Algebraic English

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Algebraic English is a dialect of English used in Zwangzug. There, it is contrasted with Descriptive English, a more traditional/stylized/literary dialect. (Algebraic notators (users) would classify Descriptive as old-fashioned.)


A simple rule of thumb for working with Algebraic English is that the majority of words that can be compacted, or letters that can be replaced by numerals, are. 4 xmpel, this is s10dard Algebraic.

Gestures and Quality

Many concepts in Algebraic English are expressed using gestures, especially quality. However, these are very explicit, as opposed to nuances that give tone to Descriptive communication.

To declare something good when personally interacting, one single fist is made with thumb extending above the other fingers (the "thumbs-up" gesture). In writing, however, that is denoted with an exclamation point. Similarly, declarations of negativity are expressed with a "thumbs-down" and question mark: the ? sign does not denote interrogation. When the quality is extreme, two fists or punctuation marks are used.

A particularly Algebraic nuance is that of the !? and ?! judgments. !? is used to declare something curious and surprising, perhaps even rebellious but with the expectation that it will turn out for good. In person, this is indicated by two fists, thumbs in opposite directions, and fingers wrapped around each other: one thumb extends up above one extending down. (Which hand is which does not matter in any of these situations.) ?!, then, implies something surprising with potential, but that will probably turn out poorly. In this case, each set of fingers grips the other hand's thumb: the overall presentation is of two fists with thumbs hidden. The downward pointing thumb is on top, representing the negative dominance.

Further combinations such as !!?? are very rare (but existent) in writing, and for obvious reasons, never appear in personal communication.

Comparison: Freddie the Fool

A popular Zwangzug folk tale is the story of Freddie the Fool. Like all folk tales, there are different versions but this presentation in Descriptive is representative.

A foolish peon named Freddie, in the land of no rice,* once set out from his residence, a humble place in the shadow of a Christian.** He saw in the distance another peon from Zwangzug approach him in glee to share the rice. Not knowing why the peon had come, and afraid, Freddie beckoned to one of his old acquaintances to join him. As his friend came, a beautiful woman emerged from Zwangzug bearing rice to share with the impoverished. The king of the other land was a fool as well, and surrendered to Zwangzug which they used to grow more rice.

*Zwangzug mythology tells of the nation's founding by oppressed people commanded to find rice for their king. **There are very few Christians in Zwangzug, and they are subject to unfortunate stereotypes as being conservative ignorants.

The algebraic rendering of this story is the simple 1. f4 e5 2. g4 Qh4#. Here, "f4" may represent "far": Freddie's distance. Other versions (it is a folk tale, after all) have f3: "free"dom from the Christian's indoctrination?


Users of Descriptive English generally have much more difficulty understanding Algebraic than vice versa. For this reason, Zwangzug uses Descriptive English in international communication, to the resentment of the Algebraic notators.

Since loquacity isn't a priority when being mugged, Algebraic enjoys considerable popularity in Bangkok. The Scoresheet is the Algebraic paper with the most distribution. Dila10, a popular science-fiction show produced by the Zwangzug Broadcasting company, is algebraic as well.

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