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• Imperial College at the University of Excalbia (Government-funded)
• Imperial College at the University of Excalbia (Government-funded)
• University of Excalbia, University College (locally funded)
• University of Excalbia, University College (locally funded)
• Imperial Military Academy at Fairfield (Government-funded)
• Imperial Military Academy at Fairfield (Government-funded)
• Imperial Naval Academy at New Boston (Government-funded)
• Imperial Naval Academy at New Boston (Government-funded)
• University of Landing (locally funded)
• University of Landing (locally funded)
• University of Sigulda (locally funded)
• University of Sigulda (locally funded)
• Windmere University (private)
• Windmere University (private)
• Excalbian Design Institute in Landing (private)
• Excalbian Design Institute in Landing (private)
• University of Cesis (Church of Excalbia)
• University of Cesis (Church of Excalbia)
• State University of Valmiera (locally funded)
• State University of Valmiera (locally funded)
• Citadel Seminary (Church of Excalbia)
• Citadel Seminary (Church of Excalbia)
• Southport College and University (private)
• Southport College and University (private)
• Baptist University at Landing (Excalbian Baptist)
• Baptist University at Landing (Excalbian Baptist)
• Holy Trinity University at Landing (Catholic)
• Holy Trinity University at Landing (Catholic)

Revision as of 18:41, 8 December 2006

Flag of Excalbia
Motto: "A Free People, By the Grace of God"
Map of the Excalbian Isles
Region Excalbian Isles
Capital Citadel Excalbia
Official Language(s) English – state language, Old Excalbian (blend of old Norse and Baltic languages), Celtic.
Leader The Emperor. The current emperor is David IV.
Population Over 5 billion
Currency Imperial Sov (IS); 1§ = $1.30 
NS Sunset XML

The Holy Empire of Excalbia is a technologically advanced modern nation located in the Excalbian Isles in the middle of the North Atlantic. A constitutional monarchy, Excalbia is a generally conservative nation that emphasizes religious values and morality. At times, this can be perceived by the Holy Empire’s detractors as self-righteousness and sentimental moralizing. Despite the central role of religion in national life, Excalbia boasts a fairly robust free market economy and a well-funded scientific infrastructure.


Location and Climate

The Excalbian Isles rise from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Northern Atlantic, southwest of Iceland and southeast of Greenland. The location of the islands ensure mild summers with long days and cool winters with long, dark nights. The flow of the ocean currents, however, keeps the island far milder than Greenland, located to the northwest.

Environment and Topography

The main island – known as Excalbia – is roughly the size of France, Germany, Switzerland and the Low Countries, making it one of the largest islands in the world. The Borodea Mountains split the island from north to south along the path of Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Highlands and foothills extend from the range to the west across much of the island. To the north of the highlands are plains and tundra; to the south are grasslands and forests. East of the mountain range, the terrain drops rapidly to foothills, pine forests and rugged coastline.

The Holy Empire lies west of the Borodea Mountains and is composed of highlands and foothills in the north and grasslands in the south. Large tracks of forest once separated the highlands and the grasslands. In the last two hundred years, however, the forests have been greatly reduced in size as more land has been converted to agricultural use and as mining has expanded in the southern parts of the highlands. Recent environmental legislation has sought, with some success, to protect the remaining forests and to better regulate the mining sector.

People and Culture

Early Settlement and Ethnicity

The Excalbian Isles were first settled by the Celts around the 6th century. By the early 10th century, they formed a number of stable, agrarian tribal groups, located mostly in the Southwestern grasslands and along the rugged Eastern coast.

In the late 10th century, a second wave of settlers – Norsemen – arrived from their colonies in Iceland and Greenland. While the earlier arrivals, now known as the Lowlanders, remained along the coast and in the grasslands, the Norsemen migrated into the highlands.

The 17th century brought a third wave of settlers beginning with Dutch whalers, who settled along the largely deserted Northern coast. Dutch merchants later established trading outposts along the Southern and Eastern coasts, while Anglo-American traders and missionaries settled in the Southwest. A mixed group of escaped African slaves and freedmen settled on the island of Deandra in the Southeast in the early 18th century.

While modern immigration has brought people, both human and non-human, from around the world, the largest ethnic groups remain Nordic, Celtic, Anglo-American and African.


Christianity was introduced to the Excalbian Isles in the 12th century. While Catholicism found many adherents among the villages of Eastern coast, which eventually formed the Grand Duchy of Saxmere, most of the inhabitants remained pagan until the early 18th century, when the son of King Ragarth converted to Christianity and proclaimed Christianity the state religion.

Today, the Church of Excalbia (Protestant Christian) remains the state religion. It is also the largest religion, comprising 45% of the population. Other Christian denominations combine to make up the majority of the remainder of the population. The Roman Catholic Church accounts for 17% of the population, while the Excalbian Baptist Church makes up 14%, the Anglicans 5% and Orthodox Christians 2%. Four percent of the population is Jewish while other religions, including minor Christian denominations, Islam, Danaanism and Humanism make up 10% of the population.


English is the state language. Some people in rural areas of the highlands still speak Old Excalbian, a blend of old Norse and Baltic languages, while some along the coast speak Celtic as a second language.

A few words in Old Excalbian:

sovens = sword

sveiki = hello

karalis, imperijars = emperor

Svetu Ekskalbias Imperija = Holy Empire of Excalbia


Education in the Holy Empire is compulsory through 10th grade or until the age of 16. Numerous programs, however, have been put in place to ensure most young Excalbians – nearly 90 % - graduate from secondary school. Almost 40% obtain at least one university degree. Public education is funded both by the His Imperial Majesty’s Government through grants to cities and counties and by local governments. Control of the school system, however, rests with local governments and elected school boards. A robust private and parochial school system, funded by tuitions and a system of tuition vouchers, exists in parallel to the public system. Few higher educational institutions are funded by the His Imperial Majesty’s Government. Some are funded by local governments, while most are private institutions.

Among the leading universities are:

• Imperial College at the University of Excalbia (Government-funded)

• University of Excalbia, University College (locally funded)

• Imperial Military Academy at Fairfield (Government-funded)

• Imperial Naval Academy at New Boston (Government-funded)

• University of Landing (locally funded)

• University of Sigulda (locally funded)

• Windmere University (private)

• Excalbian Design Institute in Landing (private)

• University of Cesis (Church of Excalbia)

• State University of Valmiera (locally funded)

• Citadel Seminary (Church of Excalbia)

• Southport College and University (private)

• Baptist University at Landing (Excalbian Baptist)

• Holy Trinity University at Landing (Catholic)

Early History

First Settlers

Celtic settlers arrived in the Excalbian Isles in the 6th century, but mostly remained in the Southwestern grasslands and along the rugged Eastern coast, where they formed stable, agrarian tribal groups. These "Lowlanders" were followed by Norsemen, who migrated into the highlands.

Despite relative isolation from Europe, new arrivals continued to land on Excalbia. These included a small group of Scots, who moved into the highlands and submerged into the Norse Highlanders, and some Irish monks, who in the 12th century introduced Christianity among the Lowlanders on the Eastern coast. The Lowland villages converted to Catholicism and eventually formed the Lowland Grand Duchy of Saxmere.

Highland Dominance

By the 13th century, the island’s social structure was well established. The Highland clans were warriors, herders and artisans and dominated the Lowland farmers. Clan warfare in the 15th and 16th centuries produced Excalbia’s first monarch, King Alsgood, the Great, who established his capital at Excalbia Castle, also known as Citadel Excalbia.

In the 17th century, Dutch settlers from the United Provinces of Knootoss established small whaling colonies on the baren Northern coast and trading posts on the Eastern and Southern coasts. The presence of these outposts led the Knootian Admiral Jongmans to seek refuge in Southport during the Second War of Insolence. In general, however, the presence of Dutch colonies did little to interfere with Highland dominance.

By the 18th century, a number of European and North American merchantmen had visited Excalbia, but finding little worth trading along the coast had generally ignored it. In 1798, a small group of Virginia Baptist missionaries took an interest in Excalbia and booked passage on a Yankee merchant ship familiar with the islands. A storm, however, crashed the Narwhal against the Western coast. Stranded, but alive and still possessing much of their goods and supplies, the missionaries began working to convert the Lowlanders to Christianity and the crew of the merchant ship began establishing control of the local trade routes and building alliances with the local tribes.

Founding of the Holy Empire of Excalbia

In 1801, the newly assertive Lowlanders, joined by Saxmere and backed by the missionaries and the guns of the ship’s crew, came into conflict with the Highland king, Ragarth. Low-level conflict continued until a truce in 1807, by which time the new American arrivals had reestablished contact with their homeland, bringing in new supplies for themselves and their Lowland allies. Seeing the balance of power tilting to the Lowlanders, Ragarth undertook a diplomatic mission to the Lowlanders’ new capital, Landing – the site of the Narwhal’s wreck. While in Landing, Ragarth’s son converted to Christianity and adopted the Christian name Joshua.

Joshua married the daughter of a missionary in 1808 and became king in 1809. At that point, he engineered a union between the Lowlanders and their allies and the Highland kingdom. On Christmas Day in 1809, Joshua proclaimed the Holy Empire of Excalbia, named the Alvis Miller, former Lowland governor of Landing, his Chancellor and established Christianity as its state religion. Emperor Joshua I also launched an aggressive campaign to bring modern education and knowledge to his kingdom.

Establishment of the Confederation and Upper Virginia

In 1817, a mixed group of American settlers and Lowlanders began demanding a republican government. In order to avoid violence, the Emperor extended a land grant to the republicans east of the Borodea Mountains and a patent to establish an autonomous republican government. The republicans accepted the grant and establish New Virginia. In 1829, New Virginia, along with the later colonies of Southland and Deandra, joined with the Lowland settlement of Saxmere and the Highland settlements of Alud and Trondgard, to declare themselves independent states and to form a Confederation of Soveriegn States. The C.S.S. adopted a Constitution based on a modified version of the U.S. Constitution, that created a weak central government with strong guarantees for personal liberty.

In 1856, Peter Courtland, commander of the New Virginia State Militia, was tried and convicted for treason for attempting to use the threat of military force to secure the resignation of the Governor and install himself as the new Governor. Escaping with a number of supporters, Courtland fled to the sparsely inhabited plains of the northwest. Following Courtland’s death in 1870, leaders of these new settlements proclaimed the Dominion of Upper Virginia with a Constitution that, while guaranteeing individual rights and liberties, created a powerful central government.

20th Century History

An Era of Reform

The late 19th and early 20th centuries were times of great change and turmoil in Excalbia. The deaths of four emperors in the twelve-year span from 1879 to 1891 destabilised the government and exacerbated tensions between reformers and conservatives and between the barons and the Imperial government. Despite the turmoil, significant reforms took place during this era. Progressives, coming mainly from Landing and New Boston, worked to break up monopolies, protect workers and guarantee that dissenters from the Church of Excalbia could fully participate in the economy and in politics. In Citadel Excalbia, the Imperial Senate, a democratic institution, finally supplanted the Council of Lords, a creation of the aristocracy, as the nation’s legislative authority.

In 1905, following the confusion, suspicion and open conflict that had accompanied the succession of last four emperors, progressives in Senate succeed in convincing Emperor Daniel III to grant the country’s first written Constitution. While the constitution left considerable power in the hands of the Sword, it firmly established Excalbia as constitutional monarchy with a high degree of democracy and political freedom.

Era of Peace, Prosperity and Isolation... With One Exception

While the nations of Excalbia avoided World War I, they did suffer under the Great Depression. Economic collapse in the neighboring Dominion of Upper Virginia led to an attempted revolution in 1932 and its ruthlessly suppression by General Roger Courtland. This led to nearly a century of tension and cross-border conflict between Upper Virginia and the Holy Empire. The Holy Empire joined with the C.S.S. to support the Allies in the World War of the 1940s and sent small forces to join the fight in Europe.

Following the War, Excalbia entered a period of peaceful economic growth, tranquility and great political stability. While the last quarter of the 19th century had seen five emperors wield the Sword of Alsgood, Emperor Joshua II reigned for more than two decades. His rule was marked by both calm and complacency, order and rigidity, economic growth and social retrenchment.

In 1957, when the revolutionary government of the Gull Flag Republic, which emerged from the collapse of the Grand Empire of the Shield, executed the dethroned High King of the Shield, James I of Iansisle, it provoked an international crisis. Departing from his usual policy of non-intervention and isolation, Joshua II commanded his new Imperial Chancellor, Baron Ainars Skrastins, to dispatch the Imperial Navy to Iansislean waters in a show of Excalbian outrage. He also directed his Minister of State, Lord Walter Williams, to establish a common diplomatic front with other nations that had opposed the execution of King James. The Excalbian policy was directed towards the goal of driving the Iansisleans to the negotiating table on terms favourable to impromptu coalition that had formed to support the former Iansislean ruling House of Callahan. Further details of this event are available in the Nation States forums.

The general stability and peace of the Empire, apart from the Iansislean incident, made it vulnerable to the social upheavals of the youth movement of the 1960s. Despite considerable tension and disruptions in society, Joshua II and his government charted a course for the nation that avoided the violent confrontations that marked the youth movement in other nations. The government bent considerably to the demands of the youth and introduced many economic and social reforms. During this period, the voting age was lowered and, for the first time, the Liberal party won a majority in the Senate and formed the nation’s first left-leaning government. However, the Emperor remained a peaceful, but steadfast champion of traditional values. Many historians credit this combination of policies with guiding the Holy Empire through the so-called youth quake period and setting the stage for a tranquil and prosperous end to the 20th century.

Modern History

Alliance with Pantocratoria

While the last three decades of the 20th century were a time of prosperity and formal peace, they also marked the decline of the Excalbian military and increasing isolation in the international community. Early in the 21st century, new Emperor David IV embarked on a program to correct both deficiencies, driven in part by a desire to counter Upper Virginia’s increasingly belligerent attitude towards the Holy Empire.

As David IV began reaching out for new trade partners and allies, he formed an early and strong bond with the Holy and Most August Empire of Pantocratoria. The alliance began informally with an extensive program of weapons sales to Pantocratoria. After that, Excalbian military forces served with the Pantocratorians in the Esperi Crisis, deepening the alliance. The alliance was cemented when Prince Joseph was selected by Emperor Andreus of Pantocratoria to be the husband of his eldest daughter, Princess Anna. As a wedding present, Emperor David IV presented the couple a patent to establish a new kingdom in the formerly unorganized provinces of the Western peninsula. This new kingdom was named Langeais.

Alliance with The Resurgent Dream

The Holy Empire was one of the first nations to welcome the Danaan High Kingdom of The Resurgent Dream upon its return to the world stage. An early exchange of diplomats, missionaries, students and military officers established close relations between the two constitutional monarchies.

Already warm relations between the Holy Empire and the High Kingdom were cemented when Prince Peter, nephew of the Emperor, married Grand Duchess Gwendolyn, sister of the High King and ruler of Shieldcrest. The marriage was shortly followed by the signing of a formal alliance between the two nations.

Intervention in Upper Virginia and Marlund

In 2002, the Holy Empire came to the brink of war with the Dominion of Upper Virginia after a confrontation over disputed boundaries in the Gulf of Garlud turned violent. After Upper Virginian aircraft fired on Imperial Navy ships conducting a training exercise, a group of the Imperial Navy’s new Wraith missile cruisers sunk one of the Dominion’s super carriers. Only the intervention of the Pantocratorians and their offer of mediation prevented war. Throughout 2003 and 2004, the situation in Upper Virginia deteriorated. An insurgent group, known as the Free Virginia Liberation Army (FVLA), captured the northern city of Harrington, leading to riots and brutal repression across the Dominion. The chaos escalated as members of the Upper Virginian junta turned on each other and as parties unknown destroyed the Pantocratorian Embassy in the Dominion capital.

Eventually, a group of military officers opposed to the dictatorial rule of General Craig Altman and backed by the Commonwealth of Varessa, approached the Holy Empire and requested assistance in brining down Altman. With assurances from their leaders and from the Varessans that the coup-plotters would establish a free and democratic government in Upper Virginia, the Holy Empire agreed to support the coup. While the coup proved successful, it has required a large and lengthy deployment of Excalbian troops in Upper Virginia.

Recently, the Empire has deployed a significant number of troops to Marlund in support of the joint effort by Pantocratoria and the Danaan High Kingdom of The Resurgent Dream to bring peace and democracy to that troubled country.

Conflict with the C.S.S. and Knootoss

Following the Dutch Democratic Republic of Knootoss’ invasion of Tanah Burung, Excalbia joined Pantocratoria in boycotting Knootian goods. Further, under the provisions of the Treaty of Jefferson, the Holy Empire barred Knootian-flagged ships from the waters of the Excalbian Isles. Shortly thereafter, Thomas Caine was elected President of the Confederation of Sovereign States and announced that he would sign the Knootian International Stabilisation Treaty (KIST) in defiance of the Empire’s ban of Knootian trade. This led the Imperial Senate to nullify the Treaty of Jefferson, a long-standing mutual defence pact between the Empire and the Confederation.

Excalbia attributed the Confederation's sudden alignment with Knootoss to the influence of the Order of the Invisible Hand. It has long been rumoured that the Order's influence was growing among the Confederation's business leaders. When Saxmere, a devoutly Catholic state within the C.S.S., declared independence, the Holy Empire immediately recognized the new nationstate and its restored Grand Duke, James I. This led the C.S.S. to close the borders of Saxmere, which in turn led Exalbia to blockade the C.S.S. This nearly led to a military confrontation with Knootoss. Conflict, however, was avoided by the intervention of the Teutonic Empire of Lavenrunz, who offered to serve as a mediator to the conflict.

An opening round of negotiations in Saxmere, moderated by Lavenrunz, led to a second round in Upper Virginia, which was moderated by President Becka Harrison of Upper Virginia. The negotiations quickly reached an agreement to resolve the secession crisis in Saxmere through a three-part referendum that would allow the people of Saxmere to chose between full independence, greater autonomy or the status quo, as well as between a republic government or the reinstatement of the grand ducal throne. Further negotiations, however, were needed to reach agreement on a general peace treaty. The Treaty of Courtland was finally agreed upon and signed at the conclusion of the negotiations. The treaty holds the promise of avoiding further such conflicts in the North Atlantic.

Constitutional Crisis

As negotiations over the Saxmere crisis were beginning, the Emperor suffered multiple myocardial infarctions. Despite receiving prompt treatment and showing few signs of long-term physical debilitation, the Emperor slipped into a coma from which he is yet to recover.

The Emperor’s incapacity created a power vacuum at the top of Excalbian political system at a time of great division in the Senate. Different political factions in the Senate and the Imperial Household Agency (IHA) rushed to fill the vacuum. In spite of the Senate’s growing skepticism of its autonomy, the IHA tried to rule in the name of the Emperor during his incapacity. A full-blown constitutional crisis was avoided when the Senate, deadlocked over the question of placing the IHA under senatorial control, entered into a confidential agreement with the IHA to name the Emperor’s sister, Princess Christiana, Regent.

Reformers in the Senate, who were increasingly worried about the Emperor’s ever greater hand in governmental affairs, had rejected the notion of naming Prince Joseph Regent. In part these reformers objected to the prince due to his perceived close philosophical ties to his father and his feared close ties to the more autocratic Pantocratorian Crown. A more important factor, however, might have been their belief that Princess Christiana would be more receptive to their agenda.

In order to make the arrangement acceptable to the Church of Excalbia, the IHA and members of the Senate loyal to the Emperor’s designate heir, Prince Joseph, the new Regent pledged not to seek to succeed her brother in the event of his death.

As rumours have begun to circulate that the Emperor’s condition is worse than the IHA has admitted, a new source of tension emerged. A number of barons, led by the Baron Jekob Perkonis and Baron Janis Tagaarth, began agitating to recreate the Council of Lords, which had been dissolved by David I in 1887. In doing so, the barons hoped to capitalize on a growing sense in many regions of the Empire that they were being under-represented in the 100-seat Senate. Their campaign received an unexpected boost when a district court in Tervates declared David I’s abolition of the Council to have been in violation of the unwritten constitution then in effect.

The conflict between the Senate and the IHA escalated in early 2006 when the Senate's Governmental Reform Committee began hearings on the IHA's alleged cover-up of the Emperor's true medical condition. Citing classified documents previously withheld from the Senate, the committee scheduled a vote on a motion to remove David IV as emperor.

In order to prevent the vote, the Lord Sheriff at the time - Lord Jacob Bergmanis - conspired with MAJGEN Maris Jansons, the then-Captain of the Imperial Guard, to enforce an illegal decree closing the Senate. Learning of their plans, Lady Jessica Tagaarth resigned as Chancellor. This forced the Senate into an adjournment. At the same time, Princess Christiana resigned as Regent in favour of Prince Joseph.

As Regent, Prince Joseph ordered the arrest of Lord Jacob and General Jansons. While Lord Jacob surrendered peacefully, Jansons, tragically, turned to violence, murdering Defence Minister Davis Robb before committing suicide.

On the same day, Baron Jekob Perkonis and Baron Alexander Skrastins, two leaders of the revived Council of Lords, sought to have the barons proclaim the Emperor's cousin, Prince Jeremiah, the new Emperor. Moving quickly to dissolve this threat, Prince Joseph ordered the arrest of Perkonis, Skrastins and Prince Jeremiah. The three, believed to be accompanied by disgraced former intelligence chief Lord James Reynolds, fled to the Confederation of Sovereign States to avoid arrest.

Finally awaking from his coma, the Emperor issued a decree confirming Prince Joseph as Prince Regent, while retaining his own authority as Emperor.

Politics and Government

Political Facts

Official Name: Holy Empire of Excalbia

Founded: Christmas Day, 1809 by Emperor Joshua I. The Holy Empire of Excalbia is the successor state of the Highland Kingdom of Excalbia, which was founded by King Alsgood, the Great in 1594.

Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy

Symbols of Power: Unlike most monarchies, the Excalbian national symbol of power is not the crown, but the sword. The sovereign is invested when he or she receives the sword of King Alsgood. The reigning monarch and his or her government is often referred to as the Sword, in much the way other monarchical governments would be referred to as the Crown. The national emblems are the crossed swords and shield and the golden cross of Joshua on a field of blue.

Constitution: Written constitution adopted in 1905 under the reign of Daniel III

Head of State: The Emperor. The current emperor is David IV. Currently, the Emperor is recovering from a series of heart attacks and a long coma. He has named his eldest son, Crown Prince Joseph, Prince Regent.

Imperial Family

Empress Elizabeth, consort

Crown Prince Joseph, eldest son, designated heir, co-sovereign of Langeais and Prince Regent

Princess Anna of Pantocratoria, daughter-in-law and co-sovereign of Langeais

Princess Elizabeth, grandaughter of the Emperor (daughter of Price Joseph and Princess Anna)

Princess Rebecca, daughter of the Emperor

Prince James, son of the Emperor

Princess Christiana, sister of the Emperor and former Regent

Lord Tariq of Mezciems, adopted son of Princess Christiana

Prince Peter, son of Emperor’s late brother, Prince Paul

Grand Duchess Gwendolyn of the Resurgent Dream, wife of Prince Peter

Princess Michele, aunt of the Emperor

Prince Jeremiah, cousin of the Emperor and accused usurper

Princess Hope, cousin of the Emperor

The Executive

Head of Government: Shared between the Emperor and the Imperial Chancellor. The current Imperial Chancellor is Lord Yornis Halton of the Progressive Conservative Party (PC). Lord Yornis, who came to power after the surprise resignation of Lady Jessica Tagaarth, heads a national unity government that includes the Christian Union Party (CU), the Liberal Party (LP), the Freedom Party (FP) and some former members of the Reform Party (RP).


Minister of State: Sir Albert Cummings (CU)

Minister of Defense: Sterling Wentworth (LP)

Minister of Justice: Lady Gwyneth Hapsgaard (PC)

Minister of Treasury: Thalia DeSoto (FP)

Minister of Home Affairs: Talbot Lauskis (CU)

Minister of Agriculture: Baron Alvis Celms (PC)

Minister of Commerce and Trade: Baroness Vivian Bodniece (ex-RP)

Minister of Education: Stephen Ogabe (LP)

Minister of Labour and Welfare: Alexandra Baker (LP)

Minister of Technology: Jon Lundgren (FP)

The Legislature

A unicameral body known as the Imperial Senate. In the current Imperial Senate, the Liberal Party (LP) holds 30 seats, the Progressive Conservatives (PC) 24 seats, the Freedom Party (FP) 19 seats and the Christian Union 10. In addition, 3 independent, former members of the Reform Party (RP) vote with the national unity government. The opposition consists of the rump of the Reform Party (RP) with 6 seats, 5 former members of the Liberal Party and the Social Welfare Party (SWP) with 3 seats. The presiding officer of the Imperial Senate is the Speaker of the Senate, a position held by Sir Harrison Grasis (FP), as the longest serving member of the Senate.

Political Parties

Party Leader(s) Description Seats in the Imperial Senate (out of 100) Abb.
Liberal Party Sterling Wentworth, Alexandra Baker and Stephen Ogabe The Liberal Party was the leader of the former coalition government and a member of the current national unity government. Until the 2005 elections it had been in opposition since 1981. While Lady Jessica Tagaarth led her party to power, her unexpected resignation in early 2006 ushered in the current national unity government. After the installation of the national unity government, five members of the party resigned and entered the opposition as independents. The party favors additional social programmes, moderately interventionist economic policies, greater civil rights and a less interventionist foreign policy. 30 LP
Christian Union Party Sir Albert Cummings The Christian Union was the only member of the former government that joined the former coalition. The party is a part of the current unity government. While the Christian Union last led the government from 1981 to 1985, it has been part of every ruling coalition since 1973. Until the 2005 election the CU had been split between a conservative wing led by Rev. James Earl Luckett and a moderate wing led by Sir Albert Cummings. Luckett and many of his fellow conservative CU members lost their seats in the conservative coalition’s electoral defeat, leaving Sir Albert the party’s undisputed leader. The CU is generally conservative, but tends to favor some degree of public assistance for the poor. 10 CU
Reform Party Marcella Gambino The Reform Party was a member of the former coalition government, but fractured with the creation of the national unity government. Three members of the party, including two of its leaders, Baroness Vivian Bodniece and Frank Moring, left the party and joined the government as independents. The rump of the party is currently in opposition. It was formed in the 1980s by former Progressive Conservative Party Senator Oliver Green. After spending its entire existence in opposition, the RP was invited to join the new centre-left coalition. Ironically, Senator Green lost his own seat in that election, leaving former Liberal Senator Marcella Gambino the party’s new leader. The RP favors maintaining fiscally responsible economic policies while increasing spending on social programs. It also favors a reduction in military spending and has called for revising the Constitution to grant more power to the Imperial Senate and to reduce the power of the Emperor and the Imperial Chancellor. 6 RP
Progressive Conservative Party Lord Yornis Halton, the Imperial Chancellor The Progressive Conservative Party is currently the leader of the national unity government. The party was in opposition after the 2005 elections. Until that election the party had been the ruling party since 1985 and had been a part of every coalition government since 1981. The party’s leader, Lady Christina Freedman, resigned her seat in the Senate following the party’s electoral defeat, leaving the leadership open. Currently, two former ministers, Baron Alvis Celms and Lady Gwyneth Hapsgaard, are quietly vying for leadership. The party generally supports non-interventionist economic policies, free international trade, a strong national defense and loyalty to the Sword. 24 PC
Freedom Party Sir Harrison Grasis, Speaker of the Imperial Senate The Freedom Party dropped out of the former ruling coalition just prior to the 2005 elections in a dispute over the powers of the Emperor and the Imperial Chancellor, but entered the national unity government in early 2006. The rift that broke apart the pre-election coalition was caused by the party’s support for limitations on the Emperor’s executive authority was strong enough to prevent the formation of centre-right coalition following the election, opening the door for the current centre-left government. The FP generally supports fiscally conservative policies and opposes deficit spending. It supports free trade and libertarian social policies. 19 FP
Social Welfare Party Alexander Ruzhkoskiy The Social Welfare Party is the second oldest party in the Holy Empire, having been founded in the midst of the Great Depression of the 1930s. However, the party has never taken part in any government coalition and has never held more than six seats, a zenith reached in the late 1930s and equaled in the late 1960s. The party favors creation of expansive social welfare guarantees, radical reductions in the military and Constitutional reform. 3 SWP

Other Key Officials and Leading Citizens

Chief of General Staff and Imperial Naval Operations: Lord Admiral Derek Kunle

Director of Imperial Intelligence: Rev. Jacob Donnelly

Director of Imperial Space Agency: Dr. Olivia Sandingham

Solicitor General: Sir Quentin Dahlbeck

Deputy Minister of State: Sarah Harrington

Imperial Chamberlain and Head of the Imperial Household: Lord Johannes Corman

Chairwoman of the Imperial Commission on Constitutional Reform: Lady Jessica Tagaarth

Imperial Chaplain: Rev. Christopher Lloyd

Director of Imperial Humanitarian Assistance and Development Fund: Baron Janis Tagaarth

Chief Representative to the Cardinal Duras Memorial Fund: Princess Christiana

Presiding Bishop of the Church of Excalbia: Bishop Donald Slesers

Secretary of the Synod of the Church of Excalbia: Bishop Blaine Repse

Chief Bishop of Citadel Excalbia: Bishop Graham Spelve

Chief Bishop of Landing: Bishop Dainis Nilson

Catholic Archbishop of Citadel Excalbia: John Cardinal Friesz

Catholic Archbishop of Landing: Miguel Cardinal Rizo

Former Archbishop of Landing: Matthew Cardinal Walsh, President of the Pontifical Council on Christian Unity

Chief Rabbi of Excalbia: Rabbi Daniel Lippmann

Spokesman for the Excalbian Baptist Convention: Rev. James Earl Luckett

Ambassador to the Imperial Court of Christ Pantocrator (Pantocratoria): Lady Christina Freedman

Pantocratorian Ambassador to the Holy Empire: The Marquis de Nouvelle Thessalonique

Ambassador-at-large: Sir Adam Taurins

Ambassador to the Commonwealth of Varessa: Michael Hunt

Ambassador to the Danaan High Kingdom of The Resurgent Dream: Lady Allison Bluger

Danaan Ambassador to the Holy Empire: Princess Sarah

Commonwealth Ambassador to the Holy Empire: Eric Alexander

Ambassador to the Teutonic Empire of Lavenrunz: Sir Gareth Vikis

Papal Legate to the Holy Empire: Archbishop Peter Tsarong

Ambassador to the Dutch Democratic Republic of Knootoss: Alexandra Maculane

Knootian Ambassador to the Holy Empire: Ronald Bloodgood

Ambassador to the Republic of Syskeyia: Baron Ruslan Peteris

Syskeyian Ambassador to the Holy Empire: Stephen Trieu

Ambassador to the Kingdom of Marlund: Shannon Hunt

Legal Advisors to Princess Christiana: Ainars Bastiks, Senior Partner, Bastiks, Murniece and Derks and Bernard Le Roux, Senior Partner, Lhuillier, Bakchos and Damours

Personal Assistant to Princess Christiana: Janet Latsone

Official Auditors for the Imperial Household: Julian Porter and Vivian Ashe, Senior Auditors, KPMG&L

President and CEO, Exsoft Data Systems: Dr. Allan Harper, PhD

Chief Technologist and Software Architect, AzIntel Corp.: Dr. Felix Chandra, PhD

Chairman and COO, National Arms and Data Systems: Sir Justin Viesmisnieks

Chancellor of the Imperial College at the University of Excalbia: Dr. Lord Solomon Myers, PhD

Economy and Technology

The Imperial economy is dominated by the computer, data processing and information technology sector. The largest companies are Exsoft Data Systems, NADS and AzIntel. AzIntel, working with an Imperial grant, has developed a powerful decentralized artificial intelligence network utilizing bioneural processors known as DAIN.

Economic Facts

Currency: Imperial Sov (§)

Exchange Rate: 1§ = $1.31

Gross Domestic Product: 112,888,933,052,576.59 §

Per Capita GDP: 20,480.57 §

Tax Rate – Value Added Tax (VAT): 18 %

Tax Rate - Miscellaneous Taxes: 49 %

Government Expenditures: 79,069,337,859,447.12 §

Defence and Security Expenditures: 4,744,160,271,566.83 §

Exports and Imports

Total Exports: 13,425,960,979,109.67 §

Leading Exports:

Advanced information technology services (access to the Decentralized Artificial Intelligence Network {D.A.I.N.}, a network of biotech-based supercomputers that have collected achieved true artificial intelligence and, perhaps, sentience; D.A.I.N. is used as a powerful tool in many areas of scientific research, but is not licensed or sold, rather its time is sold in blocks, placing its income in the service sector, somewhat akin to the payment of consultancy fees); Supercomputers, biotech processing chips and hardware; Computer software; Military sales (especially sales of advanced naval vessels, employing trimaran and catamaran-design hulls, stealth technologies, foamed alloy construction and advanced modular integrated electric drives).

Total Imports: 13,737,979,568,158.42 §

Leading Imports:

Agricultural goods; Automobiles and low-tech consumer electronics; Minerals; Textiles.

Leading Companies

AzIntel – creator of D.A.I.N.

Exsoft Data Systems – software giant

NADS – computer hardware giant and processor producer

New Boston Shipbuilding, Ltd – lead contractor on the Mark V ship project

ExAero – leading defense contractor

Bank of Landing – largest commercial bank



Supreme Commander: The supreme commander of Excalbia’s armed forces is the Emperor. Routinely, the Emperor will exercise this authority through the Imperial Chancellor and the Minister of Defense. In the event of that the Emperor is indisposed or unable to communicate with military command, the Imperial Chancellor may act in his behalf.

Command Structure: The Minister of Defense sits atop the civilian command structure of the military. Under the Constitution, the military is strictly subordinate to civilian authority. The Chief of the Imperial General Staff is the Empire’s senior military officer. Below the Chief of Staff, are the Chief of Imperial Naval Operations, the Chief of the Imperial Army Staff and the Chief of the Imperial Air Force Staff. Traditionally, the Chief of Imperial Naval Operations has also served as the Chief of the Imperial General Staff.

Modernisation: Over the last several years, the Excalbian Imperial Navy has implemented an aggressive expansion and modernisation programme. Excalbia's Mark V Shipbuilding Programme has put the Imperial Navy on the forefront of naval technology and the key to Excalbia's national defence.

The Imperial General Staff

Chief of the Imperial General Staff (CGS) – Lord Admiral Derek Kunle

Vice Chief of the General Staff – 4 stars

Chief of Military Intelligence – Rear Admiral Anda Sidrane

Chief of Logistics – 3 stars

Chief of Sea and Air Lift – 3 stars

Chief of Information – 2 stars

Chief of Personnel – 3 stars

Inspector General – 3 stars

Judge Advocate General – Vice Admiral Harriet Gunilda

Quartermaster General – 3 stars

Surgeon General – 3 stars

The Imperial Navy

Chief of Imperial Naval Operations (CINO) – Lord Admiral Derek Kunle

Chief of Engineering – Vice Admiral Harold Alsgood

Sea Systems Command – Vice Admiral/Rear Admiral

Air Systems Command “ “

Space Systems Command “ “

Chief of Weapons and Warfare – Vice Admiral

Weapon Systems Command – Vice Admiral/Rear Admiral

Training Command - Vice Admiral Tucker Norland

Chief of Policy, Planning and Tactics – Vice Admiral

Commander of the Home Fleet – Admiral Stephen Virities

INV Majestic Carrier Battle Group – Vice Admiral Ricards Turlais

INV Excalbia Strike Group – Rear Admiral

INV Glorious Carrier Battle Group – Vice Admrial Ephraim Allen

INV Citadel Strike Group

INV Courageous Carrier Battle Group

INV Landing Strike Group - Rear Admiral Jeter Taliefero

INV Sovereign Carrier Battle Group

INV Samuel II Strike Group

INV Fearless Carrier Battle Group

INV Daniel III Strike Group

INV Narwhal Sea Mobility Group – Rear Admiral

INV Mercy Rescue Group – Commodore

INV Atlas Support Group – Rear Admiral

INV Excalbian Empire Battle Group - Commodore Felix Bulvitis

Submarine Forces – Vice Admiral

Commander of the Expeditionary Fleet – Admiral

INV Invincible Carrier Battle Group – Vice Admiral

INV New Boston Strike Group – Rear Admiral

INV Reliant Carrier Battle Group

INV Southport Strike Group

INV Valiant Carrier Battle Group

INV Samuel I Strike Group

INV Dauntless Carrier Battle Group

INV Prince Paul Strike Group

INV Defiant Carrier Battle Group

INV David II Strike Group

INV Valmiera Strike Group – Rear Admiral

INV Aldheim Strike Group - Commodore

INV Nautilus Sea Mobility Group – Rear Admiral Beatrice Liene

INV Compassion Rescue Group – Commodore

INV Hercules Support Group – Rear Admiral

Submarine Forces – Vice Admiral

Commander of the Coast Guard and Reserve Fleet – Vice Admiral

ICGV Defender Patrol Group – Rear Admiral

ICGV Protector Interdiction Group – Commodore

INRV Excalbia’s Pride Sea Mobility Group – Commodore

INRV Olympic Support Group – Commodore

Commandant of the Imperial Marine Corps (CIMC) – Lieutenant General Abel Stockmann

Commander of 1st Marine Division (Home Fleet) – Major General

Commander of 2nd Marine Division (Expeditionary Fleet)

Commander of 3rd Marine Division (Expeditionary Fleet) Major General Harlan Knox

Imperial Army

Chief of the Imperial Army Staff (CIAS) – General Viktor Erglis

Chief of Strategy, Tactics and Planning – Lieutenant General

Training Command – Lieutenant General/Major General

Chief of Ordinance and Warfare – Lieutenant General

Armaments Command – Lieutenant General/Major General

Missile Command

Ground Systems Command

Air Support Command

Chief of Technology – Lieutenant General

Corps of Engineers – Lieutenant General/Major General

Design and Development Command – Brigadier General

Commander of the Home Army – General

Commander I Corps – Lieutenant General

21st Division – Infantry – Major General

41st Division – Infantry

61st Division – Mobile Infantry

Commander II Corps

22nd Division – Mechanized Infantry

72nd Division – Armor

92nd Division – Mechanized Cavalry

Commander III Corps

33rd Division – Armor

53rd Division – Mechanized Infantry

63rd Division – Mechanized Infantry

Commander of the Expeditionary Army – General

Commander V Corps – Lieutenant General

105th Division – Airborne (Mobile) Infantry – Major General

85th Division – Special Environment (Mobile) Infantry

45th Division – Armor

Commander VI Corps

66th Division – Mechanized Cavalry

76th Division – Armor

Commander VII Corps

77th Division – Armor

107th Division – Mechanized Cavalry

Commander X Corps

10th Division – Special Operations

110th Division – Airborne (Mobile) Infantry

80th Division – Light Armor - Major General Albert Karlsson

90th Division – Armor

Commander of Home Guard and Reserves [VIII Corps] – Major General

Commander 182nd Division (Home Guard) – Infantry – Brigadier General

Commander 195th Division (Reserves) – Specialized – Brigadier General

Commander 198th Division (Reserves) – Specialized – Brigadier General

Imperial Air Force

Chief of the Imperial Air Force Staff (CIAFS) – General Inese Miele

Chief of Policy, Planning and Tactics – Lieutenant General

Air Combat Command – Lieutenant General/Major General

Training Command

Special Operations Command

Chief of Engineering and Technology – Lieutenant General

Air Systems Command – Lieutenant General/Major General

Space Systems Command

Chief of Strategic Forces – Lieutenant General

Commander of the Home Air Force – General

Commander 1st Wing – Lieutenant General

11th Squadron – Fighter – Major General

21st Squadron – Fighter

41st Squadron – Interceptor

Commander 2nd Wing

22nd Squadron – Fighter

32nd Squadron – Bomber

42nd Squadron – Interceptor

Commander 3rd Wing

33rd Squadron – Advanced

63rd Squadron – Training

Commander of the Expeditionary Air Force – General

Commander 5th Wing – Lieutenant General

Commander 55th Squadron – Refueling – Major General

Commander 65th Squadron – Mobility

Commander 75th Squadron – Mobility

Commander 85th Squadron – Rescue

Commander 6th Wing

Commander 46th Squadron – Fighter

Commander 76th Squadron – Bomber

Commander 106th Squadron – Bomber

Commander 9th Wing

Commander 19th Squadron – Fighter

Commander 99th Squadron – Fighter

Commander 109th Squadron – Bomber

Commander of the Reserves [4th Wing] – Major General

Commander 104th Squadron – Mobility – Brigadier General

Commander 108th Squadron – Rescue

Commander 107th Squadron – Fighter