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This article deals with Welsh as it relates to NationStates. For more general information, see the Wikipedia article on this subject.

Welsh (Cymraeg)
Genetic classification:
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Free Socialist Wales
Pascifitonia (Westshire and Leeshire)
The Resurgent Dream
Y Fenni ([PEEL])

See Wikipedia:Welsh language

Welsh is a Celtic language in the Indo-European family spoken in RL Wales (mainly in the west and north west) and parts of Argentina. It is a member of the Celtic group of languages, which also includes Scots Gaelic, Irish, Breton, Manx and Cornish.

The language is particularly known among non-Welsh for its distinctive spelling conventions, such as the use of the 'll', and initial consonant mutation (whereby 'Cymru', for example, can also be spelled 'Gymru' or 'Nghymru' depending on the preceding word and/or grammatical construction), but it is no more unpronounceable or difficult to learn for non-Welsh than many other Indo-European languages once the learner familiarises themselves with spelling and pronunciation (both of which are arguably more regular than with English orthography).

The Welsh Alphabet

The Welsh alphabet is comprised of 28 letters (vowels marked in bold):

A, B ,C ,Ch, D, Dd, E, F, Ff, G, Ng, H, I, L, Ll, M, N, O, P, Ph, R, Rh, S, T, Th, U, W, Y

Other letters such as J, K, Q, V, X or Z or often used in words borrowed from the English language, such as Jiwbil (Jubilee) or Zw (Zoo).

The vowels A, E, I and O are pronounced more or less the same as in English.

  • The letter U is pronounced as the English EE (for example, 'cu' - meaning 'key' - is pronounced as the same as 'key').
  • The letter W is usually pronounced as the English OO (for example, 'cwm' - meaning 'valley' - is pronounced 'koom').
  • The letter Y can either be pronounced as in English (for exmaple, 'byd' - meaning 'world' - is pronounced 'beed'), or as a short English U (for exmaple, 'Cymru' - meaning 'Wales' - is pronunced 'kumree').

Most consonants are also pronounced as their English counterparts.

  • The letter CH is pronounced as in the Scottish word 'loch' or the German word 'nach'.
  • The letter DD is pronounced as a soft English TH, as in 'the'.
  • The letter F is pronounced softly, like the English letter V.
  • The letter FF is pronounced harder, the same as the English letter F.
  • The letter NG is prnounced as in the English words 'long' or 'finger'.
  • The letter LL is pronounced as an aspirated L, with the lips and tongue formed as if to pronounced a standard L but then with air blown from the mouth without actually pronouncing the letter. The nearest Engish equivelent would be adding an H sound in front of the L (for example, llan' - meaning church, village, parish or yard - sounds like 'hlan').
  • The letter RH is pronounced harshly, as through the H is placed in front of the R (for example, 'rhy' meaning 'too (much)' sounds like 'hrag').

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Languages of NationStates
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