Jey littlejeyflag3fa.jpg
Main article: Jey
Major cities: Domz City, Universitus
Cultural Information: Jevian Culture, Jevian Language, English, Latin, Church of Jey, Jevian Mythology, Jevian National Anthem
Governmental Information: Jevian Government, Empirical Democracy, Jey and the United Nations, Drew Domz, Vance Aceon, Philo Caron, Paldric Lyons
Administrative Information: Jevian Military, States of Jey, Territories of Jey, The Grenevan Territories, Jevianism, Jevian Justice
Historical Information: Domz War, Treaty of Qualo, The Peace of Domz, Treaty of Caxilan
Miscellaneous: Jeya (currency), .jey, Jevian Flag, Jevian Red Cross, Jevian Years, UNRFTA, Other articles within Category:Jey