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=== Borders ===
=== Borders ===
The Royal Federation of Geisenfried currently shares borders with the Free Republic of [[Lamoni]], the Soverignty of [[USSNA]], the Empire of [[Nojika]], the Sacrosanct Realm of [[Xile]], and the Warrior Peoples of [[Milchama]].
The Royal Federation of Geisenfried currently shares borders with the Soverignty of [[USSNA]], the Empire of [[Nojika]], the Sacrosanct Realm of [[Xile]], and the Warrior Peoples of [[Milchama]].
== History ==
== History ==

Revision as of 16:40, 7 May 2006

Flag of Geisenfried
Motto: Behold the soaring eagle...
Region Atlantian Oceania
Capital Konigseifert City
Official Language(s) English, German
Leader King Alexander IV, of the Seifert Dynasty
Population 2.25 billion and growing
Currency Geisen 
NS Sunset XML


The Royal Federation of Geisenfried is a massive, socially progressive nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service. Its compassionate population are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt. It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Education, Healthcare, and Social Equality. The average income tax rate is 100%. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Information Technology industry, followed by Book Publishing and Arms Manufacturing. Crime is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare.


The majority of Geisenfried's citizens are Caucasian, with relatively few minority peoples. Within the Caucasian majority, 56% of the population is Anglo/English, while 40% of the Caucasian population is Germanic. However, for nearly its entire existance, Germanic peoples have been in control of government, and German names and the like are widespread. However, in recent years, with the growing of English into a major language, as well as the growing Anglo/English influence, English has become more predominant. Both German and English are official languages, and can be read and written by nearly all citizens of Geisenfried.



Though it is a constitutional monarchy, Geisenfried’s government is in many ways more similar to the three-part government shared by many democracies, with an executive, legislative, and judicial branch. The main difference is that instead of having an elected head-of-state, like a president, the nation is ruled by a hereditary monarch.

Executive Branch

Royal Family and the Line of Inheritence

  • Head of State: King Alexander IV of the Seifert Dynasty, 32
  • Royal Family: Queen Annemarie, 31, Crown Prince Nicolas, 7, Prince Erich, 4, Princess Sophia, 4, Archduke Wilhelm (formerly King Wilhelm X), 65, Archduchess Ellen, 64, Archduke Josef, 63, Archduchess Henrietta, 61, Archduke Karl, 60, Archduchess Catherine, 60, Archduke Bernard, 56, Archduchess Mathilda, 54, Archduke Andreas, 30, Archduchess Rachel, 27.
  • Line of Inheritance: If something should happen to King Alexander IV to make him unfit to rule, or should he abdicate, his son Nicolas would become King Nicolas VIII. However, Alexander IV’s brother, Archduke Andreas would act as Regent until Nicolas reached the age of 18, whereupon Nicolas would gain full control.


The Cabinet is composed of 12 advisors who are chosen by the king to help in administration. To confirm their position, they must be approved by the Senate, Parliament and Supreme Court. Positions include: Secretary of State, Secretary of Social Welfare, Secretary of Social Equality, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Education, Attorney General, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Transportation, Secretary of the Interior, Grand Marshal of the Army, Grand Marshal of the Navy, and Grand Marshal of the Air Force.

Legislative Branch


Congress is the standard term for the combined legislative branch, which consists of the two ‘Houses’: The Senate and Parliament. All representatives from this branch of the government are popularly elected at various times.


The Senate acts as the ‘higher’ house within the legislative branch. Led by the popularly elected Chancellor, the Senate consists of 100 senators, 4 from each of the 25 Federal States. These senators are elected for six–year terms, and may be reelected until they have had 30 years of service, upon which they may not run for reelection again. Unlike other heads of Senate in other nations, the Chancellor regularly votes instead of only to break ties.


The Parliament acts as the ‘lower’ house within the legislative branch. Led by the popularly elected Prime Minister, the Parliament consists of representatives, with varying amounts of representatives from the Federal States, depending on those states’ population. Representatives are elected for two-years terms, and may be reelected until they have had 30 years of service, upon which they may not be reelected.

Judicial Branch

The Judicial Branch consists of the Supreme Court, 15 justices that are nominated by the King and confirmed by Congress to make sure that the laws passed by Congress and the Throne are not illegal by the constitution. They serve their terms until they retire or the King sees fit to remove them, though this measure must also be confirmed by Congress. All other, lesser courts are under control of their respective Federal States


The vast majority of legislative power within Geisenfried is split between three main parties: the Liberal Party, the Social Democratic Party, and the Conservative Party. As of right now, the Liberal Party is the majority, with 44% of the Senate and 40% of the Parliament in control. The Conservative Party and the Social Democratic Party split the job of majority opposition depending on the situation. Currently the Conservative Party has 25% of the Senate and 22% of the Parliament, while the Social Democratic Party has 20% of the Senate and 27% of the Parliament. The Green Party holds the remaining seat in the Senate and most of the remaining seats in the Parliament. The Libertarian Party also holds one seat in the Parliament.



Geisenfried is situated in a temperate climate, not too different than the American northeast. The geography can be basically split into three different regions: the Bergwilhelm Mountains, the Hoher Plateau, and the Weniger Plains, Tectonic activity uplifted the Hoher above the Weniger many millions of years ago, and further disturbances caused the Bergwilhelm Mountains to form.

Bergwilhelm Mountains

The Bergwilhelm Mountains are widely considered the most beautiful natural area in Geisenfried, thanks to the numerous beautiful fjords and canyons that run through the region, created when water eroded through the rock when the area uplifted. Settlements in the region are scattered, tucked in various valleys and small plateaus, but the area consistently remains to be one of the fastest growing regions in all Geisenfried.

Hoher Plateau

The Hoher Plateau, which is several thousand feet up from sea level, follows a hemiboreal climate, with many non industrialized areas covered in evergreen forests. The area is separated from the Weniger Plains mainly by the Adlig Escarpment. On either side of the escarpment, the Treppenhaus and Meereskuste Hills slowly proceed getting smaller, with the Treppenhaus Hills fading into the Weniger Plain, and the Meereskuste entering the ocean. This area has been the primary residence for the Germanic peoples of Geisenfried.

Weniger Plains

The Weniger Plains are relatively flat. Most of the region is flat plains, which are the primary makeup of the agricultural division of Geisenfried: nearly all food produced comes from the region. The exception to this are the areas near the Treppenhaus, which are covered by deciduous trees, and are noted for their distinct and colorful spring to autumn leaf changes. This area remains the primary residence for the English peoples of Geisenfried.


The Royal Federation of Geisenfried currently shares borders with the Soverignty of USSNA, the Empire of Nojika, the Sacrosanct Realm of Xile, and the Warrior Peoples of Milchama.


The Conquests of Wilhelm I

Geisenfried owes much of what it is to today to its first monarch, Wilhelm I, the Conqueror, founder of the Seifert Dynasty. Before his rule, it was simply one of many feudal states that existed throughout the region. However, in 1074, taking benefit of political circumstances, launched a quick series of military campaigns that successfully ended up tripling the land area of Geisenfried, which had until that time, only consisted of what is now the Konigseifert Federal State. As the Germanic princes began noticing, they desperately began trying to obtain land for themselves, in order to oppose Wilhelm’s growing might. However, this played right into his hands, and after defeating his major rivals in the Battle of Schmidtke Hills and the Battle of Dohmen in 1076, Wilhelm achieved domination over nearly all the Germanic peoples, and now had the Hoher Plateau under his complete control. Not too long after, under the pretense of an attack by English ‘barbarians,’(it should be noted that during these times, the Germanic peoples of Geisenfried considered themselves much higher in status than the English peoples, basing their location above the English on the Hoher Plateau as a basis that they had been chosen to be greater. However, most modern historians believe that the two groups were technologically similar, and neither could be considered ‘barbarians’.) Wilhelm drove his forces southward. Caught off-guard by the massive attack, the English did, at one point, manage to build up a large enough force to counter him, but due to internal bickering and backstabbing, Wilhelm broke the English alliance and brought nearly all of what is modern Geisenfried under his rule. When Wilhelm became king of the entire area, despite his prejudices, he wisely realized that major upheaval would occur if he put Germanic princes over the newly conquered English, and, in an unprecedented move, put English princes (loyal to him, of course) to become provincial governors over the English. Due to his enormous role in unifying the nation and of his far-sighted governmental policies, Wilhelm I has reached a nearly legendary status in Geisenfried.

The Reforms of Nicolas V

Eventually, the successors of Wilhelm I began to slowly taking these rights away from the English peoples in Geisenfried, and, during the rule of Karl Josef III, the issue came to a forefront. But before Karl Josef could make any moves, he died of a stroke, leaving the rule in this dangerously unstable time to his young son, Nicolas V. The revolutionaries of the time period immediately began to attempt to dislodge the new king, but before they could carry out their revolt, Nicolas shocked the nation by sending a tide of much needed social and political reforms. He amended the indemnities the English were forced to face, and made major changes to the governing system that reflected the changing times in politics of the world in that era, introducing some of the earliest pieces of Geisenfried’s democratic elements now present today. The English, as well as many in the Germanic lower classes, praised at these reforms. On the other hand, the Germanic ruling class was appalled at this upstart young king, but his popular support was too immense to dislodge. For his great reforms, Nicolas V is known as Nicolas the Wise, and is commonly considered to be another one of the greatest kings of Geisenfried. In fact, a famous little piece of advice within the region goes as this: “In the ways of war, study Wilhelm. In the ways of peace, study Nicolas.” The successors of Nicolas have maintained his reforms and have expanded upon them, bringing about the current government of Geisenfried today. Thanks to their ability to progress and adapt in governing, the Seifert Dynasty has stayed in power for an astounding amount of time, over 900 years, without breaks in ruling power.

Recent History

Recent history of Geisenfried has been tranquil, with the Royal Federation taking few parts in international dealings of today, with many of their international commitments having faded into the past. Though there are some signs of opening more dealings with the world, Geisenfried currently stands as a member of no alliance, though they have cordial relations with a number of nations. However, as of right now, Geisenfriedians seem to appreciate the stable world in which they live.



The Geisenfried Royal Military Forces are both the first line of defense and the arm of offensive strike capabilities. Though these units have rarely seen combat, they continue to be well-equipped and relatively well-trained. The RMF is split into the typical three branches: Army, Navy and Air Force, which is each headed by a Grand Marshal, who has a cabinet position. The Commander-in-Chief of the RMF is the King. The total manpower of the military forces is around 15 million men, or .6% of the population.

Royal Army

The Royal Army is the branch with the most manpower, around 7 million men in both combat and logistics roles, and, surprisingly, the least funding. Because there hasn't been threats to the homeland in recent history, most military funding has been funneled to branches of the military that can easily project their power, namely the Navy and Air Force. Still, the Army isn't totally ignored, as their equipment is up-to-date. The Royal Army consists of the General Infantry Corps, the Armoured Unit Corps, and the Army Air Corps, which consists of helicopters.

Royal Navy

The Royal Navy, with around 4 million men in combat and logistics roles, has been growing in importance as of late, with many military observers noting that many of the large world powers, like Sarzonia and Praetonia, have relied mainly on naval strength. Until recently, the Royal Navy was an carrier-based navy, but have recently begun commissioning big gun and heavy missile ships, like battleships and battlecruisers. The Royal Navy consists of the Naval Fleets, the Naval Infantry, or marines, the Naval Air Force, which consists of the carrier-based craft as well as sub-hunting helicopters, and the Coast Guard.

Royal Air Force

The Royal Air Force, also with around 4 million men in combat and logistics roles, has been the most well funded branch of the military forces, mainly due its control over the Strategic Missile Command, which has the vital role of launching Geisenfried's strategic weapons stockpile as well as defending Geisenfried from any strategic missile attacks. The Royal Air Force also has used a large portion of funds on getting large amounts of aircraft. The Royal Air Force consist of the Air Wings, the Strategic Missile Command, the Satellite Command, and the Aerial Infantry, or paratroopers.


The Geisenfried economy is capitalistic; however, many of the environmental restrictions placed on the corporations have prevented an explosion of the economy. Political favor towards the labor unions has also lessened the economic power of Geisenfried. However, despite this, the economy is still rather strong. The largest company in Geisenfried happens to be the state-controlled Geisenfried National Military Industries Conglomerate, or GNMIC. Due to government restrictions on the production of arms, GNMIC is the only company that has been sanctioned to produce weaponry, and much federal funding has turned it into a colossal company. While the information technology and book publishing industries are stronger, they are split up into competing companies while GNMIC has a monopolistic control on the industry. GNMIC has so far been primarily only serving Geisenfried, but plans to begin major exports soon.



Most citizens of Geisenfried are fans of one sport or another, and most of the country's domestic leagues do fairly well. However, Geisenfried national teams have only recently gotten into the international level, and have found themselves humiliated by a number of stronger teams out there, with one prime example being WC24, where Geisenfried never won a game against any of its opponents. The debacle set back the Geisenfried national football team, which refrained from competing in WC25, WC26, and WC27, but they look to try again in WC28. They have also begun competing within the powerful Atlantian Oceania region, in various sports.The three major national teams are the Golden Eagles (football/soccer), the Lancers (basketball) and the Grizzlies (American football).


The GFL, short for both the Geisenfried Football League and Geisenfried Fußball Liga, is the country's main sport league, as it encompasses the country's most widely loved sport: football (American soccer). The First Division of the GFL, easily the most popular, consists of 24 teams. They are:

  • Club Royal
  • KSC Athletic
  • Hauptstadt
  • FC Konigseifert
  • Meereskutse United
  • FC Haimuller
  • FC Bischoff
  • Horst FAK
  • Spitzen
  • Schlucht
  • Bergwilhelm
  • Brandt Valley-Berens
  • Hohen Vereint
  • Kappelhoffstaat
  • FC Kramer
  • Schmidtke Hugel
  • Schrader
  • Neumann
  • Dohmenburgstadt FAK
  • Meuller
  • Treppenhaus United
  • Grand Federal
  • Weniger United
  • Nicolasia
Atlantian Oceania on NSwiki
Main articles: Atlantian Oceania, AO QuickInfo
Nation pages: 95X, Acarionne, Amarenthe, Atheistic Right, Az-cz, Bazalonia, Bettia, Bostopia, Chacor, Crystilakere, Delesa, Demot, Falcania, Fmjphoenix, Geisenfried, Hypocria, Iizaarland, Khazaron, Kura-Pelland, Lamoni, Lontorika, Manhattan Prime, Maraque, Milchama, Morgrugyn, Nedalia, New Montreal States, Nojika, Northern Bettia, Nova Britannicus, NSWC Signups, Oliverry, Pacitalia, Quakmybush, Sarzonia, Schiavonia, Spruitland, Starblaydia, Tempalhiyon, The Islands of Qutar, The Lowland Clans, Turori, Ubundi, Unified Capitalizt States, Vephrall, Vilita, Walsallia, Western Afghanistan, Wulaishen
Regional info: Atlantian Oceania Regional Defence Organisation, Atlantian Oceania Regional Free Trade Organisation, Atlantian Oceania UN Voting, Lake Bekk, Major airports in Atlantian Oceania
Sports-related: AO Bowl, AO Champions League, Atlantian Oceania Cup of Association Football (AOCAF)
For more information or to see non-listed pages, please see Category:Atlantian Oceania.