Isselmerian language

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Isselmerian (Islamerian)
Pronunciation IPA:
Spoken in Gudrof, Isselmere-Nieland
Region(s) All four (UKIN); All (Gudrof)
Total speakers 12,552,000,000 est.
Genetic classification

    West Germanic

Official status
Official language n/a
Regulated by Islamerian Taungue Instituit

Isselmerian is a derivation of the Anglic languages brought to the Lethian Islands in the sixth century AD, influenced by the resident Brythonic language they displaced, Anguistian, and the Norse language — Nielandic — that nearly displaced the West German tongues.

At present, the question remains as to whether Isselmerian is a dialect of English or a language unto itself. Unlike defenders of Scots (otherwise known as Lallans (Lowland Scots) or Ullans (Ulster Scots)), academics and laypeople promoting the difference of the local development of Anglic do not have the bulwark of nationalism to bolster their cause. They do, however, have the unwitting support of everyday Isselmere-Nielanders. Despite the decision of Parliament to adopt English, albeit Isselmere-Nielander in nature, as a national language, Isselmerian is the de facto everyday tongue.


Upon first hearing, Isselmerian might certainly be considered another tongue, albeit one closely akin to Broad Scots (braid Scots), with which it shares several similarities. In speech and sometimes in written form, English speakers might notice that the final consonants of some words seem to be missing whilst others are more defined. Those familiar with Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales in the original would no doubt be recognise the semblance between Middle English and Isselmerian; for instance, the dipthong gh is often — but not always — pronounced /χ/ or /x/, as in the Scottish word loch or the German word nicht.

Typically, word order and syntax follow along the lines of English; that is, subject verb object or SVO order. Contractions, however, are common and often confusing to the uninitiated.

Past tense

The past tense, exemplified by -ed in English, is typically represented by -ait in Isselmerian, except when it is necessary to soften the preceding consonant when it becomes -eit. For instance, the past tense of to singe is singeit.

As in English, there are irregular verbs that modify the radical of the verb, such as swam, sang or sung, and told in English. In Isselmerian, these conjugation of these irregular verbs usually coincides with English, although there are differences. The past particple of to tell is telt, and learnt in Isselmerian has three syllables (lā-air-nt).

Languages of NationStates
Major constructed or created languages: Dienstadi | Gurennese | Jevian | Necrontyr | Noterelenda | Pacitalian | Pacitalian English | Rejistanian | Rethast | Riikan | Solen
Minor constructed or created languages: Alçaera | Algebraic English | Alvésin | Ancient Shieldian | Anguistian | Aperin | Avalyic | Baranxeï | Belmorian | Belmorian-Rejistanian | Celdonian | Chicoutim | Constantian | Dovakhanese | Edolian | Eugenian | Fklaazj | Footballian | Galadisian Quenya | Garomenian | Gestahlian | Gosian | Hockey Canadian | Isselmerian | Kerlan | Khenian | Kurma | Kzintsu'ng | Lank Jan | Latika | Lausem | Letilan | Limbruenglish | Mock Welsh | Neo-Virgean | Nielandic | Nord-Brutlandese | Nordaþ | Novian | Palixian | Paristani | Poirih | Rukialkotta | Sandrian | Scat | Schnan | Simple English | Søskendansk | Syokaji | Tetemelayu | Trøndersk | Volscian | Weegie | Weserian | Wymgani | Xikuangese | Yokarian
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For a full list of NationStates languages see Category:Languages.

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Category | Factbook

Categories: Administrative divisions | Constitution | Defence Forces | Festivities | Government | Languages | Laws
Subjects: Capital | Coat of arms | Currency | Economy | Education | Football | History | Lethean Islands | Religion
Monarchy: History | Royal Family
Government: Council of State | DPA | Lords Commissioners | The King | Parliament | Prime Minister | Storting of Nieland
Firms: Detmerian Aerospace | Isselmere Motor Works | Lyme and Martens | Royal Ordnance | Royal Shipyards | Turing-Babbage | UPGO
Products: Isselmere-Nieland Defence Industries