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Revision as of 21:36, 12 February 2006

Federative Sikh Republic of Space Union
Space Union Flag
Spend Not What You Can But What You Have!
Not Available Yet

Full version: [Not Available Yet]

Spoken Languages
 - Official
 - Unofficial

Conabi, English
Pacitalian, Dienstadi, Hindi
Capital Ayadi
Federate Satpul Singh (NCP)
Prime Minister/Vice Federate Neelam Grewal
 - Total
 - % water

1,845,800 km²
15.5% water
 - Total (2006)

Government type Federative-Republican System
Nation type Federative Republic
National animal
English name
Canis Lupus
Gray Wolf
GDP (FY2006/07)
  - Total (USD)
  - GDP/capita (USD)

 - Exchange rate
1 Spaco Dollar (Đ) = 50 spacos
S$ 1,00 = US$2.15
National Constitution Constitutional Bill of Rights
Time Zone AOTC +0200
International Abbreviations
 - sport
 - government

CHDI (2006) 0.954
Naval Craft Classification
  - Military
  - Civilian

Internet TLD .su
Calling Code +9
* - All data Provided by Space Union.

The Federative Sikh Republic of Space Union is a democratic, right-wing nation located in the Atlantian Oceanian region on the "Oechahaeth" continent. Made up of mostly Indian ethnicity, Space Union is a modertly sized nation that has a both strong economy and strong military. It is the northeastern neighbor of the Democratic Capitalist Republic of Pacitalia and the eastern neighbor of the People's Democratic Republic of Izistan, both of which are close allies of Space Union. The Space Union country is a medium-sized in terms of land, being a little less than one-half the size of its Pacitalian neighbor, relatively. It is bordered mostly by land but it has a large shoreline next to the Altantian Ocean.

Space Union is a well known advicate of human rights across the world and civil rights, alike. It features one of the best rights record in the world and came in as one of the 100-best human rights recorded nations in an international poll. Generally, the Space Union citizenry are conservative, right-wing compassionate people that tend to grip on their rights feariously. Space Union has also legalized same-sex marriages and civil unions between gay and lesbian couples, making it one of the most civil-rights loving nation in the world.

The Space Union economy is based on a free market, capitalist model. It has one of the least regulated economies in the Atlantian Oceania along with comapred to allied nations. Corporations tend to receive large subsidaries and usually get the benefit of the doubt in civil cases, though, it is fully recognized that Space Union is a staunch opponent to monopolies and corporate abuse of power. The largest well known break up of a monopoly in Space Union was the Union v Weshington case, where the Weshington oil Corporation monopolized the entire Space Union ethanol industry. The Space Union government in turn, under the leadership of then President Harsimran Mann, took it to the High Court of Space Union. The High Court ruled against Weshington and formely disinegrated the monopoly, sending clear signals of to other potential abusers.

Although Space Union is considered one of the more pacifist nations in NS, it is a part of a number of alliances in the Nationstates world. These include the Woodstock Pact, the International Alliance Defense Force (IADF), Saharastan War Coalition (SWC), and many others to note. Space Union is a major player in the international stage as a recognized human rights protector and a loyal ally. In terms of trade, Space Union has also grown from isolationism to having active trading with a large chunk of nations, mostly friendly and allied, though, it is self-sufficient in many areas.

Ethnicity and Demograph:


Space Union is a large nation, numbering over 2.7 billion people that is made up of mostly Indian ethnicity. This is largely because of its direct relationship with the former Democratic Republic of India, before its collapse, and similar folk. The Space Union people share many traditions with Indians, though, Space Unionist are generally Sikh - followers of the relgion of Sikhism. Indians/Asians make up around 71% of the population, while the rest is made up of 12% Anglo-Saxon, 10% Pacific Islanders, 5% Persian, and 2% Italian. This gives Space Union a large mix of other ethnicities, though, there are no major conflicts among the different communities.

Space Union Culture:

The large majority of Space Union's culture descends from its large share of Indian population. 87% of these Indians follow the Sikh religion, preached by Guru Nanak Devji. This makes large Sikh holidays like Dhwali, national holidays in Space Union, similar how Christmas is a national holiday for Christian-majority nations. But the other ethnicities have also blended their own traditions with the Sikh ones to create a heavily diversed nation that is considered by many foreignors as a salad bowl.

In terms of demograph and jobs, Space Union has an extremely large white collar workforce. This allows Space Union to have one of the largest IT and medical industries in the world, having a some of the most advanced and mature communications and wireless connections in the world while also being one of the leaders in medical treatement, specifically cancer. This is largely due to its large share of PhDs that graduate each year as engineers and doctors and its extrodinary eductational system, modelled after the efficient Indian system. Other citizens choose to either become scientist of some sort or take up other business jobs, mainly as executives in companies.

Although Space Union is rich in terms of currency and hard money, Space Union citizens are considered to be one of the most caring and compassionate citizens in the world. This follows a cultural tradition in Space Union of giving, something that is actively preached by the Sikh religion. This practice is called Lunger. In this tradition, all across the nation, religious temples, buildings, and other shelters provide free meals to anyone that comes to them. No one discriminated based on ethnicity, gender, or color. Volunteers reguarly take off time to feed the people while also having some for themselves. This tradition is most likely the oldest tradition in Space Union, according to historians, and is the most heavily guarded by its people, not allowing anyone to stop them from doing it.

Another area that Space Union is considered to be quite advanced in is its food. Space Union food follows Sikh culture and other ethnicity cultures by serving Indian food that is mixed with food from other nationalities such as Italian sauces and Danish biscuits. Foreignors from all over the world come to Space Union's capital, Ayadi, to taste these exotic foods with some of the best spices known to the world being found in the capital. One spice in particular, called Mirchswad, is very spicy and is extremely popular thanks to its rich taste that makes one's tongue feel in heaven even with the worst tasting food.


Space Union is one of the largest Sikh nation's in the world, thanks to a large Sikh majority in Space Union, at 67% of the population, that descended from Punjab. Sikhism has been declared the national religion, though, people are free to worship whatever they wish and can openly deny Sikhism. The second largest religion in Space Union, at 21% of the population, is Christianity, followed mostly by Anglo-Saxon and Italians. Other minor religions are Islam, Hinduism, and Judisism, though, they all number less than 10% in terms of followers in population.

Suffrage and Voting:

Under Space Union law, any citizen of Space Union within the provinces is capable of voting once he/she turns age 18. If a person lives within a Space Union territory, he/she can vote when they turn 21. But the later does not apply to anyone, yet, as Space Union currently does not have any territories abroad or at home.


Although Space Union follows many languages because of its diverse ethnicity, its main language is Conabi. Conabi is a direct descendant of Punjabi, but being far less complex and more straightfoward. Conabi is recognized as the national language of Space Union, therefore many businesses and organizations in Space Union follow and use Conabi as their main language when inside Space Union, though, English is also used frequently in the business world. After Conabi, English is the second most used language and is required to be known by all citizens at the most basic levels of communication.

Another language that Space Union follows in great numbers is the Pacitalian language of Pacitalian, being one of the most popular foreign languages in Space Union along with Dienstadi, The Macabee's official language, that is also very popular as foreign language in high school and college.


Space Union's Educational System is an generously funded system in the entire nation, being directly overseen by the Federal Government. Considered a very high quality system in terms of education and overall teaching. But on major complaint by mostly foreigners is the level of toughness in the school, citing that children having to get at least a 84% as an overall grade to pass that class but many analyst cite this as the main reason why Space Union's educational system and graduates are some of the top and brightest in the world.

Preschool/Phase I:

Preschool or Phase I, as called in Space Union, is the beginning of the educational system and starts at the age of 3. It is required by every student and is absolutely free to the public, though, non-citizens staying in Space Union must pay a small fee to enroll in the school. At this level, Space Union children learn how to do basic reading, mathametics, writing, and skills that form the foundation for later years to build upon. There are three divisions, or classes/grades as called by other nations, in Phase I school, Division 1, 2, and 3. Phase I follows a one class/teacher system where one teacher instructs the students in all these skills all day. Students between age 3-5 attend this school. At the end of the last divisional year, students take a exam called Exam I that they must score 84% or higher to gain acceptance into Phase II or face staying behind a division.

Primary School/Phase II:

Primary, or Phase II school is the next step in the educational ladder for every student. All children are required to have taken Phase I school or passed an entrance exam (seperate from Phase I exams) to gain admission into a Phase II school. In Phase II school, students build upon their basic skills and take a wide variety of subjects. The core subjects are Science, Math, Language/Conabi, Language/English, and Social Studies. Other subjects are PE, Health, and an elective that may include early beginning of a new school. Unlike other nations, Phase II does seperate classes for each subject instead of one class/one teacher system, similar to high schools in other nations, but instead has a 8 Period-Day. Phase II schools also generally have sports and academic clubs that students are allowed to join as after-school activity or elective. Phase II is attended by students age 6-13 in Divisions 4-12, all of which is mandatory to take by all students. At the end of the last divisional year, students must pass an exam at the end of the year called Exam II and must gain 84% of higher to pass and move on to Phase III school or face staying behind.

Secondary School/Phase III:

Secondary, or Phase III school, is the next step in the educational ladder after Phase II school graduation. All students must have taken Phase III school or passed an entrance exam (seperate from Exam I or II). In Phase III school, students build upon the skills and knowledge they have learned in Phase II to finish their learning. The main difference between a Phase III school and a Phase II school is that students are no longer required to take Language/English or Language/Conabi (their choice of which one) and instead choose a foreign language to take. Foreign languages vary from Pacitalian to Dienstadi to Hindi to French. At least 4 years of one foreign language must be taken to pase Phase III school. Like Phase II school, Phase III school has an 8 Period-Day, having the five core subjects and PE and one elective they may choose. The Core subjects are available in 3 forms: Regular, Honors, and Advanced Placement (AP), ordered in hardest. While Regular gives you no benefit, Honors allows you to add 0.3 to your GPA for that class while Advanced Placement allows you to take that course for college and also add 0.5 to your GPA. Extracurricular activities like sports are also heavily encouraged. Students from age 14-18 take Phase III school in Divisions 13-17. At the end of Division 17, students must take Exam III and get 84% at least to pass. Diplomas are then given out, which fall into three categories: Proficient Diploma, Advanced Diploma, or Master Diploma. Student's score on Exam III along with their entire averaged score of their entire life are average together to give the GPA. Students that have a GPA of 3.0-3.4 get the Proficient Diploma. Students with a GPA get a diploma of 3.5-3.9. Finally, students that get a GPA of 4.0 or above (in some circumstances) get the Master Diploma. A diploma is mandatory to leave Phase III school and gain admittance in an Institution.


Institutions are the next step in Space Union education after graduating from Phase III school. It is similar to colleges and universities in other nations, being the place where students become specialized. In Institutions, sutdents begin to specialize their subjects and classes based on what career they will take, no longer having to take any core subject unless on their own, though, Mathematics is required no matter what. Space Union's Institutions are one of the world's best in terms of education having a huge sum of foreign students trying for admission within Institutions. Students being to take subjects based on their future goals like if they wish to be doctors they will take Medical Science or Advanced Chemical Medicines courses. But unlike other colleges in the world, Institutions have a set time of the day that students must attend similar to Phase I, II, and III schools, but Institutions generally start later, like at 10:00 being the norm across the nation. Generally, Institutions are broken down into 4 domains (similar to divisions), which are attended to by students 19-23 years old. At the end of the 4th Domain, students must pass an Institutional Exam, which they must score higher than 85% to pass. Based on their score and GPA of all years of education, colleges give out three degrees: the Knight Degree, Master Degree, and the Grand Degree. The Knight Degree is the minimul degree you need to go to Advanced Institutional School, you must have a GPA of 3.0-3.4 to get it. Master Degree is obtained by having a GPA of 3.5-3.9. Finally, the Grand Degree is a degree that must be obtained by getting a GPA of 4.0. Once Institution has been completed, students no longer have to go to any more schools and instead can apply for jobs in the real world, especially ones with Grand Degrees, which allows them to gain well paying jobs without going to Advanced Institutions.

Institutions are also extremely expensive for their extrordinary education, making it hard for parents to send students through them even if they are quite well off. So the Space Union government gives off many Student Loans for any amount that will be payed off once the person gains a solid job and finishes his/her education. This has allowed almost everyone in Space Union to go to an institution no matter what there background is, making Space Union one of the most enticing "Land of Oppurtunity" nations in the world.

Advanced Institutions:

Advanced Institutions is the last step in the educational system of Space Union (the last step in the public system, though, there are more places to go for higher education, albeit those are private and far more expensive, though). In Advanced Institutions, students submit what job/career they wish to take and a schedule with all the courses nessessary for that career and given to him/her. In almost everyway, Advanced Institutions are similar to Institutions, to the point that many are run by the same organization as an Institution. This is the equivalent to a post-graduate school in other countries, though, more specialized and focused. Students must take this for 4 years in Domains 5-9 from ages 24-28. Once they finish Domain 9, they must take an Advanced Institutional Exam which they must score at least 87% on to pass. If they do not, they must repeat the last year again until they do pass it. It is not uncommon to see this happen, a large majority must repeat the last year at least once more, but in the long run this help solidify all their learnings further. At the end of the year, the school averages the Advanced Institutional Exam along with all the previous exams from Exam I to Institutional Exam and then average all the grades together from Division 1 to Domain 9. Once both are done, the two statistics are average together to give the Grand GPA or GGPA, as called by officials. Based on this, the Advanced Institution gives three degrees: the Silver Degree, the Gold Degree, and the Platinium Degree. The Silver Degree is aquired by having a GPA of 3.0-3.4 and is equivalent to higher than a Bachelors degree in other countries. A Gold Degree is aquired by having a GPA of 3.5-3.9 and is the equivalent of higher than a Masters degree in other nations. Finally, the highest and one of the most prestigious degrees in the world to have is the Platinium Degree which is aquired by having a perfect GPA of 4.0. and is equivalent to higher than even a PhD. If aquired, this degree will allow you to have any job in the world because of its sheer prestige and rarity. Only 1 out of 10,000 Space Unionist has one of these.


One of Space Union's largest past-times is the game of cricket. Following the Indian heritage in cricket, Space Unions are considered rabid cricket fans that are extremely patriotic of their cricket team. Not only that but it is estimated that over 85% of the population actively watches ODI and test matches across the nation, making it one of the most cricket-loving nation's in the world. Another sport that Space Unionist enjoy is Gridball or American Football. Space Union's gridball team called the Firestrikers are the Union's best football players from every regional team and is the national team. Firestrikers made their first debut in the International Gridball world when it entered the Atlantian Oceania Bowl, in which it was proclaimed the champion and was the only team to be undefeated in the entire series.


Government Structure:

The Space Union government is the only Federative-Republican System user in the world, partly since it is the founder of this type of government system. The Federative-Republican System works by having a the leader of the government seperate from the other branches, making them equal in power and keeping leadership uneffected from rivalries between government branches. The Space Union government is made up of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches. Each of these are equal in power and have an established checks-and-balances system that assures it will remain that way. The Space Union government currently has over 22 million people employed for it throughout the nation directly with a larger sum being unemployed indirectly to it.


The Federate of the Space Union government is the leader of the Space Union and acts as its Head of State and Head of Government official. He/she precides over the entire country and has considerable power while not being in any of the branches, something unique about the Federative-Republican System. This allows the Federate to not be strangled within inter-branch rivalries and lets the nation operate at its most capable form. The current Federate is Satpul Singh, replacing former Federate Harsimran Mann, who was ousted from office by Space Union's first impeachment. Some of the Federate's powers include the following:

  • Vetoing bills, partially and wholly
  • Able to award medals and honors upon citizenry.
  • Represents the entire nation in the world stage.
  • Supreme Ruler of the Nation.
  • Commander-in-Chief of the Space Union Armed Forces

This are just some of the Federate's powers. He can also gain emergency powers during crisis if the Chamber of Electorates allows him to do so. But it has been seen that a Federate is capable of gaining emergency power without their approval, albeit for only 48 hours, though, before approval for further power is needed.

Also the Federate is adviced by a Council of Officials, made up of the three figureheads of each branch. This allows him to direct his policy based on each branches report and suggestions. Not only that but the branches have direct influence on the policy making of the government, something that other governments don't give to such degrees.

The Federate is capable of running for 4 terms each being 4 years long.

Executive Branch:

The Executive Branch of Space Union is the branch that is responsible for carrying out the laws passed by the government among other things. The Executive Branch is headed by the Prime Minister, seperate from the other ministers, and is composed of the Council of Ministers. In the Council of Ministers, all 14 of the Department Ministers come together and form the group. The executive branch is the main beuracracy of the government and therefore is responsible for managing the country. The Council of Ministers is similar to a Cabinent in foreign nations and other governmental systems. All cabinent members are appointed by the Federate. These are all the Departments:

  • Department of State
  • Department of Treasury
  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Justice
  • Department of Interior
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Economic Affairs and Commerce
  • Department of Labor
  • Department of Health and Human Services
  • Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • Department of Transportation
  • Department of Energy
  • Department of Education

The Prime Minister heads the Executive Branch and therefore is also in the Council of Officials for the Federate. But the Prime Minister also acts as the Vice Federate or the person that takes the place of the Federate when he/she is not available for the job or has died.

The Prime Minister serves until a Vote of No Confidence is given by Cabinent officials. If successful, the Prime Minister is stripped of that title and a new Prime Minister is appointed by the Federate.

Legislative Branch:

The Space Union Legislative Branch is the branch of government responsible for creating laws for the government. The branch is composed of the Chamber of Electorates that makes the laws. Electorates, selected from each state, come to the Chamber and represent their states. The number of Electorates is determined by population of each state. There is a total of 532 seats. A state is given the number of seats based on 10 million pop per Electoral seat. Here are the number of seats per state:

  • Khalistan - 127
  • Soorjin - 101
  • Zaug - 75
  • Tundha - 85
  • Vighgroo - 85
  • Thoria - 59

The Chamber is located in the capital city of Ayadi on Chundt Strait, a hill that translates into "Sun Strait" because of its nature to be the last place in the city to go dark. The leader of the Chamber is the Represenative of the Chamber (ROC) who is similar to the Speaker of the House position in the former United States. He/she is a member of the Council of Officials and is third in line if for the succession of the Federative office.

Electorates serve for 2 terms maximum, each being 4 years long. The Represenative of the Chamber has no set limit except until the Chamber decides it needs a new Represenative or if that Represenative looses his/her chair in the Chamber in an election. When either of these happens, one of the Electorates is elected to that chair.

Judicial Branch:

The Judicial Branch is the branch of the government responsible for overseeing and bringing equal justice to the nation in civil and criminal cases while also having the power of judicial review. The branch is divided into four levels:

  • High Court
  • National/Government Courts
  • Provincial Courts
  • District Courts

The Judicial Branch is led by the national courts, the highest being the High Court or the equivalent of a Supreme Court in other nations. The High Court is responsible for dealing with cases involving constitutional rights, major decisions that will affect the nation on whole, and to see if laws are constitutional. The High Court is comprised of 15 justices, which select a Chief Justice from their rank. The Chief Justice is the represenative of the entire Judicial branch and is a member of the Council of Officials. He/she is considered the most senior and wisest judge in the entire branch for a good reason then. The National/Government Courts are the next level down, dealing with mostly military cases such as treason and court martials. The level below that is the State Court, which is the supreme court for the provinces. They make decisions on cases that effect only one of the provinces and not the entire nation. The lowest is the District Courts. These are the local city courts that hear local criminal cases within the city or county that aren't overly important.

The Justices all serve for life-time terms. Lower courts are decided upon local laws on their terms. The Chief Justice is Chief Justice for life until he/she retires, dies, or is impeached.


The Space Union economy is one of the most powerful economies in the world for its size. This owes to its large pool of educated citizenry that are allow Space Union to have a Frightening economy that is unmatched for its size. Its major industries are Information Technology Industry, Medical Industry, Uranium Mining Industry, Arms Manufacturing Industry, and its Automobile Industry. Altogether, these make up the large sector of the Space Union economy with the first two having an overwhelming majority of the economy in terms out GDP. The Space Union economy follows a traditional free market, capitalist model with very few regulations besides worker rights laws and anti-monopoly laws. Corporations have a great deal of space to excercise power in the economy, though, their constant competition limits corporations, naturally, from becoming overly powerful. Corporations are also frequent recievers of subsidaries, particularly electronics and medical companies to create medicine and electronics are far cheaper prices than many other nations. This is a the main reason for Space Union's economic success and advanced economy.

The large majority of Space Union is employed in the white collar industries, like the IT and medical fields. This comes to 76% of the workforce is within those two fields alone, while the rest are within the three other major fields. But a grand total of 82% of the workforce is white collar. It was found that 12% is blue-collar workers and around 6% are agricultural workers, or green collars. This allows for the Space Union workforce to be quite wealthy, with the average income being higher than 50,000 Spaco Dollars. The standard of living in Space Union is ranked very high in the world and is amongst the top in its size for standard of living.

The Space Union government has little regulations on the economy aside from its Worker Rights Act and Anti-Monolopy laws. This has ensured that corporations have gained great flexibility to operate and therefore has seen economic growth skyrocket in the past year, fueled by consumer spending and investments from abroad. The Department of Economic Affairs/Commerce is responsible for regulation of the economy, while the Federal Reserve is responsible for the monetary policies of the nation and controlling inflation. In terms of government owned corporations, the only government owned business is the SU Postal Service that ensures that corporate practices do not inhibit mail from reaching citizenry, but besides that the entire economy is privitised. Space Union is also home to one of the best healthcare system, privatised one, in the world. This is because of tremendous subsidaries to the healthcare allowing for an extremely advanced healthcare system that provides the best treatment and care to its customers, yet at prices that are far lower than in other similar high-tech nations.

Major Economic Figures:

  • GDP: $136,426,200,960,000
  • GDP per Capita: $50,230.56
  • Unemployment Rate: 2.3%
  • Major Sectors: Service - 82%; Industry - 12%; Agriculture - 8%
  • Exchange Rate: S$1.00 = US$2.15

Atlantian Oceania on NSwiki
Main articles: Atlantian Oceania, AO QuickInfo
Nation pages: 95X, Acarionne, Amarenthe, Atheistic Right, Az-cz, Bazalonia, Bettia, Bostopia, Chacor, Crystilakere, Delesa, Demot, Falcania, Fmjphoenix, Geisenfried, Hypocria, Iizaarland, Khazaron, Kura-Pelland, Lamoni, Lontorika, Manhattan Prime, Maraque, Milchama, Morgrugyn, Nedalia, New Montreal States, Nojika, Northern Bettia, Nova Britannicus, NSWC Signups, Oliverry, Pacitalia, Quakmybush, Sarzonia, Schiavonia, Spruitland, Starblaydia, Tempalhiyon, The Islands of Qutar, The Lowland Clans, Turori, Ubundi, Unified Capitalizt States, Vephrall, Vilita, Walsallia, Western Afghanistan, Wulaishen
Regional info: Atlantian Oceania Regional Defence Organisation, Atlantian Oceania Regional Free Trade Organisation, Atlantian Oceania UN Voting, Lake Bekk, Major airports in Atlantian Oceania
Sports-related: AO Bowl, AO Champions League, Atlantian Oceania Cup of Association Football (AOCAF)
For more information or to see non-listed pages, please see Category:Atlantian Oceania.