PopularFreedom Extreme Soccer League

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Extreme Soccer League (ESL)
Competing teams13
Current championsCamelot Scorpions

The Extreme Soccer League (ESL) is a unique league within the nation that has grown in popularity over the last few seasons. Combining the skill of soccer with the brutality of rugby, it combines the best elements of both sports into a savage version of the game of soccer. Shunned by the rest of the nation and the majority of the world, this sport survives upon a loyal devoted following in the nation. Recently the sport has received television contracts from networks outside the nation to broadcast games which has helped in the rapid increase in popularity of the sport in recent years.

The current defending ESL champions is the Camelot Scorpions located in the city of Camelot, PopularFreedom.



The game is played on a field the same dimensions as a regular soccer field. The play is continuous with little to no stoppage in play except for goals, halftime, fulltime, or for when the ball is shot out of bounds. When the ball is shot out of bounds it is within moments replaced by another ball thrown by the referee or an assistant referee into the same region as from where the ball exited from (usually towards a player on the team that did not remove the ball from play). There are no penalties except if it is deemed that a player (other than the goalie) purposely carried the ball in his arms for which they are removed from the match (a goalie is not allowed to carry the ball outside of his crease as well or else faces the same consequences). Players are also removed from the match for hitting from behind.


The game is played with 11 players a side including the goalie. With the game being almost continous and substitutions done 'on the fly', most players are in superb athletic shape.

Full Contact

Unlike regular soccer, tackling and body checking are allowed and encouraged. Fighting, though legal, is rare, as the field is big enough without losing a player due to his involvement in a fight. When a fight does break out the play continues and therefore the fight usually is ended by the players involved quite quickly. Hitting from behind is frowned upon by players and is usually dealt with swiftly by players on the field in a physical manner. Any player guilty of hitting from behind is also removed from the game by the referees.




  • Camelot Scorpions 2
  • Peace Vultures 1


  • Camelot Scorpions 7
  • Victory Union Broncos 3


  • Peace Vultures 5
  • Victory Union Broncos 3


  • Viscount Bennett Maulers 4
  • Lenita Wildcats 0


  • Camelot Scorpions 6
  • Lenita Wildcats 3


  • Victory Union Broncos 4
  • Lenita Wildcats 3


  • Lenita Wildcats 5
  • Victory Union Broncos 3


  • Peace Vultures 6
  • Stanislav Bears 5


  • Lenita Wildcats 9
  • Camelot Scorpions 4


  • Victory Union Broncos 3
  • Stanislav Bears 0


  • Stanislav Bears 3
  • Camelot Scorpions 1


  • Peace Vultures 5
  • Camelot Scorpions 3

First division soccer leagues
Allied States Premiership (The Lowland Clans) | Apex League (Bettia) | Bureaucratic States 1st Division (Oglethorpia) | Casaran First Division (Casari) | Cafundeu First Division (Cafundeu]) | C4 Champions League (Unified Capitalizt States) | CMSC (Candelaria And Marquez) | H1SR (Rejistania | Hockey Canada Soccer League (Hockey Canada) | Jabonga Çwego Ligī (Unified Capitalizt States) | KLF Overleague (Krytenia) | Kzuu Maian Football League (Gigaleague) (Kzuu Mai) | Leaguealese (Legalese) | Liga Starblaydia (Starblaydia) | Liverpool England High League (Liverpool England) | Milchama Football League (Milchama) | Naleloospalakintula Football (Division 1) | National Football League (Daehanjeiguk) | Nedalia Premier League (Nedalia) | Nojikan Premiere League (Nojika) | PopularFreedom Extreme Soccer League (PopularFreedom) | Première Ligue Pepsioli (Oliverry) | Qazox Football League (Qazox) | Qutari Premier League (The Islands of Qutar) | Ratlea Championship Soccer (Ratlea) | Spruitland First Division (Spruitland) | Súprelige (Bedistan) | Liga de Fútbol de Vassfforcia (Vassfforcia) | Virsliga (Boudra-Boudra) | Weegie Premiership (The Weegies) | Winchestia Pro League (Winchestia)