Gruenberg and the United Nations

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Gruenberg has been a member of the United Nations since August 2005.1 Its representatives have been among the most active members of the General Assembly, as well as submitting a number of proposals. Within the UN, Gruenberg has traditionally advocated national sovereignty, whilst supporting the principles of international law in areas of expressly transnational policy.

Voting record

The colour-code key for proposal categories can be found here.

Repeal "Protection of Dolphins Act" The Sex Education Act
UNCoESB Adoption and IVF Rights
Repeal "Ban Chemical Weapons" Promotion of Solar Panels
Repeal "Promotion of Solar Panels" Labeling Standards
Repeal "DVD Region Removal" Fossil Fuel Reduction Act
Diplomatic Immunity Worldwide Media Act
Representation in Taxation IT Education Act
Repeal "Protection of Dolphins Act" UN Small Business Education
Repeal "Fossil Fuel Reduction Act" Right to Divorce
Global Food Distribution Act Forced Banishment Ban
Repeal "UCPL" Rights of Biological Sapients
Rights of Neutral States Artistic Freedom
Repeal "Right to Divorce" Repeal "Stop dumping - Start Cleaning"
Repeal "Save the forests of the World" Repeal "Abortion Rights"
Repeal "MANDATORY RECYCLING" Remittances and Tiny Deposits
Civilian Casualty Records The Right to Form Unions
Repeal "The Law of the Sea" Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act
Repeal "The Rights of Labor Unions" Repeal "Stop privacy intrusion"
Repeal "Gay Rights" Patients Rights Act
Anti-Terrorism Act UN Security Act 1
Workplace Safety Act Repeal "Ban Single-Hulled Tankers"
Recreational Drug Legalization Individual Self-Determination
Abortion Legality Convention Hearing Impaired Aid Act
Meteorological Cooperation Help Prevent Ozone Depletion
UN Demining Survey
Maritime Safety Standards Act
Repeal "Scientific Freedom"
Auto Free Trade Agreement
Repeal "Hydrogen Powered Vehicles"
Repeal "Banning the Use of Landmines"
Nuclear Energy Research Act
Waste Disposal Covenant
UN Patent Law
Repeal "Citizen Rule Required"
UN Recycling Commission
Rights of the Disabled
Repeal "Replanting Trees"
Repeal "Legalise Euthanasia"
RFID in new Weapons
UN Copyright Convention
Repeal "The 40 Hour Workweek"
Freedom of Scientific Research
International Emergency Number
UN Counterterrorism Initiative
Child Pornography Prohibition
Repeal "Metric System"
Repeal "Sexual Freedom"
UN Educational Aid Act
Repeal "Definition of Marriage"
Orbital Space Safety Act
Individual Working Freedoms
Clothing Supply Pact
Repeal "Keep the World Disease-Free!"
Repeal "Support Hemp Production"
Outlaw Necrophilia
Freedom of Assembly
Fair Sentencing Act
Repeal "Establish UNWCC"
Marriage Protection Act
Chemical Transport Standards

Voting policy

Gruenberg has not exercised a consistent policy in casting its votes on resolutions. Although in general it has supported national sovereignty whilst advocating international cooperation in areas ranging from international security and war crimes to free trade and environmental protection, there have been exceptions. For example, it supported the Workplace Safety Act and Recreational Drug Legalization. Arguably, its voting has become more consistent since the departure of Moltan Bausch.

Gruenberg has supported most repeals; Repeal "Stop dumping - Start Cleaning" was the first instance of its casting a vote against a repeal, and was done more out of fear of a more restrictive replacement than on account of support for the original resolution. This also influenced its votes against Repeal "Abortion Rights" and Repeal "Stop privacy intrusion". However, it cast its vote for Repeal "Legalise Euthanasia" and Repeal "Definition of Marriage", despite criticising the arguments and possible repercussions of both.

Legislative record

Gruenberg has come to be one of the most prolific sources of legislation within the UN. The precise number of resolutions that should be credited to them is somewhat unclear, particularly in the cases of co-authorship or where proposals were submitted on their behalf, but they are generally considered to have had thirteen proposals reach quorum, more than any other nation. Initially, Moltan Bausch concentrated on repeals, but then shifted to substantive proposals, a policy continued by Lori Jiffjeff and Rono Pyandran. Resolutions have covered a wide range of topics, including recycling, landmines and intellectual property rights, and have included several blockers.

Repeal "UCPL"

Main article(s): Repeal "UCPL"

Gruenberg's first legislative success was a motion to repeal Resolution #45, UCPL (Universal Copyright/Patent Law). Written by Moltan Bausch after overhearing Varia Yefremova wonder aloud when someone would attempt a repeal, and drafted with help from several members of the United Nations Old Guard, notably the representatives of Ausserland, Repeal "UCPL" was the first step in the reform of UN intellectual property. The repeal passed comfortably, and unusually endeared Bausch to the left, but met with vehement opposition from Aram Koopman, who feared for Knootian economic interests that UCPL had served as security for. Although the repeal passed on promise of replacement, Bausch was never able to live up to this; however, Ceoranan legislators did later pass UN Patent Law and UN Copyright Convention.

Repeal "Right to Divorce"

Main article(s): Repeal "Right to Divorce"

Repeal "Right to Divorce" was possibly the first resolution in UN history to be submitted by another nation on the author's behalf. Moltan Bausch had been the most vocal opponent of Resolution #135, Right to Divorce, and had already begun preparing a repeal with Lori Jiffjeff and members of the National Sovereignty Organization as the resolution passed. However, Gruenberg lacked two endorsements at that point, and so could not submit the proposal. As such, the nation of Fonzoland submitted the proposal on Gruenberg's behalf, leading to a legality challenge of questionable intent from representatives of Love and esterel.2 The submission was ruled to be legal, and the repeal passed by a supermajority. It was also the first repeal to pass as the next resolution after the one it repealed; however, two failed proposals - Forced Banishment Ban and Rights of Biological Sapients - came in between the two, meaning Repeal "Promotion of Solar Panels" retained the record for fastest repeal.

Repeal "The Law of the Sea

Main article(s): Repeal "The Law of the Sea"

Following his previous successes, Moltan Bausch turned his attention to The Law of the Sea, a resolution he had been fixated on since his first days at the UN. On one particularly busy afternoon, he contributed to several repeals, including what would pass as Resolution #139, Repeal "MANDATORY RECYCLING", and then produced a first draft of his own repeal. Some arguments, chiefly his assertion that the UN had no authority to claim jurisdiction over international waters, did not meet with wide approval, but the repeal did manage to pass reasonably comfortably, with most of the discussion concentrating on replacing the resolution - another promise Bausch did not live up to.

Abortion Legality Convention

Main article(s): Abortion Legality Convention

The Abortion Legality Convention was the first substantive resolution by Gruenberg; written by them, it was however submitted by Omigodtheykilledkenny, Gruenberg again being unable to do themselves. It is one of the most controversial resolutions in UN history, yet regarded by many as one of the most important blocker resolutions. Written by Moltan Bausch and Lori Jiffjeff, it was designed to prevent the UN from further discussing abortion in the wake of the passage of Repeal "Abortion Rights".

UN Demining Survey

Main article(s): UN Demining Survey

UN Demining Survey was the 150th resolution to be passed by the General Assembly. It was also the first from the new international security organization UN DEFCON, and represented a different tactic: trying to pass a "replacement" before the repeal. In this case, the repeal in question was Repeal "Banning the Use of Landmines", which was to fail. Bausch attempted to tackle what he saw as the main problem posed by landmines - that unmarked landmines would endanger civilians after conflicts had ended - by instituting a range of recommendations on demining and minefield marking, as well as establishing the UNDS to aid with such efforts. The resolution was hotly contested in debate, with many suspicious of the UNDS's powers to research landmine technology, but passed easily.

Repeal "Banning the Use of Landmines"

Main article(s): Repeal "Banning the Use of Landmines"

The last repeal that Moltan Bausch managed to get to quorum, Repeal "Banning the Use of Landmines" failed heavily. It was the third successive resolution at vote to fail, but was the first such instance for Gruenberg. Also a UN DEFCON effort, the repeal was intended to follow UN Demining Survey and reinstate the right of nations to use landmines in war; some saw it as a chance to replace the original, poor resolution with a more comprehensive ban, though Bausch himself opposed this. He considered it his best work in the UN, and was especially proud of the argument he composed, and was highly disappointed when UN voters did not take to it. He later opined that some had misinterpreted his argument, though also admitted that the repeal would evidently be hard no matter what arguments were used.

UN Recycling Commission

Main article(s): UN Recycling Commission

Moltan Bausch's final resolution, UN Recycling Commission has since been rejected and disowned by Gruenberg. Rono Pyandran has expressed regrets over some of its provisions, and has even suggested that at some point a repeal might be attempted. UN Recycling Commission was written to replace MANDATORY RECYCLING, but took a distinctly pro-capitalist tone in its execution: it established a free trade zone for recycled goods, set up the UNRC as a means for promoting international commerce, and promoted the industrialisation of recycling, with an emphasis on the involvement of businesses. It passed fairly comfortably, though some felt that its free trade clauses would in fact hinder the development of recycling industry in developing nations.

Child Pornography Prohibition

Main article(s): Child Pornography Prohibition

Child Pornography Prohibition was the first post-Bausch resolution by Gruenberg. It was written by Lori Jiffjeff for the Gruenberger organization Mothers Against Weird Stuff, marking their first legislative success in the UN. It proved a tremendously popular resolution, passing with an approval rating of almost 90%: this was the greatest margin in favour for any resolution by Gruenberg, and the third highest for all UN resolutions (behind only Female Genital Mutilation and Outlaw Pedophilia). However, it was ferociously contested in debate by a small minority, some citing national sovereignty, some feeling that it was too restrictive of non-harmful forms speech, and some fearing that it was too open to abusive interpretation, and thereby not restrictive enough.

UN Educational Aid Act

Main article(s): UN Educational Aid Act

Gruenberg has always maintained a strong national sovereignty line on education, opposing almost all efforts by the UN to legislate on education. This policy was continued after Moltan Bausch, and taken up as the subject of Rono Pyandran's first proposal, which he co-authored with Lori Jiffjeff. UN Educational Aid Act was the first resolution in the new Education and Creativity category and proved popular amongst UN voters, with an approval of over 80%. It promoted a range of policies to improve the state of education in UN members and established the UN Educational Advancement Fund; however, it also contained a clause that blocked future UN interference in educational matters.

Individual Working Freedoms

Main article(s): Individual Working Freedoms

Following on from his success with the UN Educational Aid Act, Rono Pyandran drafted Individual Working Freedoms on his own, though drew inspiration from an older proposal of Powerhungry Chipmunks. It came in the wake of Repeal "The 40 Hour Workweek", and was a blocker to stop any replacement of this resolution. Pyandran later noted that there was no concerted effort to replace it anyway, but still felt his proposal was worthwhile. It was the first Advancement of Industry resolution to pass, and emphasised the importance of granting individuals freedom in negotiating their contracts, specifically concerning working time. Heavily contested by those who felt it endorsed or even forced capitalism, or that it would reduce workers' rights, it managed to scrape through by a slim margin at plenary vote.

Clothing Supply Pact

Main article(s): Clothing Supply Pact

The first substantive resolution by Gruenberg to fail, Clothing Supply Pact followed directly after Individual Working Freedoms. It was an attempt to establish a UN-wide free trade zone in textiles and related products. Its controversy and failure seemed to stem not simply from a rejection of capitalist or neoliberal philosophy, however, with some feeling it overrode national sovereignty. Pyandran was scornful of his detractors, feeling that many had clearly misread or misinterpreted the proposal as some form of welfare measure.

Fair Sentencing Act

Main article(s): Fair Sentencing Act

As with the UN Educational Aid Act, the Fair Sentencing Act was based on a proposal by Moltan Bausch: he had attempted on several occasions to get the proposal to quorum, failing by only a few approvals. Revamped by Pyandran and Jiffjeff, the Act was Pyandran's third (Gruenberg's fourth) blocker resolution, with a broad area of effect. Originally designed as a proposal to prevent the UN from banning the death penalty, it ended up granting nations the right to determine sentences for all crimes in their jurisdiction. It passed reasonably comfortably, its debate still being relatively heated, and featuring the now obligatory sight of Pyandran spewing profanity at those bringing what he saw as menial or ridiculous objections to discussion.

The Bausch Doctrine

Gruenberg has always pursued the "Bauch Doctrine" (named for UN Ambassador Moltan Bausch) of borderline non-compliance with legislation it opposes, although it is yet to be accused of active non-compliance. The three basic points of this approach are:

  1. All optional clauses, where possible, are ignored.
  2. All necessary projects are given minimal funding, staffing and support.
  3. All ill-defined terms are exploited ('loophole wanking').

It should be noted, of course, that the Bausch Doctrine is not an absolute, and enthusiastic support for productive resolutions has always overriden it: for example, Gruenberg has allowed The Microcredit Bazaar to establish several chapters in its territory.


  1. For various reasons, Gruenberg's UN membership has in fact been slightly variable, with membership periodically transferred to puppets, owing to gameplay commitments and other OOC factors. This is not something that is ICly acknowledged, and Gruenberg has always RPed as a UN member.
  2. Discussion of legality of Repeal "Right to Divorce"