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This article deals with English as it relates to NationStates. For more general information, see the Wikipedia article on this subject.

Major English dialects
English language
American English
Australian English
British English
Canadian English
Caribbean English
Hawaiian English
Indian English
Jamaican English
Liberian English
Malaysian English
New Zealand English
Philippine English
Scottish English
Singapore English
South African English
Welsh English

English is one of the principal languages of NationStates, it is used by different nations in different ways. In Gameplay it is usually the medium of communication except in regions based around certain RL nations. In Roleplay, a great deal of nations have English as their primary language. Rather then attributing historical developments in roleplay (e.g. to origins in the region of England), this is simply because a majority of the NS players are from English-speaking countries such as the United States, Great Britain, Canada and Australia. (With Dutch players having the largest non-English presence.)

Virtually all Roleplay is in English and the language for interaction between characters of different nation is often also English, at least OOC. Sometimes, English is used OOCly while assuming that the characters are speaking an IC language that is either fictional or incomprehensible to other players. (An example of a fictional language is "Celdonian" in Celdonia, which is functionally similar to English.) Using another language is sometimes indicated by using a different colour for the spoken text when players do not want to assume away the language barrier but still want other players to understand what their characters are saying.

English Speaking Nations in NationStates

English is the only official language in Adam Island, Geevesustekastanilonia, Induced Capitalism, Jervis Bay, Josh Dollins, Liberal Robenia, Nanakaland, Northrop-Grumman, Sarzonia, Sentient Peoples (where it is called Common, or Common Tongue), Starblaydia, The Resurgent Dream and Wharf Springs.

It is one of the official languages together with French in Cieara, Mythopia and Pommpistan; together with German in Cidonia, Liverpool England and Mabulia; together with Latin in Greater Brittannia, RomeW and Syskeyia; Greek in Meekinos; and a native language in Alewares (Alewarsian), Frisbee Freaks(Juunia and Vietnamese), Goobergunchia (Unshish) Imardeavia (a native Imardaevian tongue), Myrth (Myrthan), Pacitalia (Pacitalian), The Antarctican People (Antarctican), Tinis (Pargaolo), and Navi Bharat (Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Sanskrit, Gujurati, Punjabi, Persian)

It is one of many official languages in Christianan, Liechtenistan, One Red Dot, Room_549 and Qantrix.

Modified forms of English are spoken in Bureaucracia (after Bureaucracian, as a combination of English and Newspeak similar to but less primitive than Nowra's dialect), Kochbald (Simple English), Lindim (Lindimese English, a slurred and lyrical dialect) No Endorse ("Common"), Nowra (primitive dialect resembling Newspeak) and Oliverry (Limbroenglish, a reunion of native language and English)

English as a non-native and unofficial language is widely spoken by people in Camozayo, DemonLordEnigma, Knootoss and Random Kingdom.

New York Jet Fanatics has decreed that English is one of its secondary languages, along with Spanish and German. Its primary language is NFL Speak.

Kryozerkia has English as one of its main languages. It's not normal ny any stretch of the imagination. It's patoi of an aborigninal language and Irish English. The other main language is Krozin.

Henrytopia recognizes English as the official language, Spanish and Swahili are also common.

The Republic of Nevareion has English as one of its official languages. English is the most widely used language in Kelssek and is one of the two official languages.

In Oliverry, English is a language group that has 2 languages: English English and Limbroenglish which is a reunion of the natives language and the English, both are official languages along with French and Limbrogidlian(natives' language)

The Helvetic Confederation has English as one of its five primary languages.

The États Confédéres d'Europe lists English as one of its many languages.

Dragon Cows speak English, as well as Japanese and Draconic, the language of the ancient dragons.

Out of seven official languages in Sjwitz, English is the most spoken one. Closely followed by Dutch, Latvian and Spanish, which sometimes get mixed together into Fklaazj.

Despite the official language being Arturine, English, along with Russian and German is spoken occasionally in Arturria. Small pockets of English speakers are also found in the nations of Mallorcana and Heiterland.

English is spoken as the only official language in the Falasturian Empire. However numerous native dialects and foreign languages - largely the official languages of territories before integration into the Empire, or majority languages in areas populated largely by settlers and immigrants from several generations back - have been classified as official languages for only those areas they concern, and are thus compulsory teaching in education.

In Kahta English is the official language, however, German and Russian are spoken by significant minorities.

In Khrrck, English is spoken only as a foreign language by those of its inhabitants that have to deal with outsiders and other non-Wyrms.

Other Possible Variants